Friday, August 29, 2008

I have my 20 week ultra-sound on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd! This is the one that if we wanted to, we could find out what we're having. I don't think we're going to, though. I've always thought that I would rather be surprised when the baby is born... but the closer we're getting I'm kinda thinking maybe it would be easier to just know. I don't know... thoughts?

On a slightly separate note, for those of you who are keeping tabs, it has been almost 10 whole days since the last time I was actually sick. That's a new record and doubles the old record!! Wooohooo!!! (I've felt like I was going to be sick a few times since... but I haven't and it's still major progress!) Sorry to gross you out, but I'm really excited about it! =)


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BeccaHolsapple said...

I am thinking you will cave in and find out once you are there!!!Since you can't wait until your birthday to open your presents and always try and figure out what you are having before Christmas comes around... Let's just say I have my doubts ;o)

justin h said...

i already know what you having. it is called a baby you could just be satisfied by knowing that and leave it at that or you could cave and find out what the sex of the baby is.

Sharla said...

Lol Becca! I think you're probably right on this one. Patience is not one of her strong points. y guess is they'll know but try to keep the rest of us in suspense! ;)

Cyndi said...

It is for sure that Justin is going to be the baby's smartest uncle, because he knows it is going to be a baby one way or the other! LOL

I say find out! Even if you don't want to share the news with all of the mere mortals of your kingdom, at least you and Zion will know.

And I am glad that you are feeling so much better!

Sharla said...

I don't have a blog of my own, but there is big news here in Lima today, so sorry to change the subject, Shan.


I could barely get across town to work this morning because of all the hubbub.
We heard rumors yesterday that he would be attending a Lima church this morning. That black church on the South Side that I just decorated was having it's first service this morning in their brand new church. When your dad and I were there a few days ago finishing up a project, the sherrif was there as well as some political activist guy who reminded me of some Black Panther from the seventies. They and a group of other men were talking about Barack Obama. When I heard yesterday that he was coming to a church here, I knew it would be that church. I was so excited. My decorating was going to be on national news!
But what does he do? Turns out Obama doesn't go to the South Side.
No, he went to a church on the safer, cleaner North side of Lima, and all my beautiful decorating goes unoticed by the national media yet again.
I guess he's a typical bi-racial man who is afraid of black people.

Cyndi said...


Well, that is a bummer - but who needs Obama to get your talents noticed!

Why don't we invite Sarah Palin to your toy store???? They are looking for places in Ohio to meet middle America.

I don't usually get too fired up over politics, as they come and they go and there is good and negative in each.

HOWEVER, I am VERY excited over Sarah Palin as VP. I think it was a brilliant decision (McCain surprised me with this one! I love a risk taker and this was risky!)

Who would have expected him to select a middle-class, Pentecostal, gun-toting, moose eating, very pro-life, hockey mom from Alaska with five beautiful kids? Who fishes for salmon and snowmobiles in her spare time? And loves her husband that she calls the First Dude! How cool is that?

I say it is about time we have a person who is not a mealy mouthed politician and is not afraid to take on the good ole boy network and corruption in the government! We don't need an experienced politician, we need someone who sees what needs to happen and really listens. Her inexperience will work in her favor.

Yea, I am on my soapbox!!! And I am excited enough about this one to campaign to get her in office!
I've been impressed with her actions as governor in Alaska.

And apparently she was noticed as a potential VP pick, because a college sophmore from the University of Colorado started to blog about her last year and felt that she was the perfect choice for VP. Anything can happen in America!

So, invite Sarah Palin to LOVE and LEARN!!!

Sharla said...

Yea, I like her too. She seems like someone we could be friends with. I agree with you also that she might bring something other than politics as usual to the table. How refreshing!

Of course the main consideration in all this is when Shan's baby is born. which I suspect will be a girl, there could be actually be a female VP!
(Shan hates it when we go off topic and into politics!)

Jeshanah said...

ROFL, Mom!! Nah, I only hate it when Israel goes off topic and into politics! =P

You and Cyndi can talk about whatever you like. =)

Cyndi said...

I think the baby will be a girl too. Just a feeling...

And I will stay off my political soapbox today!!! Wouldn't want to start a hurricane storm on here...

Anonymous said...

Excited about Sarah Palin as a VP?!?!


E-92 "And so, this... I... I won't have time in this meeting to tell you. In 1933, this is a woman's nation. It's the number thirteen. It appears in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation: thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, thirteen... Everything's a thirteen. Everything is a woman. And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time. She'll either be President, Vice President, or it'll be the Catholic church as a woman. I've seen her: A great woman, the nation bowed to her. It'll be one before the end time. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Write it down and find out, you young people. See if it happens. If it isn't, I'm a false prophet."

In other texts he says she's a beautiful woman, or possessed nice features, but cruel at heart and deceptive. Palin was former runner up for Miss Alaska. If McCain wins, she could very well fulfill the prophesy without ever becoming President.

and of course...

E-22 The word of the little lamb that rose up in Revelations 13, a lamb. Two little... Probably a little horn--civil and ecclesiastical power. But after is lamb, freedom of religion and so forth. But after while, he spake like a beast, like the dragon, and exercised all the power the dragon did before him, a bitter religious persecution. We're nearing that time.
You remember, Church, that you're living in the best day that you've ever will live in, right now, until Jesus comes. It shall gradually... Not gradually, but rapidly get worse and worse.
When Russia goes down there to get that oil, look out. That's all she needs. That's what the prophet said it would do. And we're ready for it then.
So Church, get ready to meet Christ. He's sending great revivals and meetings, and stirring the full Gospel people. Signs and wonders appearing everywhere, Great wonders to draw His people together. And one day He shall come, the deliverer.

It would seem to all be coming together very rapidly if Mccain wins.

Cyndi said...

Yes, I am still excited about Sarah Palin as a potential VP. Anytime a person has good morals, strong beliefs and is willing to take a stand in a political arena, I have great respect for that. And she will get my vote.

If Bro. Branham said it was THUS SAITH THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time, then it has to come to pass.

And if we are believers then we believe it will happen. But he said it would be one of THREE things, (President, Vice-President, or the Catholic Church).

Many, many places he typed the Catholic Church to a woman.

However, in my opinion, we have to be very, very careful to not interpret things according to our human way of thinking. Just because this is a beautiful woman running for office does not mean that this is the person he saw in his vision. It might be all three in place before the end of time.

I grew up hearing lots of people in the Message attach great importance to the year 1977, and they lived their life thinking that the world as we know it would be over in 1977. Many rushed to get married and have children based on that thinking alone. Some didn't go to college or prepare for a future because they thought there would not be a future.

I graduated in 1977 and that has been 31 years ago (longer than you have been alive). The world is still moving forward. Each generation thinks the next can not get worse.

I believe that we can not measure time and events as God's time is in His time and HE alone knows the hour.

But as I am waiting for God's word to happen, I also still live in the wonderful USA (very thankful for that blessing) and as a citizen that God placed here for a reason, I will exercise my right to campaign and vote for a candidate that I believe appears to stand for something good. (No one will be perfect - and I just hope for a decent leader while I am still living here!)

Another thought - a woman who is cruel at heart and deceptive, would most likely have aborted an imperfect child and encouraged a pregnant teenager to have an abortion so that it would not hurt HER political aspirations.

People's lives reflect their hearts and I see a mother with a lot of love for her children - that alone says so much!

Just my thoughts and beliefs... for what they are worth.

Unknown said...

Only one problem, Zion.
Sarah Palin is Assemblies of God and they are strongly anti-Catholic.

Anonymous said...

He didn't say she would be catholic. He said that it might be the catholic church. He never said for sure that it would be a catholic woman, unless you see it somewhere I missed.

BeccaHolsapple said...

Bro. Branham said to live your life as if the rapture was tomorrow but plan it as if it would come in a hundred years.

He never said Thus Said the Lord: the world will end in 1977. That was a personal opinion. Which simply turned out to be wrong.

It think all Zion is trying to point out is that if McCain is elected and Palin becomes the vice-president it is a clear sign that the end is near.

But whether Sarah Palin gets to be VP or not, we are getting closer and closer to the end. As Cindy pointed out, 1977 was 31 years ago, which means we can only be that much closer. We should all be aware of that and get spiritually ready.

There, I've had my say! :o)

Unknown said...

True, he did not say the woman had to be Catholic. I don't think the woman would have to be either, just amenable to Catholicism and/or ecumenicism, since the US ultimately fulfills a role in the Beast system.

This is my personal opinion, but I think
Bro. Branham's vision probably has some Catholic tie-in since he always mentioned the Catholic church when recalling that vision. Yes, he said a woman president, VP, OR Catholic Church.

But, we are bound to have a female leader sooner or later. Other countries have had them, so female leadership isn't that remarkable on the scale of things. Which is why I'm more inclined to lean towards the Catholic option.

He also said "great woman." I think Sarah Palin IS "all that" and a bag of chips, but great? That's yet to be seen.

Still, intriguing stuff.

Sharla said...

I can hardly wait for Israel to weigh in on this. I am sure it is all driving him crazy! He is probably reading and just biting his tongue! I hope when he does comment, he actually says something he believes and isn't just spewing liberal talking points. I especially hope he doesn't paste every negative thing he's ever read about Republicans. That is so boring and we already agree on that stuff anyway. Anyway, I do hope he puts his twocents in, he comes across so intelligent when he puts his mind to it. ;)

Cyndi said...

