Wednesday, September 24, 2008

People are so rude. It wasn't that long ago when they first started to realise that I am pregnant, and now, everyone asks, "So when are you due?" and when I respond with my due date of January 17th, they just raise their eyebrows and look at my stomach like I'm a huge disgrace to pregnant women everywhere and they think I look like I'm about to pop! Rude, Rude, Rude!!! And, what's worse, is that these people are guests, so it's not like I can be equally rude back (and slug 'em or something) I just have to smile and say something like, "Yeah, I've still got a while... heh heh." It's so annoying.


BeccaHolsapple said...

I know it's awful! And you are not even big yet!

Random people on the street or in the mall would ask if I was having twins or if I was past my due date 2 months before Brandon was due!!! That was bad!

Unknown said...

I had someone ask if I was constipated once.

Israel said...

You know what else is rude?

The fact that you Republicans aren't screaming about how Bush and the Republicans are a bunch of Socialists who are trying to give 700 Billion of our tax dollars to Mortgage Brokers who went broke because they engaged in fraudulent practices.

Why do you call Obama a socialist because he supports a few programs who help people, yet you keep your mouth's shut when it comes to Bush's HUGE socialist corporate welfare program?

Lemme guess, is it cuz he's BLACK??!!!?

Or is it because Republican leader John Boner (SIC) and all the people in Ohio who elected him are idiots??

(I think it's a little of both!)

It's time for all you Bonerheads to see the light...

Jeshanah said...

Speaking of rude.....

Israel said...

They should change the party name to RRSB for Rude Republican Socialist Bonerheads...


Back on topic.

I once asked a woman when she was due AND SHE WASN'T EVEN PREGNANT!!

This was in college and had seen her the year before and she was slim, trim and in EXCELLENT shape. The next year she had this HUGE ROUND Belly and she was as big as a house.

What was I supposed to think?

Now even if a woman has half of baby sticking out of her nether regions I won't even mention it cuz I don't want to offend by incorrectly assuming she's pregnant....

Israel said...

Dear Fat People reading this blog, (You know who you are) What do you do in that situation after she tells you she's not pregnant?

"Uhh, I'm sorry! It's just that you're so incredibly fat, I guess I just assumed you were pregnant."

"My Bad!"

Jeshanah said...

LOL!! How'd that shoe leather taste, Israel? Hahaha That's hilarious!

Jeshanah said...

The question here is not what should you have said, the question here is what DID you say??? How do you ever recover from that?? hahahaha

Israel said...

I felt horrible!

Then I thought about it a little and I figured it was at least half her fault for getting so incredibly fat so quick.

I mean, I didn't stuff those twinkies down her mouth...

At least I learned my lesson...

Israel said...

Maybe I should have asked her if she was constipated instead...

Unknown said...

The fact that you Republicans aren't screaming about how Bush and the Republicans are a bunch of Socialists who are trying to give 700 Billion of our tax dollars

The Bush administration is pushing for it.

Let's get it right.

A lot of the Republicans in congress are very much opposed to it.

Finally, Obama isn't a socialist because he's black, it's because he's Jewish. (like DUH!!....honestly, a stupid comment deserves a stupid response.)

Sarah said...

Shan, you are not big at all!! I thought you looked great in the pics you posted. Maybe people are looking in disbelief that you are as far along as you are and still so small???

Yep, that must be it!


Sharla said...

I HATE the socialistic bail out idea, and I'm not sure If it'll make it worse or better. I haven't been complaining about it on here because I've been frantically trying to save my own business. The last few days have been AWFUL!(today is slightly better, Praise the Lord!) I've been making up sale coupons and working on my American Village for dolls trying to bring in some cash.

I did hear that a lot of those mortgages had to be made cause some idiots passed laws that said they had to give people loans that could not have qualified.

