Thursday, September 04, 2008


Sharla said...

It's beautiful! I love it. whatever it is! :)

Cyndi said...

How about TWINS??? One of each would be lovely, especially since you are not thrilled with this sick stuff! I bet one baby is hiding...

Creative video that leaves us in suspense!!!!

However, if there is just one baby - I am still voting for a girl!

But I think those feet looked like Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps'! Might be a boy... or a girl with size 13's.

Cyndi said...


I just talked with a friend of mine. Her grandchild was due this week - every ultrasound indicated that it was a boy. The mom had actually had four ultrasounds because she was a high risk.

The baby was being born, and when they could see the baby's head, it had a huge amount of hair. The dad said "He has to have a haircut this week", then another push and the doctor said "He is actually She!"

They had not one girl item, millions of boy outfits, and no girl names picked out. She didn't have a name for 24 hours, but they settled on Gabrielle.

So maybe it is better not knowing...

Unknown said...

It's a puppy!!

Jeshanah said...

ummm, don't call my kid a puppy.

BeccaHolsapple said...

Adorable video! Can't wait to meet him or her :o)
I love it that it pointed up like Brandon! Maybe it's a boy after all!

justin h said...

i for one think it is kinda odd that your showing pictures of your insides on the web . But i am ok with it hehe. i still say it is a baby

Sharla said...

Which goes to prove that Justin is smarter than PMB!

Jeshanah said...

Yeah, I don't know how PMB could get that confused. Isn't it written somewhere that people have people, dogs have dogs, cats have cats, etc.... unless he's calling me a dog, which means I'm gonna have to have my big brother mess him up a little bit for me... ?

Sharla said...

He won't be able to do that, PMB packs heat. He is armed and dangerous. That is why I brought up the murderer thing on the other thread, Snoopy is friends with PMB, I was trying to warn you, don't get him riled!

Jeshanah said...

Bummer, I did not catch that.

Israel said...

Snoopy friends w/ PMB huh?

Should've known...

Israel said...

I don't wanna see anymore videos unless they show us a crotch shot.

Israel said...

Sharla were the DRs who did those 4 ultrasounds from Ohio? Bet they were...

Surprise is overrated, no matter what Gomer Pyle says.

If you find out earlier, you'll just be surprised then.

Jeshanah said...

uhhh, Cyndi did the post about the 4 ultra sounds, not Sharla. Sharla probably doesn't know. (but my guess is Indiana because the town where Cyndi is from is on the Ohio/Indiana border and the hospital is on the Indiana side of town... I think.)

Sharla said...

Israel Ramirez! What is wrong with you?! Watch your mouth!

Jeshanah said...

Yeah, Israel, just what kind of site do you think I'm runnin' here?!

Jeshanah said...

Cyndi, they've already checked to make sure they didn't miss any babies on both ultra sounds... there's only one. Sad too, because I've been wanting triplets for years... only one pregnancy that way. ;)

Israel, It'll give me something exciting to think about during labor... that's why we don't wanna know what we're having till we have it. That way, after all the pain I will have the relief that at least now I finally know if it's a boy or girl! =)

Israel said...

"Crotch" is not a bad word.

The "crotch" is where you have to look if you want to know if it's a girl or boy.

It is a perfectly fine word. So don't get all crotchety about it...

Israel said...

I'm guessing if those Indiana / Ohio Drs hadn't miss that day in Dr. class they wouldn't have been so confused...

Cyndi said...

Actually the four ultrasounds were taken in Ohio by brilliant, qualified doctors (of course, because they are Buckeyes!)

But we in Ohio know that some things are determined by God and we aren't always let in on the information beforehand, no matter what technology we use!

One thing we do know is that it isn't a wrinkled little raisin...
because it's feet are too big!

BeccaHolsapple said...

The same things happened to my sister with her third. They told her twice that it would be a girl and it turned out to be a boy. I think it was more of a surprise then it would have been if they had not found out, lol!
She already had a girl and a boy, so it wasn't too dramatic in her situation.
She is in Canada though, healthcare is not great up there.

Sharla said...

"Don't get all crotchety about it"!! Now That's funny! Finally you're showing some hint of the hilarious and fun to be around guy that I know you to be. My best friend, Cyndi, was no doubt starting to doubt my sanity as well as yours. From now on, be funny! I mean it! You're making me look bad here!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry Jeshanah. I promise to make no further comparisons of juvenile canis lupus familiaris to your (likely) adorable offspring.


Sharla, you cut me to the quick! If Justin were giving me a good working over, it's probably because I deserved it and I'd take it like a man. I love you guys.