Becca - well stated! We should live our lives like we are leaving in a blink of an eye and plan for the next one hundred years and Bro. Branham certainly did say that.

And I also agree with Paul-Michael that Bro. Branham's vision seemed to be the Catholic Church, because he said that it was a great woman and the nation was one and bowed to her. This nation is so divided on political parties that I can't see all parties agreeing on any one woman in office, even if she was all that!

Not to change the subject, but this is Jeshanah's space! Do we have any baby news or is it a secret until January???

Israel said...

Reason number 56,165,576,056 why I believe in God.

Crazy nutjob evangelical Dr. James Dobson asks other evangelicals asked to pray for it to rain on Barack Obama's nomination. he gets clear skies while a hurricane (on the anniversary of Katrina) mars the Republican Convention.

Now I don't believe God had anything to do with this, next thing, but the next day of the convention we have a shooting spree that kills six and wounds two, which doesn't look too good for the gun portion of the Republicans "Guns God and Gays" platform.

Plus in the few short days since McCain named his V.P. we find out that her husband is the member of a radical secessionist group, she lied about not supporting the bridge to nowhere and her 17-year-old daughter is a pregnant unwed tart.

Israel said...

Yes, I am "so excited" that a failed former beauty contestant who has spent most of her career as the mayor of some podunk town of 6,500 Alaskan yahoos has the chance to be President when McCain kicks the bucket and he will, cuz he's an ancient dinosaur.

I also think it is so cute that McCain's former mistress (and current wife) addressed the nation at the convention.


No seriously folks, I have seen the "Great Harlot" and she lives in the heart of every churchgoing Republican that has sold his/her soul and common sense to support a ticket that includes an admitted adulterer and a woman who can't even teach her own daughter how to keep her legs crossed.

Maybe if she had spent more time in the Igloo she would have at least gotten that right, huh?

Unknown said...

Obama's own mother was an un-wed 18 year old - pregnant from a MARRIED man. You don't want to go there.

And, Obama's own wife has spewed some rather derogatory comments about the country for which she hopes to become first lady. So, if you're comparing spouses...

Finally, Obama is running for President, not VP. Besides, Palin probably makes more hard executive decisions in a month as Governor than a US Senator makes in his entire career. Even then Barack "community organizer" Obama never DID HIS JOB as senator. 80% of his votes were a gutless "present." And, he wants to be tasked with making executive decisions?

(Sorry, Jeshanah...the liberal talking points just kinda sorta made me a little irritable. I promise to behave now.)

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Maybe Joe Biden could teach Sarah Palin some parenting skills, seeing how he did such a great job with his offspring.

"A son and a brother of Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, The Washington Post reported, citing court records."


Sharla said...

Oh, brother.

Seriously, SOMETIMES Israel does sound intelligent and actually makes sense. Obviously not this time, but occasionally. :)

Israel said...

RE: James Dobson, actually the guy who heads his political group did, but he's responsible***

That's right up there in the evangelical hall of shame with the time Oral Roberts’ told his TV audience in 1987 that if he didn’t raise $8 million by a certain deadline, God would “call him home.”

Imagine that, God holding Oral Roberts for ransom for eight million dollars. I guess those pearly gates and streets of gold don't pay for themselves, huh?[:D]


Stuart Shepard's video asked everyone to pray for God to smite Denver with "abundant rain, torrential rain ... flood-advisory rain."

James Dobson's Focus on the Family employs Stuart Shepard to make short, "clever" religious-right videos for the evangelical powerhouse. Shepard creates these videos regularly, and most of them are entirely forgettable.

Last week, however, Focus unveiled a new video, asking politically-conservative Christians to pray for rain on Aug. 28, in order to disrupt Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

At least Palin has actually GOVERNED. While she was mayoring her little town, Barack Hussein Obama was busy being a "community organizer." Woopdeefreakindoo. (Pardon my French.)

If Obama is qualified to be president, then Palin is overqualified to be veep.

Israel said...

Hey you asked for it. (specifically)

Geez!! maybe Obama should build a time machine and go back and keep his mother from sleeping around. It's obviously all his fault that he didn't.

And Biden's son is in financial difficulty and being accused of stuff? I guess Biden didn't sit him down on his knee when he was a tyke and give him the ol' heart-to-heart about how to run a hedge fund, huh?

But seriously, I think if Brother Branham was around he would see all these Republican Robots infiltrating the Churches and call it what it is, akin to a dog going back to it's vomit.

If politics are of the devil, then you guys are responsible for successfully doing the devil's handiwork for at least the past eight years. You've been doing a good job too, because the country is in the toilet, so congrats!

Israel said...

Read your scripture:

As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

Haven't you guys (and Ohio especially ) done enough damage to the country for the past eight years. Isn't it time to stop inflicting your mistakes on everyone else?

If Ohio as a whole followed Palin's husband lead and left the Union, the world as a whole would be a much better place...

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Speaking of political party members hoping God brings down rain on their opponents... *cough*michaelmooredonfowler*cough*


Hey, Michael, if God revealed his plan to you, to destroy the United States, then why in hell did Cuba get 150-mile-an-hour winds from Hurricane Gustav and New Orleans was basically spared? Your precious health care paradise, Moore, you bloated bigot, got 150-mile-an-hour winds in a God-created hurricane.

Why indeed. lol

Israel said...

Palin "Governed" a very small (population-wise) state for only 20 months...

The rest of her career she was mayor of a town of 6500. Mayors don't even govern cities, The City Manager and the city council as a whole do and a mayor has no more power than any other council member.

So Whoopde freakin' do!!

Israel said...

Speaking of Ohioans, Jerry Springer was mayor of Cincinatti (population 331,285) so maybe he should be Vice President.

Israel said...

Alaska population 670,053

Chicago Population 2,833,321

Representing Chicago (itself) exposed Obama to far more complex problems than those involved in governing Alaska a state with far more Moose than people.

Israel said...

And the folks in Alaska can't even count:


Less than two years ago GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin, now governor of Alaska, was mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town outside Anchorage.

Much has been made of how small the town is, as Democrats and pundits use it to cast doubt on her preparedness to run for office and, if necessary, serve as commander in chief.

But no one can agree how small the town is.


The New York Times today referred to: "Wasilla, a growing suburb of Anchorage with fewer than 7,000 residents."

The Washington Post, meanwhile, quotes two different population figures in two pieces today. In its news story, Robert Barnes and Michael Shear referred to "Wasilla, which has a population of about 6,700." But in an editorial, the paper wrote: "Her executive experience consists of less than two years as governor of her sparsely populated state, plus six years as mayor of Wasilla (pop. 8,471).

Yesterday, I wrote: "Before becoming governor, Palin served two terms as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 9,800 people".

The Denver Post, in an editorial entitled "Palin an odd choice for VP", wrote: "John McCain... has picked a running mate who just two years ago was serving as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, population 5,470."

So what gives?

According to the census bureau, the definitive source of US population figures, the last census tally, in 2000, revealed a population of 5,469. The bureau's 2007 population estimate, which I cited in my story, had the town at 9,780 residents. The difference between the two figures is huge, approximately 79% growth, but there is no disputing it's a small town, approximately one twentieth the size of Barack Obama's Illinois state senate district.

Sharla said...

I take offence at the name calling of the 17 year old daughter. In the first place, she is 17. You or I know hardly anything about her character. It is possible that she is a "tart" sleeping around with every guy she can entice. On the other hand, she may an honorable young woman who made one mistake with the young man she loves and is marrying. She may be somewhere in between. But she is seventeen and NOT running for office of anything. I like to think the name calling is beneath you.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin has 20 months of executive experience.

Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama has none. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada.

Now I'm not the greatest at math, but I am pretty sure that 20>0.

Jeshanah said...

You are all completely insane! Just a question for thought...
what good does it do for you all to argue about something we can't even control on a blog?

Sharla said...

It is kinda fun, Shan. We are getting very close to the election now, and these times they are a changin'. It is a very interesting time for our country, of course sometimes we gotta talk about it. Nobody is mad, we just all think Israel is nuts. Nothing new there. ;)

Jeshanah said...

I personally think you're all a little nutty... but as long as you're havin' fun, carry on. =)

Sharla said...

(Except for Israel of course, who is sure in his mind that we are all very ignorant.;))

Jeshanah said...

At least you're not baiting him. Poor little fishy, doesn't have a clue. haha

Cyndi said...

Name calling of a teenager is absolutely offensive! The children are off limits.

The media is behaving in a very low and disgusting manner right now with their dirt digging and I for one, have written our local paper expressing how I feel about children being the focus of this political campaign.

I am ashamed at the adults making this 17 year old go through a world wide media blitz to portray her in a negative way. She has accepted the decision she made to have sex with her boyfriend and is planning to have the child and get married. Enough said! It was a responsible response.

By the way, all of the children appear to be beautiful, well-raised individuals and I can tell that their parents love and protect them.

Dogs to their vomit is right, stooping low enough to involve innocent kids and go after petty things, like a 22 year old DUI record! Looks like alot of people are really rattled and fighting dirty.

