Thursday, June 15, 2006

You've heard the old saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side..." And I have always heard "of the fence" to complete that saying. Whoever made that up, had never been to Tucson, Arizona! I would like to change that well known saying to "The grass is always greener on the other side of the Country!" Zion keeps telling me that the only reason I'm not liking it here, is because I live in a hovel and we are sharing it. I don't think that's necessarily true, because we drove through one of the "really nice" million dollar homes neighborhoods on our way to Sabino Canyon about 2 weeks ago, (Zion turned too soon) and to be completely honest, I would rather have a $120,000 home in Ohio than a Million dollar home in Arizona, because their "yards" are not yards, they are dirt with catus and other dangerous looking plants. It's all dirt! Everywhere you look is dirt! Then, there's huge mounds of dirt that they call "beautiful mountains". Blech!!

I will admit, that the mountains look pretty cool, FROM A DISTANCE!! (Then, only because you can't tell that they are just big piles of dirt.)

The reason I refer to my house as a "hovel" is because of all the leaks, and electrical problems, and non cool cooler. Below is the actual defination of the word, but I still think it fits. =)
1. A small, miserable dwelling.
2. An open, low shed.


Israel said...

Have you gone to the Mountains? Of course not, because if you had you'd know they aren't piles of dirt they have grass, pine trees, snow skiing, etc. Tucson is surrounded by seven beautiful mountain ranges, with rivers and beautiful foilage of all sorts.

If you want grass in your front yard plant it, get astroturf or paint your rocks green. I think green is over-rated especially if it's covered with snow half the year.

I had a huge garden in my last house, full of fruit trees and exotic plants. It's beautiful but you spend all your time mowing grass, trimming trees, pruning bushes, it's a pain.

Give me low maintenance any day, I'll take cactus and rocks and slow growing trees any day.

The desert is a beautiful and facinating eco-system if you just learn to appreciate it. Get out of the hovel and to the Desert Museum, it's a world-class zoological institution and maybe you'll learn that beauty comes in many forms not just cliche, allergy-ridden green ones.

Jeshanah said...

Actually, I HAVE been to Mt. Lemon and Sabino Canyon (When I was here before) and the combination of altitude and heat made me feel nauseous.

As for us planting grass, that's fine and dandy if we were living in a house we owned but I have already tossed enough $$ down the toilet on this house. I had no problem spending $$ to fix up my old house, because it was mine, and I knew that ultimately I would get it back, however, we are renting this one and I don't see a reason to toss more money to our landlord in the form of home upgrades. We have already done plenty of that with the new cabinets, counters, sinks, showers and floors. (Not to mention all the labor) =)

Okay, at this point, I feel I have to ask you a seemingly obvious question... so here goes...

I rest my case. (When I talk to Israel, I like to use legal jargon like's fun!)

Jeshanah said...

I had trouble WALKING? Since when? You are the one who always has to sit down when we go places, not me. I was having trouble BREATHING because of the heat and altitude.(Or maybe it was the smog of the city) You're a crackhead!