Thursday, June 15, 2006

I am getting the impression that I’m making the Ramirez boys mad at me, (I’m very astute like that) and (believe it or not) that was NOT my intention in starting this blog. The reason I started it was so that some of my buddies back in Ohio could kinda keep up with what’s happening with me. I was mostly doing this for my Holiday Inn buddies so I didn’t have to email them individually. I wasn’t planning to talk to all you Ramirez guys on here, after all, we live HERE now, why should we have to keep in touch over the web? Well, anyhow, I’m sorry if I’ve offended you by “whining” about your precious Tucson, like I said, that wasn’t my intention, but I am also using this blog to express the way I feel so if you don’t like it, don’t log on. I don’t keep a diary, this is it, and sometimes (especially since I moved) I need to vent. It’s very therapeutic and it’s nothing personal. I would have had similar problems if I had moved to Wyoming, Vermont, Egypt, wherever!! And yes, Josh, I know that I am blessed to have such a wonderful Husband and family, but don’t forget, I have a whole other family 2,000 miles away and it should be understandable that I wouldn’t be overly thrilled with leaving everyone and everything that I have know behind, but I did it and I’m willing to stay here for 2 years and to give it a try. I’m not superwoman, so I shouldn’t be expected to act like I have no emotions or that I love to live on (what looks to me like) mars. (Venus, maybe… mars, no) Well, you know where I stand, I’ll be posting what I’m feeling on here, regardless if you guys approve or appreciate what I say. Like I said, it’s nothing personal. How could it be?


Israel said...

You haven't made us mad.

Didn't Zion tell you about us? Our family isn't nice and civilized like yours we yell at each other and call each other names and express our love through insults. We lack the civilizing influence that females bring to the picture, if you have too much testosterone and not enough estrogenic chemicals floating around this is what you get.

When you're part of this family. You've gotta learn to take it and dish it out. Just ask John who was privy to all of the venom and vitriol in our fantasy football league message board last year.

I personally love discussing the relative merits of Tucson vs. Lima, Small Town vs. Big City, Urban vs. Rural, Democrat vs. Republican, Ketchup vs. Mustard or whatever.

I understand the fact that you're missing your family and that you are undergoing culture shock, but whether or not you like Tucson is in large part entirely up to you.

Every community has it's good and bad attributes, you just have to be open-minded enough to give a place a fair shake.

It also depends on what you like to do. I personally like to live in a community with a nice, vibrant university (with a good basketball and football team) an educated populace, an arts scene, fun things to do, good jobs, people who are young and progressive and non-Republican.

If you live in a small town or a little island somewhere the lack of opportunities means that the best educated and the brightest go elsewhere for opportunities and excitement. This is called a "Brain Drain."

Without the best educated and the brightest around your gene pool is trapped and stagnant and the mental midgets that stay procreate and have kids that grow up to be Republicans.

It is bad to have a stagnant gene pool because no one with half a brain ever wants to move into your little burb and hang out with the dregs of humanity and anyone with half a brain wants to move away as soon as possible.

It's a vicious cycle.

Tucson is a vibrant, growing city, with a decent University (Go Cats) and some interesting things to do. the gene pool is pretty diverse and new people are attracted to the area all the time. It is still enough of a small town that people are still nice and not as stuck up as people from the big cosmopolitan cities like New York or San Francisco.

Is it too hot in the summer? Yes. But during the Winter like heaven.

Will you learn to like it? Depends, if things keep going like they are, probably not.

P.S. Tucson is more like Mars not Venus. Venus is Mars' feminine counterpart. It is shrouded by clouds and mystery. According to Wikipedia very little is known about Venus' internal structure, it is highly explosive (volcanic) contantly changing and it has a very dense atmoshere. Sounds like a woman to me. That's why they say women are from Venus.

Mars is hot, rocky and barren. You gotta be tough to survive in a desert environment like that. Frapucchino sippers probably won't make it. That's why they say men are from Mars.

Anyway, don't censor yourself. American is all about the exercise of free expression (at least it was before the Republicans took over.)

I will be here in the "Marketplace of ideas" to set the record straight and shower you with loving insults.

Jeshanah said...

Ketchup is OBVIOUSLY better than mustard. No contest. I thought you were smart...

Hully said...

Mustard sucks...

Israel said...

Typical Republicans...

Mustard is great. All that flavor and no calories, plus it costs pennies.

And look at all those varieties of mustard. Plus it's in the Bible and ketchup isn't, cuz there isn't any such thing as a ketchup seed.

The other thing that bothers me about ketchup is the fact that Ronald Reagan had it declared a vegetable in typical dumb Republican fashion. He did so while attempting to cut funding for school lunches for children living in poverty.

He declared that because schools had ketchup and, according to Reagan, ketchup is a vegetable, funding to ensure school lunches were balanced by including vegetables was unnecessary.

I believe stupid Republicans are also behind the different spellings for ketchup. What's up with Catsup? They're just trying to insure that Republicans who run for office have two chances to spell it right. I'm sure little Georgie Bush couldn't spell catsup if you spotted him a "C" and an "A."

Remember Mega-Rich and Mega-Dumb Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Dan Quayle?

He devoted an entire chapter of his autobiography to the fact that Qualyle (a former journalist cuz his Daddy owned the paper) got outspelled by William Figueroa a 12-year-old sixth-grader from an inner city school.