The ancient dinosaur and his VP are going to win this election!!!

Also Israel, Dr. Dobson might not be the crazy nutjob you think he is - I think the Democratic Convention certainly was rained on! McCain's VP selection is all anyone is talking about - guess the country forgot all about Obama and old what's his name!

I have been to Wasilla - I estimate the population to be about 9,000 people and a few moose!

Sharla said...


Unknown said...

I think all the vicious lies and rumors about Sarah P are because, for the first time since Nov 2006, the libs are scared - scared stiff they could lose the Presidential election.

Unknown said...

Nothing says "Israel was here" quite like a 45+ comment post.


So, boy, girl, or don't know?

Jeshanah said...

I'll be doing a proper post on that later in the day. Zion has to help me with the video. =)

Sharla said...

See, that's what I mean. It's always more fun when Israel joins the party!;)

Jeshanah said...

Yeah, we don't get near the comments without Israel riling everyone up. The rest of us can usually just get along and post one comment each. (Gotta admit though, more posts = more fun! As long as they aren't those boring ones like my mom was talking about earlier.) =)

Sharla said...

And it is absolutely fabulous to have Cyndi join us in this! My hats off to your highly intelligent response, your witticism and your zingers!

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Mmmm... Zingers. I love Zingers. Although, I'd have to say that Swiss Cake Rolls are my favorite....

Sharla said...

I think all those things taste like the plastic packaging they come in. Except for Hostess cupcakes. They are delicious.

Jeshanah said...

The brownies with the little nuts on them are pretty good, too. (not quite homemade, but still pretty good.) The strawberry shortcake things are okay, too.

Is there really a snack food called Zingers? I'll have to look for those, do they taste anything like bon-bons??! Cause, those are my favorite! ;)

(I just love beating that dead horse!) hahaha

Cyndi said...

Yeah, it is more fun when opposing views meet for a discussion!

It is a pleasure for this Ohioian who isn't leaving the Union to share blog space with all of you and a Californian liberal - brings lots of smiles!

And you know how it is, I hear alot of elegant speeches from Democrats and they never say a THING!

Bring on the Zingers!.....

Yeah Shan, we are a little nuts! Thanks for sharing your space with us!

Jeshanah said...

It's my pleasure, at least it gives me something to read at work. =)

I wonder if Israel is gonna post again. It's been a while. I bet he is starting to come around to our way of thinking, but rather than ever admit it, he'll just disappear for a while. (Or else the "little fishy" thing made him mad...)

Sharla said...

He sure gets mad easy...

Cyndi said...


You are so right - these times are bringing a lot of change. I found this in my e-mail and thought I would share.

Subject: A Woman's Right

This is the story of our Grandmothers, and Great-grandmothers, as they
lived only 90 years ago.

It was not until 1920 that women were granted the right to go to the polls and vote.

The women who made it so were innocent and defenseless. And by the end of the night, they were barely alive.

Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of 'obstructing
sidewalk traffic.'

They beat Lucy Burn, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the night, bleeding and gasping for air. They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold.

Her cellmate, Alice Cosu, thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart
attack. Additional affidavits describe the guards grabbing, dragging,beating, choking, slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the women.

Thus unfolded the 'Night of Terror' on Nov. 15, 1917, when the warden at the Occoquan Workhouse in Virginia ordered his guards to teach a lesson to the suffragists imprisoned there because they dared to picket Woodrow Wilson's White House for the right to vote.

For weeks, the women's only water came from an open pail. Their
food--all of it colorless slop--was infested with worms. When one of the leaders, Alice Paul, embarked on a hunger strike, they tied her to a chair, forced a tube down her throat and poured liquid into her until she vomited. She was tortured like this for weeks until word was
smuggled out to the press.

So, refresh my memory. Some women won't vote this year because--why,
exactly? We have carpool duties? W e have to get to work? Our vote
doesn't matter? It's raining?

It is jarring to watch Woodrow Wilson and his cronies try to persuade a psychiatrist to declare Alice Paul insane so that she could be permanently institutionalized. And it is inspiring to watch the doctor
refuse. Alice Paul was strong, he said, and brave. That didn't make
her crazy.

The doctor admonished the men: 'Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.'

We need to get out and vote and use this right that was fought so hard for by these very courageous women. Whether you vote democratic, republican or independent party--remember to vote. History is being

Note from Cyndi: Seems like the current media is acting like the prison guards. I suppose that 'Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.'

Israel said...

Mr. H, why didn't you point out that McCain has Zero months of executive Experience. Zero Zilch, Nada, none, zip?

You know just to be fair about it...

As for the 17-year-old having unprotected sex, I don't blame her, I blame her mom for not teaching her.

And you know that Republicans would be having a field day if Barack's daughter was a libidinous trollop like Palin's daughter appears to be.

Cyndi said...

I heard that Israel was taking an extra long lunch today (they are serving FISH!) so that he could get his political party switched to Republican!

So glad he came to his senses!!!

Sharla said...

He just can't stop with the name calling. It is so disappointing.

Sharla said...

Have you had the pleasure of meeting our revered agtagonist, Mr. Israel Ramirez, in person? I always come to his defense on here because I did spend some time with him after the wedding and have talked with him on the phone several times over the years and find him to be the perfect gentleman and always delightful. I cannot say what happens to him when he nears a keyboard a what forces take hold of his poor delusioned soul.

Israel said...

Well you don't like "Tarts" but you like "Zingers" and "Twinkies" so who can keep track of your delicate sensibilities?

For the rceord, there is nothing wrong with choosing to be a tart or a libidinous trollop, but if your momma's gonna run for office in the Holier-than-Thou-"Family-Values" Party maybe we should look into her Family's values.

As for you who say "I don't blame her husband for his political affiliations. I'm not electing her husband, I'm voting for her."

If Palin gets elected, the closer he gets to the White House. The more idiots isolated from power the better. George Bush is proof of that.

Jeshanah said...

LoL, Cyndi!

Question for Israel, how do you know it was "unprotected" sex? Were you there? The pill is only what, 99% effective and condoms even less so.... just sayin.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm actually slightly agreeing with Israel on this one, but I'm not sure Palin is all she's cracked up to be by the republican party.

Sharla said...

I didn't call YOU a twinkie. I didn't label Cyndi a zinger. If you truly don't know what name calling means, then I guess you just can't be held accountable.

Cyndi said...

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Israel in person, but I certainly can't wait! He sounds like someone I could debate with for hours! If he can think that long...

And you know I like Sweet Tarts! They are the ones that kinda bite back!

Sharla said...

Also, for the record, there IS something wrong with choosing to be a tart or a trollop.

Sharla said...

Rofl, Cyndi

Jeshanah said...

Israel is the brother that came to mine and Zion's wedding.

Israel said...

I was a perfectly delightful gentleman, but I suffer from the curse of above average intelligence.

I don't take kindly to the fact that the country that I love is being run by fools, idiots and hypocrites.

The worst part about it is that the general populace is too ignorant to realize it* and they keep falling for the same tricks over and over again.

*Not you guys though, you guys are really smart but youse guys (knee-jerk evangelical jihadists) are just just in denial and loathe to admit the fact that you guys are the main reason our country is in the toilet.

Denial is a defense mechanism of the highest order and because the economy is so bad you guys probably can't afford the psychotherapy necessary to come to grips with the consequences of your mistakes.

It's OK, just admit it and I'll forgive you...

Cyndi said...

Maybe I did meet him! Well, we must not have discussed politics, because I wouldn't have forgotten him!

Anonymous said...

I also don't agree with alot of what McCain has done in the past. The thing I do like about McCain, not saying I'd vote for him, but I do recall seeing him at a town meeting where a woman was wearing a "McCain doesn't care about women" shirt, and he went up to her, gave her the microphone and let her tell him why she felt that way. I think that's more than Bush would have done. At least McCain listens.
Does that mean he's the best man to run this country, not neccessarily. On the other hand, I've heard Obama is a good listener too. I haven't seen this myself, and his message of "change" seems to keep changing into more and more left wing idealism.
Personally I don't think it matters who we pick, this nation is headed towards one of the hardest worst recessions in known history, and there isn't anything either one of these candidates can do about it.
Democrats want to tax and spend, republicans want to borrow and spend, and their game is just about up.

Cyndi said...

Oh, my sister is a therapist, so when I get too overcome by the DENIAL DISEASE, I just go over and lay on her couch! It really helps!

Israel said...

"Also, for the record, there IS something wrong with choosing to be a tart or a trollop..."


Aren't trollops and tarts worthwhile people, who spread joy (and diseases) to millions of lonely men everywhere?

Aren't they worthwhile human beings? I think so...

I'm just glad she is "Pro-choice." She "chooses" to be a "trollop" and then she "chooses" to keep the baby.

That is so incongrous with what her mother is trying to do, which is take "choice" out of the hands of the individual and give it to the goverment.

Israel said...

Hooray for Zion finally growing a brain!!

Maybe my efforts aren't in vain after all!

Cyndi said...

Quite honestly, I don't know who would want the office! Having to work with all of this mess would be a nightmare!

Jeshanah said...

His brain has nothing to do with you, my dear. =)

Israel said...

Tarts are delicious! Especially with a little butter...