All I know is all this is really affecting my sales and I can't afford it. As far as bailing out the poor people who are losing their homes, nobody bailed us out when we lost ours, and I had cancer. Gary and I have worked hard our whole lives, but sometimes things don't work out. You just have to get back up, dust yourself off and try again. I am totally opposed to the bail outs, for the poor people as well as the rich.

Sharla said...

I am sure no one is trying to be rude to you about your size. They no doubt think you look cute as a button, and just want to be friendly. You look adorable!

Israel said...

I think what Sharla is trying to say (without saying it) is somne form of the Republican Hogwash claiming that loans to minorities are to blame for the crisis. (See Neil Cavuto.)

See how racist Republicans always end up blaming everything on minorities?

They do this even though most of the mortgage brokers and bankers are white Republican scumbags. There isn't a single "law" that requires them to give loans to people who don't qualify.

Wake up Republic-tards! The mortgage crisis had nothing to do with any "laws protecting minorities" it had everything to do with criminals at the mortgage companies pushing through ridiculous leases so that they could get huge commissions. Lots of these people engaged in out-and-out fraud giving out loans to unqualified people (who were mostly white by the way.)

I don't get something Sharla.

First you get cancer and lose your house because you can't afford your medical bills.

Then you call Obama a "Socialist" for trying to provide people with the means to get affordable health care so maybe they can keep their houses if they get sick.

You lost your house (even though you aren't minority) and yet you are repeating the propaganda blaming minorities for the mortgage crisis. What's wrong with this picture?

I guess it's all in a days work for Republicans who support Bush (the real socialist and champion of corporate welfare) so that he can give away 700 Million tax dollars to bail out criminals.

But I guess it's OK because Bush is only a socialist when it comes to bailing out his buddies and campaign contributers.

Heres how the Republican economic plan works. First Bush's good buddy Ken Lay rapes us by criminally manipulating the energy markets.

Remember how Lay used Enron to steal Billions of dollars? Remember how Ken Lay died before he could be convicted and George Bush sent his daddy to Ken's funeral?

Then we create a bogus war so that Haliburton can make billions for Cheney's cronies on the Haliburton board.

Now Bush's good Republican criminal buddies in the mortgage and insurance industry are gonna get bailed out with our money . No wonder the energy, the insurance and the mortgage lobby spend so much money making sure the Republicans are in power.

And despite our financial "crisis" Haliburton, Chevron, Exxon stock manages to shoot through the roof and those companies have raked in obscene record profits never before seen in the history of the U.S.

Coincidentally the guys in charge of these companies all happen to be Cheney's and Bush's good buddies.


I'm laughing out loud at all the Republic-tards who are now trying to distance themselves from the Bush administration.

Eight years too late Republic-tards!

Israel said...


700 Billion, not 700 million.

justin h said...

ok Israel if i were to vote for Obamba because he is black i would be doing it for racial reasons and that would be racist which you would have to agree is wrong. I believe in smaller governments not more big governments, the only hope i have is that mccain wins and resigns so then sarah palin becomes president.

justin h said...

oh and so you dont feel so fat jariah and zion still out weigh you considerably. so maybe ya just need to hang around them more.

Anonymous said...

"Somebody" (ahem) listens to Rev. Wright reruns every Sunday. Stop drinking the Hateorade.

Sharla said...

Yea, Shan, that IS one of the perks that comes from marrying uhh, shall we say BIG? men! They always weigh more than you, no matter how much you weigh! ;)

Sharla said...

No, Israel, you're nuts. I wasn't saying without saying that it has anything to do with minorities. You always think everything is about race. I don't get that. And I haven't heard Neil Cavuto for months. I'm working 70 hr weeks this year, remember, not much time for TV. And I don't want the government to give me any more programs, not now and not when I had cancer. I didn't starve to death, we just lost the house. There is plenty of safety net already. I don't want socialism even if I am the biggest benefactor. I happen to think capitalism is a pretty good idea and we should just stick with that.

Sharla said...

