OK, I wasn't really dragged, it was my idea, lemme explain.... Sometime in March, my brother Jariah called and said we should all move to Columbus(2 hours away) so the guys could get better jobs. I said that's a great idea, but lets go to Tucson(36 hours away) instead!! (Zion's been wanting to for years.) Everything worked out really fast, so two months later, we were on our way!
I can't see the pictures. All I can see is the top half-inch of each picture. If I try to scroll down to see the pics, then they disappear.
Of course, I guess it doesn't really matter for me. I already know who everyone is.
Justin sent a couple to Zion's e-mail. Sometimes this tree works and sometimes it doesn't. What's up with that?
Also, I found a pic of Aunt Deb from Jariah and Becca's wedding, but I can't find any remotely recent ones of Aunt Barb. The one I sent of Dad and I was last summer in DC, but I scanned it and it is really grainy.
I saw you one time for a short period of time. Where was that taken? Not in Tucson? You're wearing a sweater! But I don't remember seeing that one. One time I could see Zion's torso but it wouldn't scroll up to see his face. Now when I scroll on Zion's name I get those little icons for saving to disk, printing, e-mailing and whatever.
Jariah made the tree, but the blog won't let him use a certain kind of script, so it doesn't always work properly. I think he's going to work on it some more tomorrow.
The pic of me was taken at Brandon's first birthday party in March.
Congrats Shan! Your first spammer!
FYI, you can delete unwanted comments by clicking the trash can next to the comment. I do that to Mom's posts on my blog all the time! JK ;-)
Pretty Cool...
The people on the higher branches can't be seen because my screen isn't big enough I guess.
I think the pitures need to be smaller and it will work fine...I just have to get Jariah to do it :o)
Oh and by the way, Jariah got a job at TEP,he went for his drug est today. It's a 3 month contract but it's ok because he will keep looking for programming jobs.
Congrats Jariah!
If you need a leg up getting a permannet job at TEP you can tell the you are Fritz's (a meter reader from Bro. Geens Church) long-lost kid. You look just like him.
Shanuga, I can't post on your latest entry. Technical difficulties abound.
uuhhh, Shanuga? I don't think so.
Israel, I had the same problem with the latest post. You have to go to the left side of the page under "Recent Posts" and click on the heading of the post.
Ergh, I mean "Previous Posts."
Well, (surprisingly enough:o)) Jariah passed the drug test and started working this morning at 7:30.
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