Cyndi said...


You better rethink this! I have heard that above average intelligence insanity runs in families...

Sharla said...

He's got us there guys, what do you say? How about we just submit to his obviously superior intellect and admit it, he's right. Then he'll forgive us for all the error of our ways and just wink at our stupidity as it were. Sounds great, huh?

Sharla said...

He really grows incoherent.

Sad, really.

Sharla said...

The thing that you try most to hide is what you make obvious to us all. Me thinks he does protest too much.

Cyndi said...

I tried to say it, but the words - well, they just wouldn't come out!

My mamma raised me to believe in Truth, Liberty and Freedom!

Sharla said...

The truth will out, and you yourself fighting against yourself seem determined to see that it does.

Sharla said...

Lol, Cyndi. I was just trying to throw the poor guy a rope, and not so he could hang himself. I really do care about him, even when he spews venom.

Jeshanah said...

To be quite honest, I have no idea who I will be voting for this time around. I might not even bother this time for a couple reasons, 1 they are both failing to impress me thus far (maybe that will change during the debates) and 2 it seems like it might be kinda pointless since I live in AZ and one of the candidates is from here. He'll win AZ either way.

Unknown said...


I disagree. It does matter who is elected and I'm not so certain we are headed towards a catastrophic recession.

The Bible says that in the end we will be planting, building, giving in marriage, etc - it all sounds rather prosperous. I don't think our test is necessarily financial hardship. It's staying faithful in the midst of Satan's Eden and prosperity. (I could be wrong and yes there is a "squeeze" comming...however that manifests).

As to leadership, it matters for one reason. With a Republican in the Oval Office, there should at least be a veto check against a Democratic congress, and it's a small break on the socialist machine. The alternative is Sheriff Bart working in concert with the libs to stack the courts with activist judges, destroying our Constitution.

Otherwise, I don't want to have to make the choice of disobeying my Constitution or disobeying my President. With BHO and his deplorable stance on the Bill of Rights, that choice would probably be inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Paul Michael,
You may disagree, but this country has done the same thing fiscally and is headed towards the same path that has destroyed countries for the past 2500 years. It happened to the Greeks, the Romans,and many other great civilizations throughout. Rich people are preparing for it, and they admit its coming. You may not agree, but I have the past 2500 years backing me up on this, plus some prophesy from Bro. Branham as well.

Israel said...


You haven't even begun to see venom...

This is just me playing patty-cake.

Why should I waste my breath trying to convince people that are so deluded they believe that just because Palin can row a kayak she is now qualified to be Captain of the Titanic?

Well at least she'll know what an iceberg looks like, I guess...

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

The Greeks and Romans were destroyed by their prosperity, not their poverty. Bad examples.

Sharla said...

Wasn't the iceberg the key thing to know about if you were steering the Titanic? Bad example!

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Israel is right about intellectualism, though. The Dems sure have the corner on the market there. I mean, really, who can argue with the articulate, well-reasoned logic of the likes of Puff Diddy or whatever he's calling himself these days.

"Alaska? Alaska? Alaska? Alaska. Ala-- Come on, man. I don't even know if there's any black people in Alaska. What in the [beep]? ALASKA? You're bugging the [beep] out. Sarah Palin, you ain't ready to be vice president. Alaska Mother[beep]er? What is the reality in Alas--? There's not even no crackheads in Alaska! There's not even no black people. There's not even no like -- crime or, uh, uh like -- Foreign policies, you all may be versed on foreign -- foreign policies. You all need to get versed on black policies and youth policies. We the future. John, you're bugging the [beep] out, man.

No crackheads in Alaska? No crime? For Pete's sake! Forget veep! Let's make her the prez!

I wish the whole video was still up on YouTube because it was just, wow... It left me speechless it was that bad.

Jeshanah said...

ROFL, John.

Sharla said...

All the dems sound alike to me. :)

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Diddy in full effect, yo!

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

But wait! There's more!

"I don't even know if there's any black people in Alaska."

Well, it just so happens that African-Americans make up 4.72 percent of the state's population, which is below the national average.

However, in Diddly's 'hood -- Alpine, New Jersey -- they make up just 1.51 percent. There are 33 blacks where Diddly lives, 32 if you don't count Diddly.

Diddly, you just buggin' me out!

Sharla said...

Ok, I went there. Maybe I was wrong. Mr. Diddy does seem to make a little more sense than most of the other dems I hear.

Anonymous said...

That is not a bad example, those are perfect examples. That's what going to happen to us. Our prosperity is going to kill us too. The thing is it's not Real prosperity, its Fake Made Up prosperity. It's printing currency with no backing behind it. Its the false sense of prosperity. It's the same exact thing we are doing now, printing funny money.

Unknown said...

The Greeks and Romans had paper currency and a federal reserve? Who knew?

Rev 18:3b
...and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

Rev 18:11
And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

Doesn't sound like a depression to me. *shrugs*

Mr. H. Maybe Mr. Diddy just needs to read a few maps. Ask Ms Teen SC. Then US Americans can find the Alaska and such and help the caribou.

Unknown said...

Isn't that the same Diddy who, last week, was asking his Arab "brothers" to donate jet fuel for his private plane so he didn't have to suffer commercial flights? LOL!

Cyndi said...

You know, I didn't see very many Puffies or Diddies in Alaska - he is absolutely right!

But I sure saw a lot of grizzly bears that perhaps Ole' Puffy should have a conversation with. The image of Puffy scrambling up a tree with his gold chain should make an excellent YouTube sensation!

What a mess he is...

Anonymous said...

YOUR TALKING ABOUT ROME. THEY WILL PULL US OUT OF THat, sorry about the caps. I didn't say rome would be in trouble financially, I said The US would be. And it will be, just like BB said.

Anonymous said...

Well technically the whole world will be in trouble because of the US, but the catholic church will pull us out. They will take the financial market into their hands and control it. Then they will be destroyed which is where that verse comes in.

BeccaHolsapple said...

Wow! One hundred comments!!! Technically the last one was posted twice so it shouldn't count. So this one should be #100!

Anonymous said...

I put in mine 2x so technically THIS is the 100th comment! Not the last one

Jeshanah said...

Becca's is the 100th because I deleted Zion's duplicate post already. I see no reason to leave duplicate posts on here. =)

Unknown said...

Zion, The Bride does leave before the tribulation. While there will be a squeeze of some sorts, I'm not convinced it will be as dramatic as some people's imaginations would indicate. Bro Branham didn't tell us explicit detail on everything (one time it's 6 mo, another 30 days, etc). To whichever view we subscribe and quotes we cite, it still must match scripture (thief in the night).

The timeline is a bit fuzzy and at which point the US experiences its demise, when it needs a Roman bail-out, and how public it will even be (how do you know it isn't already in motion) are a bit unclear (at least to me).

Unknown said...

Yes, I know Rome is destroyed in the tribulation and the timeline for Rev 18, but I'm inclined to believe (just my opinion) that they are already fulfilling their role with the merchants of the earth.

Anonymous said...

SO When you think of great financial powers of the earth, Rome comes to mind??!!??

I don't personally think that's come to pass yet. It think it will be VERY OBVIOUS when that happens.

I guess I'll just have to disagree w/ you there PMB.

Sharla said...

What? You call that disagreeing? True, each of you stated your case and your reasons for your opinion, and your opinions are not the same, but come on! Where's the insults? Where is the name calling? Neither of you really even talked down to the other one! How can you disagree with someone that way? You both seem alsmost respectful of the other's right to have an opinion that is not your own! What's up with that? You both coming off looking mature and intelligent...where is the fun in that???

Unknown said...

Actually, yes.

Not that you'll find anyone trading shares of 666 on the New York stock eccchange, but they must have their assets invested someplace. Bro Branham indicated they hold the wealth and gold of the world so it must be so. And, I'm sure it isn't all just hoarded in some giant vault beneath Vatican City, Scrooge McDuck style. The wealth is most likely spread out through every major market and financial institution on earth. It has to be for them to be in any position to rescue or influence world markets.

Sharla said...

This is where you should just proclaim that you are smarter than everyone else in the room and declare yourself the winner!

Anonymous said...

Sharla loves provoking Israel. Don't you Sharla?

Sharla said...

Quick, make up something horrible about Zion's sister!

Sharla said...

Would I do that?? :)

Anonymous said...

ok a couple points.

1. BB already explained that the 666 is not computers bar code or any other such device, like stocks. It's the number of a MAN.

That man being the pope. He showed us that already.

2. The wealth of the world isn't dependent on Gold right now, not making them a force to recon with. The whole world is on fiat currency. currency based on the promise to tax citizens in the future. We are not on a Gold Standard.. yet. Whenever that happens and currency is backed by thin air, inflation always becomes and issue, and 2 things happen, (1) either currency once again becomes gold backed or (2) the currency ceases to exist. I'm guessing the US currency will stop, and we will have to pay the catholic church for gold back currency. They will have all the world's wealth. It's happened before time and time again, but never to the whole world at once. That's whats going to happen this time, and it will be the whole world having to give into rome. Rome will be a powerhouse and there won't be any question about that.

Sharla said...

I'm pretty sure PMB was joking about the shares of 666.

Israel said...

While you guys are joking about Puffy he's laughing all the way to the bank.