"Figueroa knew how to spell potato, and he wrote it in a legible script on the blackboard when Quayle announced his word for the spelling bee.

Quayle looked at the blackboard, then at his contest card, and gently and quietly told the boy, "You’re close, but you left a little something off. The e on the end.

"So William, against his better judgment and trying to be polite, added an e’’ and won applause for it from those assembled in the classroom, including Mayor Doug Palmer, Quayle wrote.

The misspelling wasn’t mentioned until the end of the press conference afterward, when one reporter asked Quayle, "How do you spell potato?’’

"I gave him a puzzled look, and then the press started laughing. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized anything was wrong,’’ Quayle wrote."

Israel said...

Another Republican dietary habit that's been bothering me:

Your obsession for:

"White Chocolate Mocha Latte"

"Wow!" I think you called it.

Isn't it bad enough that the disease-ridden Europeans killed all the Mexican and South American Indians and stole their chocolate, now they have to turn it white?

Is that because they think white is better than being naturally brown?

How racist and oppressive!

And then these Europeans charge so much for this white chocolate that our brown cocoa-colored brothers can't afford it?

Think about that the next time your sipping a Latte.

See Jeshanah, I can whine even better than you can.

Furthermore, my complaints about your complaining are even better than your original complaints.

You need to turn it up a notch.

'Nuff said.

Jeshanah said...

If Starbucks had a milk chocolate mocha latte, I would probably prefer that, but, I don't own Starbucks, so they don't let me pick what's on the menu. (I've only been there about 4 times in my life. I would bet money (Not alot) that you've been there more than that)

Plus, all my "Complaining" has been factual. I'm not making this stuff up! it has actually happened. I had every intention of loving it here, but everything has gone wrong and so far it hasn't been good at all. (Tucson doesn't make a very good first impression)

One more thing, wasn't the guy YOU voted for last times wife named Theresa "Heinz" Kerry??!

Jeshanah said...

Oh, yeah, one more thing Smarty Pants, You were trying to argue with me, and you actually agreed with what I said origionally, you just expounded on it. Mars versus Venus! Reread it buddy!! You ACTUALLY AGREED WITH ME!!! MWAHAHAHAHA<--- evil laugh...

Israel said...

I love Starbucks! My favorite is the Mocha Frappuchino! I used to get it all the time until I realized that it had over 1000 calories in it.

New Topic:

Heinz makes makes mustard and relish too.

Plus I like their "It's in there!" advertising slogan.

When people ask what my kids are I can just say "Heinz 57" and they understand what I'm talking about.

Mexican? It's in there! Asian? It's in there! Caucazoid? It's in there! Black? It's in there! Native American? You get the picture...

So like Mustard, the name Heinz stands for diversity.

Little known fact:

Heinz Ward, the last Superbowl MVP is half Black and half Yellow (Korean) and people called him "Bruce Lee-roy" and "Blackie Chan" when he was growing up.

To make up for his lifetime of suffering (at the hands of Republicans no doubt) the Heinz-Kerry family paid a lot of money to name the Steelers home field after him. See how nice Democrats are?

And now Heinz Ward plays at "Heinz Field" home of the Steelers whose colors are appropriately enough, Black and Yellow. And if they hadn't been Black and Yellow I'm sure Art Rooney would have changed them to Black and Yellow to make him feel more at home.


Go to your grocery store and see how many different brands and varieties of mustard there are. You will be surprised and humbled.

You will find grey, brown, yellow, oriental, Chinese, Indian, French, everything except white mustard. All cheap and delicious.

Plus Grey Poupon is fun to say. even though some people feel alittle self conscious asking for it:


Man Who Actually Needs Grey Poupon Unable To Bring Self To Ask

August 30, 2000 | Issue 36•30

ABERDEEN, MD–Sophie's Sandwich Shop patron Louis Worth, a longtime user of Grey Poupon dijon mustard, could not bring himself to ask for the product Monday when he actually needed it. "There's usually a bottle on one of the tables, but this time there wasn't," Worth said. "I actually said 'Pardon me' to the guy behind the counter, but then stopped in my tracks. I realized that if I actually asked, the guy would probably act all funny and say, 'But, of course,' in a rich-guy voice. So I just ate my turkey sandwich without it."

Jeshanah said...

You spend way too much time researching idiotic facts about mustard. Ding ding ding, round one is over.

Israel said...

Josh, Becca, Crackhead, whoever,

Good news at:

Seems like St. Joes who sued mom for unpaid hospital billed got sued themselves by a San Francisco firm, for price-gouging and charging uninsured patients five times as much as other patients.

Mom needs to sign up for her share of the settlement money.

Seems the little sisters of Carondelet are price gougers.

Israel said...

Have her gather up any copies of medical bills etc.

I'm happy to say that years ago I called up Lieff Cabraser and told their lead attorney what they did to mom. They weren't suing for Arizona at the time, but I think they expanded it, because the suit settlement now includes Arizona.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why attorneys rock.

They'll sue anybody including the priests for molestation (The Tucson Diocese declared bankruptcy) and the nuns for price gouging (St. Joes get's its comeuppance for trying to take away a widow's house.

When I told St. Joes attorney about that, the scumbag said, the Little Sisters of Carodelet don't care about that.)

Well now they do care...