He's a black man that came from nothing and built a billion dollar highly-diversified empire with his talent and smarts.

I guarantee you he is smarter than just about anybody in Ohio and much more qualified to be president than Palin he's gotta be at least twice as smart as Schwartzeneggar.

I've talked to these rap moguls before and they may be lots of things, but they aren't idiots.

Puffy for President Yo!!

Israel said...

Wasn't the iceberg the key thing to know about if you were steering the Titanic? Bad example!


Sharla -- too bad the Titantic didn't miss the iceberg the same way you missed my joke...

Israel said...

You remind me of those girls from Ohio who complained about the end of the movie "The Titanic."

They said they were really disappointed that the ship sank at the end. And the movie would have been much better if they had just found a way to save it.

To quote Carlos Mencia. "That's Dee Dee Dee!"

Jeshanah said...

Mom, Zion doesn't have a sister!

Anonymous said...

I think that was the point.

I can hear it now, "Hail to the chief" would be rewritten, "Shout out to da man!"

Sharla said...

Okay, so explain it to me. Did you choose the Titanic because the country is headed for disaster? Does it really matter who is the captain if it really is the Titanic? Did you choose the Titanic because of the iceberg tie-in so it relates to Alaska? (that was sorta clever, by the way) I guess you were saying she is so incompetent that unless the president would need to field dress a moose or build an igloo or something, she would have no value. Is that right??

Sharla said...

Lol, Zion

Cyndi said...

Puffy is definitely my idea of brilliant, especially when he uses all of those eloquent four letter words! If I were running for office and he was bringing in votes for me, I would refuse them!

No amount of money will bring the ghetto mentality out of him...

No sir, I am staying with the current nomination, because I like the new slogan of
"Our Mama beats your Obama!"

I will take that to the bank!!!

Cyndi said...

Who would Puffy President's VP be?

Israel said...

Now you're catching on Missus Sharla!


Cyndi said...


Now you forgot, Sarah VP can also shoot the moose before she dresses it out.

Course, she kayaks out to fish for salmon and cooks it in her Igloo.

What more could the men of America want???

Sharla said...

lol Cyndi

Sharla said...

See, Israel, I can be taught! ;)

Sharla said...

"Our mama can beat your Obama" that's catchy, I like it!

Sharla said...

There is only one obvious choice for The P. Diddly's vp. He'd need someone extremely brilliant and well-spoken to match his own brilliance and speaking effectivness, not an angry man of course, but someone with some righteous indignation. I think we all know the perfect candidate. ;)

Cyndi said...

Now I am LOL!!!

You are absolutely right - perfect choice!

Elisabeth (Bauer) Holsapple said...

Wow - congrats guys! I do believe this is the longest string of comments ever. I must say I've enjoyed reading all of this! :) I've gotten a lot of laughs and even a few chuckles...

I can't help but make one small comment about something Israel said (at the risk of being shredded, then again perhaps his was intended sarcasm...) :)

Israel: "I guarantee you he ("Puff Diddy") is smarter than just about anybody in Ohio and much more qualified to be president than Palin he's gotta be at least twice as smart as Schwartzeneggar.

...that's not saying much - at all. Unfortunately, that comment didn't refute the "stupid Ohioans" - just more or less made our points more valid - in my opinion...

Oh well - Pray continue - I do enjoy this...the best in a long time! :)

On another note - Jeshannah - I was glad to hear you're starting to feel a little better. I've been praying for you. When is your exact due date again? I can't remember...?

K - well enough from me. I'll go back to the side lines and read. (where's the popcorn?) :)

Sharla said...

Move over sister, make room for me on that soapbox! Our darling Sarah just hit it out of the park!! WWOOOOHHHHOOOOO! That speech was phenomenal! Our mama beats your Obama! Hands down!!

Cyndi said...

You betcha sister!

After listening to Sarah Palin speak, I would say that she definitely has a few more skills than just dressing a moose and paddling a kayak!

Washington needs to look out - there is a new kid in town!!!

"Our Mama has some SPUNK!

Sharla said...

I watched it on CNN. Even they were scrambling to try to figure out how to make anything negative out of it. They had us listening to the star spangled banner for crying out loud while they were trying to come up with something. Then they had us watch some country singer sing "Raising McCain" It's a lot of fun. Those democrats are in trouble!

Cyndi said...

Rudy G had some zingers too!

She is a really poised speaker - must have been all that failed beauty pagent training! Hee Hee...

Did you see the youngest daughter holding the baby? And trying to make his hair lay down by licking her hand and rubbing it over his head!!
What a nice looking family... They would certainly be one of the most unique and largest families to move into office.

Sharla said...

CNN is still scrambling to figure out how to spin this. They've brought in Bagalla who is always a great sopping wet blanket, but even Mc??? whatever her name is says she was touched by her. Fox is replaying her whole speech. I am trying to listen to parts of it again. It was as good as it could possibly be!!

Cyndi said...

I know - the gloves are off now! If we thought they were nasty in the past few days, they will be gunning for her now!

She is going to win over the middle America voter, even Democrats! She sees change through fresh eyes.

I was impressed before, and this intro speech confirmed it...

Anonymous said...

You know... looking at all this hoopla, the question came to me. How much do we really know about these candidates? Behind all the rhetoric and all the name calling and picking and character assasination and scandals, what do we really know? How many of you can name a single law or motion that Palin, McCain, Obama or Biden have signed in the past 6 months.

See this whole thing is just a game. They always attack the experience issue? Experience?? What exactly is this skill "experience" that the candidate needs to be able to make a good President. I would argue that one can have 100 years of experience of making bad decisions. How does that make a difference. I think the thing we need to look at more is what are the actual decisions the candidates have made.

I don't think we need a candidate with experience in everything, I think we need a candidate who knows how to admit that they don't know everything about everything, but knows how to identify the individuals who make differences and have succesfully accomplished the goals that we are striving for. They need to empower those people to make a difference and listen to advice.

A doctor most likely isn't a great historian, a historian doesn't make a good business man, and a good business man doesn't neccessarily make a good dentist. All these people may be brilliant in their own field, but none of them are brilliant in everything. We need someone who can identify problems, find the right people to solve those problems, and make them work together to solve those problems.

Common people, lets expand our minds. Look beyond all the witty one liners and look at what are the strengths and weaknesses of everyones leadership. Where have they done well and where are they lacking. Where have they contributed and where have they taken away? Each candidate has these strengths and weaknesses in each area, but which candidate is actually brilliant enough to find ways to really solve problems? Thats who I want to vote for.

Anonymous said...

Kind of a funny note.
I was looking at the Database of decisions on I remember during the DMC, Obama said that McCain votes "with the president" 90% of the time, and that he just didn't want 10% change. He talks about how he's so different from "Politics as usual", but when I looked at the historical votes of Senator McCain and Senator Obama, I noticed that McCain votes with his party 88.3% of the time, where Obama votes with his party 96.0%, according to
congress/110/states/il/ and
congress/110/states/az/. If anyones hoping Obama's gonna change anything other than the same old democratic ways, I find that hard to believe.

Sharla said...

Good comments. Did you see any of the speeches from either convention? Did you get to watch Sarah Palin tonight?

Anonymous said...

I just watching the RNC where they are just finishing up playing Palin's speech.

It was a strong speech. She really is exploiting the fact that Senator Obama has not had near the experience she has with working with governments and bringing about changes. She relied heavily on the achievements that she has made in Alaska, showing she went against oil companies and created a surplus in Alaska. She attacked Obama saying that he does not support drilling and that he is hurting our attempt to become free from foreign oil. I think it was well delivered.

I think it's kinda funny that she's more a keynote speaker than John McCain, who just came out afterwords only to say, "Don't you think we picked the right Vice President?" and then left. It seems like the fight is really between obama and palin.

I don't think that the democrats are going to attack her as easily as they thought they were going to.

I'm really wondering what this has done overall picture nationally.

I think they have the tools to beat Obama. I didn't think that just a couple weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I did see the DNC, and it was quite a sight. He presents a good image of a charismatic leader. But overall, nothing really specifically compelling was said. It seemed to be alot of the same old rhetoric and social program promises made. He seems to be trying tell Americans that the government will be able to take care of them, however I find that highly unlikely.

I personally don't trust the government to take care of its people as much as I trust people to take care of their own needs. I think that the Canadian health care system is a perfect example of what can happen by socializing health care.

There are two sides, on the one hand, health care is only afforded by those who can pay for it, and get the best care. On the otherhand everyone gets care, but its all mediocre care to poor care. Its scarey the kind of care canadians get. If a person would save the amount they pay in Canadian taxes to pay for medical insurance other than "social healthcare" they could no doubt get the best kind of insurance available.

I personally don't like paying into medicare and social security knowing I'll never get anything out of it. I work from January to April right now for the government, and that's a sickening thought.

Now something are neccessary, like roads, and parks, and military and the essentials to run a country, but I don't think that many of the things I pay money toward every week will ever be able to help me. And I don't trust government to be fiscally responsible when it comes to caring for my health, my retirement and my welfare.

So honestly, I don't like it when Obama talks about some of these social programs he's going to be bringing. It all sounds good, until I realize that they are asking me to pay for it out of my own pocket.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Jeshanah said...

This post has the new record for most comments ever on my blog. The old record was 106. (Just thought that was kinda fun to tell everyone.)

Hopefully Zion will get my pictures/video on a new post today. He would have done it last night, but he didn't wanna miss the convention on t.v.

You guys will all be free to continue this debate on here or on the new post, enjoy! =)

I'm with EB, where's the popcorn?!

Unknown said...

Cindy sez:

"Now you forgot, Sarah VP can also shoot the moose before she dresses it out.

What more could the men of America want???"

Hmm. Well, as a guy, I'd like her to be more attractive than the moose.

You say she was a beauty pageant contestant? Well then. What more indeed?!

(hey, don't want to tarnish Israel's stereotype of moronic male buckeyes).

Jeshanah said...


Cyndi said...


You are an honest male Buckeye!! I think she does qualify as more attractive than the moose!


Did you ever think of running for office yourself? You are very good at analyzing and presenting the issues. And you are a thoughtful voter - I like that!

Hmmm - maybe your brain has grown larger than Israel's...

Cyndi said...

What??? Did everyone go to sleep?

Or did Zion decide to hit the campaign trail and you are all working for him?

Anonymous said...

I was just waiting to see if anyone else was gonna say anything.

thanks for the vote of confidence cindy.

Sharla said...

I have been very busy on a project for the store today, Christmas is just around the corner you know. I can't usually spend so much time on here, but yesterday was just too much fun with so many of us on.

By the way, for those of you who haven't seemed to notice, Cyndi spells her name C-Y-N-D-I, not C-I-N-D-Y.

Our mama beats your Obama!

Sharla said...

I'm assuming we've lost Israel due to Sarah's speech. He no doubt realizes what an idiot he's been to be cheering on the wrong side and is embarressed to admit it. I know you're reading this Israel, come on in, the water is fine!

Israel said...

I didn't watch her speech or any of the other RNC or DNC convention speeches either. All she is doing is reading the word's of a professional speechwriter (Bush's no less) off a teleprompter. Just like your local weather person or sportscaster does. A trained monkey could do that.

Conventions are all about seeing who can drop the most balloons and such nonsense.

It's just a bunch of meaningless pablum, propaganda and spectacle (on both sides) and only the most politically naive among us would take anything said at the convention seriously.

That's why I don't waste my time watching that drivel. seems like you guys enjoyed it though. ;)

Cyndi said...

There is just no accounting for what some people consider entertainment, is there?

Some people are impressed by intellectual creatures like Diddy.

Some people like trained monkeys from Alaska.

Oh well, each to their own!

Unknown said...

A good speech writer will tailor their words for and work with the speaker.

Even then, the prompter was broken. Betcha the liberal talking points newsletter didn't mention that.

You missed a good one.

Unknown said...

Bush generally gives pretty awful speaches.
If his speech writer is wholly responsible, Sarah VP must be an absolutely amazingly talented communicator to overcome that handicap. ;-)

Israel said...

Bush gives awful speeches because he's an idiot.

Palin was a TV news reader (they are not reporters) who used to read the sports scores and stuff to people in Anchorage so she knows how to talk on camera. If McCain wanted to pick a former beauty contestant and TV personality he should have picked Deborah Norville so we could have something really nice to look at.

And even if the prompter was broken (which I doubt) I'm sure she rehearsed mouthing the speech writer's words countless times.

We sophisticated voters understand that it's all a bunch of tripe. Sound and fury signifying nothing...

Sharla said...

ROFL Israel! You are too hilarious for words. :)

Cyndi said...

Let me keep record here...

Current President Bush is an idiot.

President Elect John McCain is an ancient dinosaur.

VP Elect Sarah Palin is a trained monkey news reader who should have spent more time in her Igloo.

Puffy for President is guaranteed to be smarter than ANYONE from OHIO.

And the person who made all the above statements is.... (drumroll)

A sophisticated, perfectly delightful gentleman voter, that suffers from the curse of above average intelligence.

Sharla, I should have taken your lead yesterday.

I guess this little ole country Buckeye WILL just have to defer to this superior brain power!
Words fail me!

Cyndi said...


How's the popcorn??? Any new videos to watch??

Sharla said...

ROFL Cyndi! Hysterically ROFL!! I know! You seriously have to meet the real man someday, he's like jekyll and hyde! I do have one little clue to his bizarre behavior. It seems he doesn't really think any of us are real when we are just on his computer screen this way. He once told Zion when he and shan were dating that he should get a REAL girlfriend, not just someone out there in computerland. They never chatted on the computer untill after they had met at Louisiana. I'm not really sure if Louisiana is real in Israel's mind or not, maybe that was like Louisianaland or something and didn't count as real either. But when he was here, we must have seemed real to him then, cause he was great! The perfect gentleman! Gracious and fun and interesting! I know, it's hard to believe, he doesn't play well with others on here, but seriously, It's just the computer screen that twists his mind. I am sure of it! ;)

Jeshanah said...

He probably still thinks of me as "Jeshuga Hornsapple", that might explain why he can't pronounce my name....

Cyndi, the video is up (Finally!)and the popcorn was great. (Kettle corn almost always is! Sweet and salty, just the way I like it!)

Cyndi said...

I am sure that Israel is a charming and intelligent man.

After all, he is Zion's brother!

I have heard that when you lean too far to the left, that it causes problems like we have witnessed here (delusions, euphoria over imaginary elections wins, rap mogul mentality). So sad really...

Maybe being in therapy with some healthy, normal, mid-western people from Ohio will help!

I am willing to do everything I can.

Sharla said...

We've all been trying for years now, and frankly he seems to be a hopeless case. I think you may have come on the scene just in the nick of time.

Jeshanah said...

He was in school too long, they warped his mind. (Get it? Get it? Like a "school" of fish??! Aww, common, that's funny!)

Daniel Arant said...

Wow. I thought I was arrogant, I really did. Then Paul Michael told me to read Jeshanah's blog and I saw Israel's comments...

I have to question the intelligence of someone who can look a moron like Obama in the face and take him seriously.

Take his stance on immigration. He's constantly complaining about the plight of the poor and middle class, yet he has no problem with letting a million people every year spill over our borders illegally. Gee, Barack, what do you think is going to happen to wages when a million undocumented persons willing to work for a pittance are allowed in to the country every year? This guy MUST have cheated his way through law school.

Anonymous said...

aye! Snoopy - amateur..

I see you haven't argued with Israel much. First of all, I don't think anyone is just "letting" undocumented workers come in, they just are. If people are willing to do just about anything to get to our side, its really hard to stop them short of killing them.
Secondly, don't you see that Israel's going to jump all over that saying McCain is letting them over. He's the Arizona senator is more on the front lines of that battle than Obama has ever been.
Don't shoot yourself in the foot.

Daniel Arant said...

Amateur, eh? I've debated more people than I can count on a wide range of subjects. Israel is nothing new.

"I don't think anyone is just 'letting' undocumented workers come in, they just are."

Unfortunately, that's exactly what's happening. We have laws in place to discourage it (if not stop it altogether) but leaders in all levels of government (including President Bush) are simply refusing to enforce them per their own misguided convictions that illegal immigration is beneficial. It's very simple to stop them when you have a FENCE like the one congress put in law, and which the Federal government has failed to construct to any significant degree. So yes, people are literally letting illegal immigrants into the country.

I never said that I was a huge fan of John McCain, so how can Israel "jump all over" my statement?

Amateur? Really?

Daniel Arant said...

By the way, does "condescending" run in your family? ;)

Anonymous said...

If you think constructing a fence does anything, I suggest you take a walk along the border right between nogales and arizona. Just sit there a few minutes and tell me what you experience. Explain to me how a fence is going to stop people from digging a 12 mile long hole so large you can drive a truck through it under the earth that comes up on the other side of the border.
Tell me how a fence is going to stop people from taking tools and making thier own holes and running in 10, or sometimes hundreds, while the border control is busy trying to manage the people that are legally going through borders.
These are realities that happen everyday, when you tell me how these fences can solve the problem. Let me know, let all of us know.

When you see the problem first hand, it changes your perspective.

These people aren't dumb, and they won't just let a silly fence or even 150 miles of desert stand in their way.
But what do I know, I do only live 1 hour from the border.

Jeshanah said...

Sorry Snoops, but you are cracking me up almost as much as Israel usually does.

Anonymous said...

I understand you've debated alot of people.

But Israel's a lawyer, he does that for living. You can't leave holes open for him to walk through, like the border fences between mexico and the US have.

Daniel Arant said...

So you're saying that we should abolish any law or measure that isn't 100% effective? Since homicide laws don't stop all murders all of the time means we should discard such laws? The fact that robberies still occur despite police coverage means that we should dispense with municipal police departments? The border fence might not stop all potential illegal immigrants all of the time, but that's no reason not to build it. If it cut illegal immigration just 50% it would pay for itself in very short order.

As to tunnels, the fence won't prevent them from digging holes across the border, but the subterranean motion sensors that are part of the same law will. Hard to build a "secret tunnel" when the border patrol knows exactly where it is.

I understand that many of these illegal immigrants are hard workers who just want to make a better life for themselves, but the simple fact is that there are just as many hard-working Mexicans who ALSO respect our laws enough (however unreasonable those laws may be) to wait patiently to enter the country LEGALLY. Allowing illegal immigrants in by the millions is nothing short of a slap in the face to those people. The answer is to make LEGAL immigration easier. Reward those who would respect our laws, not those who disregard them.

Sharla said...

"By the way, does condescending run in your family?" TOO FUNNY!!I am laughing so hard I can barely see through my tears to type! Go get 'em snoopy!

Daniel Arant said...

I know Israel is a lawyer, and I hope his arguments in court are significantly better constructed than his rants on Jeshanah's blog.

The point is, I didn't leave any holes.

Sharla said...

I am assuming he just tells the judges that they are ignorant hicks and insults the other lawyers untill they'd all rather just lose the case and go home where they can enjoy rational conversations with their wives. ;)

Daniel Arant said...

Besides, there are a ton of people who teach for a living who have absolutely no idea what they're doing. Just because Israel is a lawyer doesn't mean he's a GOOD lawyer...

Sharla said...

It's my understanding that he is a high priced lawyer and a well paid lawyer, I think we're are supposed to go by those indications and jump to the assumption that he's a good, perhaps we should say great, lawyer!

justin h said...

i know i am a little late to jump in here but i do have a question about the the country going down the tubes. Has anyone pointed out that early in bush's presidently the economy was going great and everyone was making all kinds of money. And then after a midterm election all of the sudden just like two years ago something changed... OH wait didn't the democrats take over congress then? i wonder if there would happen to be a connection. and Israel i know that you think bush is an idot because that is what you were told however i only think what i want to think and am wondering what makes you say that your president is an idiot. Yea he has done some things that i dont agree with also but i dont thing that qualifies him as an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Don't try to put words in my mouth. I didn't say anything about discarding any laws, nor do I believe we should, but you are trying to make the point that the only reason the government is letting immigrants come through is because they don't enforce the laws that they have in place. I'm simply saying what they have in place already is not enough. The fence is not enough. And the amount of miles that the fence stretches, it would cost us more in these subterrainian sensors than the immigrants would be costing us. It just wouldn't make any sense.

What I was saying is that I don't think they are just letting them through. The immigrants are forcing there way through, and its a huge problem that we can't just fix because we want to. The border control does want to control the borders. They take them back in droves, deport people that have come to this side every day. It's not that they don't want to, or the government doesn't want to, its just that the problem is much larger than you think. Its not just a simple fix as you would have us to believe.

Jeshanah said...

Quick question, then I'll shut up:
How exactly are the illegals affecting you, Snoop? You're almost 2000 miles away from the vast majority of them. Were there alot of them back in Kansas or wherever you were from before that you are still holding a grudge against or something?

Sharla said...

I know the question was not directed at me, but I have not been personally affected by murderers either, but I'd still rather have laws enforced to stop them!

Sharla said...

I don't think I am specifically carrying a grudge against murderers.

Jeshanah said...

Yeah, but a giant billion dollar fence isn't gonna stop illegals from crossing the border anymore than a no guns law would stop murders. They're not animals, a fence won't keep them out anymore than a fence could keep you restricted to your property. If you wanted out bad enough, you'd use the brain God gave you to figure out how to get where you wanted to go.

Sharla said...

If things keep going downhill in this country, maybe Mexico will pay for the fence to keep US out!

Unknown said...

In Israel's defense (as though he needed help :-) ) I would allow his skill in debate is greater than ours by reason of use.

I don't usually agree with him, but he is good at arguing. Were I ever to require legal councile, I can only hope to have representation as tenacious as he.

Unknown said...

As to to illegal immigration, my main concern is that their progeny receive automatic citizenship. As a matter of principal, rewarding illegal behavior does not foster a lawful citizenry.

But, I do wish it were easier (by an order of magnitude) to be naturalized. As citizens rather than migrant workers, they would receive better oportunities, fair treatment and wages, and our country could benefit from their lawful contributions. As it is now, they are literally slaves to unethical corporations and smugglers. It's almost like we didn't learn anything from 1860.

Israel said...

I'm not gonna argue the immigration point all over again because it's just pointless (especially with xenophobic minutemen wannabes) and I have done it so many times before.

I'll just point out the fact that the Wall Street Journal is an advocate for open borders and worker programs because they've done studies that definitively show that that Mexicans contribute far more to the economy then they take out. All of the huge studies by the big think tanks bear that out.

For you people who have never actually seen a Mexican or just enjoy demonizing people, illegal Aliens prop up the economy, put food on your table. If they all left tomorrow a head of lettuce would cost $10 and the crops would rot in the fields.

The government gets a huge windfall because they get unemployment and social security $$ deducted from their paychecks and they are not eligible for any of those benefits. They also pay a ton in taxes and sales taxes and they do the hardest jobs.

Snoopy is probably one of those white guys that likes blaming everything on ethnic minorities.

You know who else liked doing that?

Adolph Hitler!

You wanna be like Adolph Hitler Snoopy? You do?

OK carry on then...

You probably don't care if lettuce costs $10 a head because you probably don't like vegetables, huh Snoopy?

You know who else didn't like eating his vegetables?

Adolph Hitler!

You wanna be like Hitler Snoopy?

Israel said...

Did I say Bush was an "idiot?"

I meant to say an "arrogant idiot."

The only thing worse than an idiot is an arrogant idiot and the only thing worse than that is an "arrogant idiot in charge."

Truth is, we get the leaders we deserve.

Daniel Arant said...

I feel so alive when I'm arguing :)

How, Zion, can you say that a fence is not enough when it hasn't even been tried on any significant scale? If there already was a border fence and it wasn't doing anything then you could make a case that it doesn't work. In one of the few places where it's been tried, San Diego, it has been a resounding success.

The same question applies to the statement that what we have is not enough. It's a simple fact that there are cities throughout the United States that have declared themselves "sanctuary cities," OPENLY ADVERTISING themselves as a safe haven for illegals. The border fence law was passed a long time ago, but the administration is still kicking it's heels, taking as long as possible. We'll never know if the laws we have in place are sufficient to solve the problem if we don't actually enforce them! Of course the border patrol wants to catch these people, but they are terribly under-manned to carry out that job. That's exactly why we need a border fence. The combination of physical barriers, technology, and manpower would be more than enough to do the job, it just hasn't been done yet, despite the fact that there are laws ordering it to be done. It is the job of the executive branch to enforce laws, so the executive branch must be responsible. Bush has made it very clear that he doesn't approve of the border fence and other measures to prevent illegal immigration.

If putting an impenetrable barrier on the southern border and deporting illegal immigrants wherever we find them can't stop illegal immigration, what CAN?

As to the cost of the sensors, do you have any idea how much illegal immigration costs us? The lack of border security has led to hundreds of deaths attributed to Mexican gangs like the Coyotes. The financial cost is equally as outrageous. Here's a link to a list of costs associated with illegal immigrants, complete with citations:

That answers your question, Jeshanah, as to why I have such a problem with illegal immigration. I'm not mad at them because they smell and speak Spanish or something juvenile, I'm concerned about their financial impact on this country.

"Yeah, but a giant billion dollar fence isn't gonna stop illegals from crossing the border?"

You and Zion keep saying that, but WHY wouldn't a giant billion dollar fence stop illegals? That's like saying pressing the brake pedal won't stop your car. It's not just some chain link fence you use to keep your dog from running away. It's a double layered fence with a patrol road running between, with sensors and cameras, and a ditch on either side with razor wire.

But you're right, people will still TRY to come because they know they can get a job here. If employers would quit hiring illegal immigrants then they would have no reason to come here.

Jeshanah said...

Wow, Snoops, your blog is boooorring!!!

Jeshanah said...

(no offence) and welcome to my world! =) Glad to have you here.

Daniel Arant said...

I suppose my blogging would be boring considering I haven't done any blogging yet. In order to blog, I must first delude myself into thinking someone actually cares about what I have to say, which will take considerable coaching.

Daniel Arant said...

"I'll just point out the fact that the Wall Street Journal is an advocate for open borders"

Now, I'm no lawyer, but it strikes me that the Wall Street journal would make a dubious expert witness (its status as a newpaper aside), being representative of the primary beneficiaries of illegal immigrant labor: business.

"If they all left tomorrow a head of lettuce would cost $10 and the crops would rot in the fields."

You may be a lawyer, but you're no economist. If every illegal immigrant left tomorrow, unemployment would immediately drop to zero, the average household income would go up ALONG with the price of lettuce and the minimum wage law would become obsolete as demand for unskilled labor outstrips supply. The budget deficit would decrease by tens of billions of dollars as former beneficiaries of the social security system left.

"The government gets a huge windfall because they get unemployment and social security $$ deducted from their paychecks and they are not eligible for any of those benefits."

May I point out that, by virtue of being "illegal," illegal immigrants don't pay taxes of any kinds because they don't have social security numbers, for those illegal immigrants who didn't fraudulently obtain one. Can you give me some sources to back up the claim that the government receives a "windfall profit" from illegal immigrants? Here's one that says exactly the opposite.

"You know who else didn't like eating his vegetables?

Adolph Hitler!"

At least you've got a sense of humor!

I never meant to imply that Israel isn't a good lawyer. I don't know one way or another, but it certainly doesn't follow from the fact that he's a lawyer that he is also a good debater. The chances are good, but by no means certain. Likewise, it does not follow from the fact that I am not a lawyer that I am not a good debater (I did, after all, participate in mock trial last quarter.) Can you tell I just like writing for the sake of writing?

Sharla said...

Yes, we sorta can, Snoop, but it's great! I always like to have the last word. I keep trying to, and then someone else keeps saying something else, so this is getting to be a very long post.

Jeshanah said...

Snoopy said, "The budget deficit would decrease by tens of billions of dollars as former beneficiaries of the social security system left."

How are they getting social security benefits without social security cards? Answer: They aren't. They obtain false social security cards and PAY INTO the social security system, but they don't get that money back. (I know this because my nephew, Mathias was paying into the social security system for a few years BEFORE HE WAS EVEN BORN!!!!)

Now when he retires, not the individual who was actually paying in, he'll get to cash in. (Provided social security is still around which I highly doubt.)

Daniel Arant said...

I'm a little to adversarial, but I just find it frustrating how ignorant people can be, and the damage they do to this country because of that. I also find it frustrating that someone as unqualified as Obama is actually taken seriously by millions of mindless, fawning drones, most of whom have no idea what he stands for but feel compelled to vote for him out of some mysterious conviction that he can bring about change. It does encourage me to run for public office, though. If someone with as little experience, talent, and qualifications as Obama can be a presidential candidate then I can be Emperor of the Universe one day.

One of my favorite quotes is: "When a small man casts a long shadow you know the sun is setting."

Anonymous said...

So mexican illegals are responsible for all kinds of murders huh? They are making us poor? Stop the Jews, and all our.. er eh, I mean Mexicans, and all the problems go away. Their the ones making all the gangs, their the ones taking away all of our money, waa waa waa.

The difference between brakes stopping cars, and fences stopping illegals.

Something called imagination!

Cars lack the ability to think for themselves, they can only do what they are trained to do. If a brake is used as a mechanism to stop a lifeless mindless piece of steel, no problem.

Apparently he thinks that illegal immigrants are like mindless pieces of steel that you can just put a fence up, and that will make all the problems stop! HAhaha

You try to make the argument that san diego keeps illegals out. San Diego is an easy place to keep illegals out, its a relatively defined peace of land. First of all, the reason that it may keep people out is simply because its just easier to enter the country through other means. If San Diego kept its same fence up, but somehow the rest of the country had a much more difficult way to enter, there is no way san diego's little fence would continue to keep people out.

Another point, it doesn't matter what structure or how much you enforce rules, people will break through. Example??? The Berlin Wall. Talk about enforcing border restrictions! People would be shot dead if they were caught. Did people continue to do it? yes! Did they succeed? Yes? Why because they weren't mindless pieces of steel without intelligence.

I'm sure you heard about the guy who created an air balloon to float over the wall out of materials he scrapped together to get out of berlin? There's no billion dollar wall that can prevent against that kind of ingenuity.

You have to realize, that billion dollar wall is a mindless piece of steel.

I want to know why you want to blame illegals for being poor? Last I checked there was still plenty of opportunity to make money in America if somebody puts thier mind to it.

If you blame illegals, you simply shut your mind off, and create a "victim" mentallity. "Oh I can't get rich cuz Jorge took my job away!" Wake up!! Most illegals are doing jobs you'd never do cause you think you are too good to do it. How many tomato picking jobs have you applied for lately?

Poor people have a poor mentality, and that's what keeps them poor. It is that "entitlement" mentality that will forever keep them poor, no matter how much money is around them. I talk to these people every day. "The government isn't giving me enough money", My SSI fixed income only comes in once a month. Salvation Army didn't give me what they said they would. My stimulas check didn't come in, and I was counting on that!" Throwing money at poor people doesn't make them rich, it makes them poorer!!!

Don't blame illegals for poor peoples problems. They are only poor because they want to be. That's right, I said they WANT TO.

You may think I'm crazy, but if someone puts their mind to it, they can LEARN to MAKE MONEY!.

Don't believe me? Go to the next bum you see on the street, give him $5000 and tell him. Ok this should be enough to get you food, and hold you over to get a job. I guarantee within 5 months, you'll see him back on that corner begging again.

So Snoops, you mind telling me again how the illegals are making you, or America poor?

Gimme a break! Do you realize America Prints all the money it will ever need? Its got no backing, so they can make money out of thin air. Its not that there isn't enough money floating around, its that people don't know how to attract money to themselves.

Jeshanah said...

Well, after hearing his stance on partial birth abortion, he's definitely not getting my vote. (Before I wasn't sure, because I don't really know or like that much about McCain either... but partial birth abortion is absolutely appalling and if Obama thinks it's okay, then phooey on him!)

Anyhow, McCain will most likely win AZ either way. =)

Daniel Arant said...

Jeshanah, you don't think that these people who are clever and determined enough to complete a treacherous journey and evade all of our best efforts to prevent them from entering the country illegally could find some way to benefit from our social security system?

Besides, I just cited a source (which cites other sources) documenting the cost of illegal immigrants. It's a fairly well documented fact.

Daniel Arant said...

Speaking of putting words in people's mouths! Goodness, Zion, I really thought you were above this.

When did I ever say that illegals cause ALL the problems in America? Your flagrant dismissal of a very real threat to the American economy by implying that I'm somehow juvenile is pathetic.

Humans may have imagination, but cars have momentum. The brakes might not stop the car but you can guarantee they'll at least slow it down. My only point is that unless the Coyotes have a fleet of mining implements, anti-gravity technology or can walk through solid objects, a very large fence WILL prevent illegal immigrants from crossing the border. It's a matter of physics, not opinion. As a passionate student of history I know very well the limitless capacity of human ingenuity, but unless I'm quite mistaken, a fence is very much a solid object, and border patrol agents are equally as clever as any illegal alien.

As a result of the San Diego fence, illegals had to take a different, and far more deadly rout to cross the border. If border fences don't work, why did they have to go to all of that trouble? If it were all the way across the southern border then they couldn't cross at all without elaborate machinations.

"Another point, it doesn't matter what structure or how much you enforce rules, people will break through"

Did you have read herring for dinner tonight? Since when does the fact that something isn't 100% effective make it completely worthless? Obviously with sufficient ingenuity anyone could cross the border, but you didn't see whole fleets of balloons traversing the Berlin wall every day.

"You have to realize, that billion dollar wall is a mindless piece of steel."

Yes, and a border patrol agency 10,000 strong is just an intelligent group of flesh and blood humans. Nobody is talking about just putting up a wall in the middle of the desert. Did you even read my description of the fence?

"I want to know why you want to blame illegals for being poor?"

I do to. I didn't know that I blamed illegals for being poor. I guess You learn something new every day...

"Last I checked there was still plenty of opportunity to make money in America if somebody puts thier mind to it."

Unfortunately, that's not what's happening. Because they came here illegally those opportunities simply aren't there. They work for slave wages and live in abject poverty. They take jobs from Americans and, more importantly, LEGAL immigrants, who are just as poor and just as hungry for opportunity as their illegal counterparts. You keep forgetting legal immigrants in this whole discussion.

"Don't blame illegals for poor peoples problems. They are only poor because they want to be. That's right, I said they WANT TO."

I agree that many truly poor people are so because of their own choices. However, that doesn't change the fact that illegal immigrants are driving down the cost of unskilled labor and making it almost impossible for the uneducated to earn a decent living. Not everyone who is poor is simply too lazy to work. The jobs they do have simply don't pay squat because there is almost always and illegal who will do it cheaper.

Furthermore, the idea that illegals do jobs that Americans won't do. The only reason Americans won't do them is because they can't afford the pay cut. If there were no illegal immigrants supplying cheap labor, the places that employ them would be forced to pay more, and Americans would fill those positions in a heartbeat.

"So Snoops, you mind telling me again how the illegals are making you, or America poor?"

Are you TRYING to make myself pull my hair out? PLEASE, PLEASE read this article from the New York Times:

Let's recap:
Our economic system is called "capitalism." Capitalism is governed by supply and demand. Increasing supply or increasing demand decrease the price of a good or service. The laws of supply and demand applies to the labor market. Illegal immigrants represent an increase in supply of unskilled labor. Thus, illegal immigration leads to a decrease in the price of labor (wages.) Those people with few skills (the working poor.) Beyond the sheer volume of illegal immigrants forcing the price of labor down, these illegals are forced to work for less than minimum wage because of their illegal status. Thus, not only are legal American workers hurt, but illegal immigrants are little better than slaves.

So, Zion, how is illegal immigration beneficial again?

Daniel Arant said...

Obama is doomed. By picking Palin, McCain rallied the conservative vote (which is a HUGE block) as well as a significant portion of women who would have voted for Hillary purely because she was a woman. Obama doesn't have a prayer.

Jeshanah said...

I don't remember Zion saying that illegal aliens were beneficial. I think all he's saying is that a big expensive wall won't keep them out of the country. =)

I can just imagine some future president making a fabulous speech where he/she says, "Tear down that wall!" about the wall between the US and Mexico. That'll be a great day, I bet. ;) @ Jess and John

Wow! 200 posts! I'm so happy!! =::) That's amazing!

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