Gary says the houses he is seeing people lose around here are the expensive houses that people hoped they could afford but couldn't. Not the poor people(black poor people, white poor people, brown poor people)who are actually living for the most part in government housing, many of which are at least as nice as what we are liviing in now, without much chance of losing them. Most of the foreclosures appear to be upper midddle class who turned out to have middle middle class incomes. I don't know, but if it is important to you, my guess is that some of those people are white, some are black and some are brown. Some are probably nice and some are probably mean. Some are Christians and some aren't. Some might be real cute and some are probably ugly. I dunno.

Sharla said...

We lost our house because we couldn't really afford it. The mortgage was so high that it took every dollar the both of us could make. We had no savings to speak of. We were still kinda young and dumb and got in over our heads. When I was too sick to work, there was no way to keep up with those payments. No one had really taught either of us about saving or investing, Gary never knew his dad and mine died when I was 13. We married at 17 and 20 had four kids and tried to have things as nice as we could. The fact that we made mistakes is not the government's fault. Everybody makes some mistakes in life, that is how we learn. It makes no sense to me to think that Paul-Michael or you or anyone should have to pay even more taxes to make sure no one ever has anything bad happen to them, like us losing our house. We had to rent for 7 years, but now we have a new house. This time we don't have a huge mortgage that we can't possibly pay. It doesn't have real heat or drywall yet, but it is much more comfortable than any house we've been in for years. It is what we can afford and it feels like home. We love it. We also appreciate it. :)

Israel said...

Well I just wanted to know that the bogus argument you were making about the "laws" forcing those mortgage companies to make bad loans is a bunch of baloney and it is exactly the racist talking point that Republicans are trying to use to shift blame for the mortgage crisis toward minorities and away from the nice white folks in the loan industry that they are seeking to bail out.

So where exactly did you get that argument?

Did you just figure it out yourself based on your knowledge of the law and the banking industry?

Somehow I doubt it...

Sharla said...

I'm not sure where exactly I heard anything about it. Probably on the radio on my drive into work, so maybe a guest on Glenn Beck? I didn't hear much, just that the congress had passed laws that forced banks to loan money for houses to poor people, which by the way doesn't sound the same as minority people to me, even though those people didn't qualify for the loan, like they coulldn't show a good chance of being able to pay it back or something. Cause I thought at the time,"wish we coulda got one of those loans, we could get heat and drywall."

Sharla said...

and you don't need to sound so insulting, I never claimed to have figured it out on my own, or have any knowledge of law or the banking industry.

It is a free country, somewhat, and I can listen to Glenn Beck if I want to. :) The democratic machine hasn't got that so called "fairness doctrine" passed yet.
I also watch Anderson Cooper sometimes, actually last night and tonight. I like him pretty well because eventhough he always starts out with negatiive stuff on McCain, he then turned around and admitted Obama was doing the same stuff. You, on the other hand, never do that. That is exactly why we find you so exasperating! Well, at least one of the reasons why. :)

Israel said...

Sharla one of the things that is endearing about you is that you have a good heart so you want to believe that Republicans are always telling the truth even though common sense should tell you that what they are saying is a bunch of baloney.

Do you really think that there are laws on the books that are forcing people to give home loans to people who aren't qualified and can't pay them back?

Do you? Please show them to me.

BTW, Did you hear that the word "gullible" got taken out of the dictionary because it was considered insulting?

You can look it up...

Anonymous said...

You both are ridiculous.

Don't you see what's going on here. Republicans and Democrats are both financially insane.

Democrats will create more programs that we cannot afford as a country. They will tax us to pay for them now. As a result, when people start complaining they are losing too much money, the government will print more fake money and give it out through programs to help the poor. You think this country can afford universal healthcare?!? It's not really feasable. You complain about big time bailouts, but you would rather have the government do small time bailouts for millions of people, and to the tune of many billions of dollars.
What will happen to us with all these programs. The government will have to print more money, inflation will go sky high, and it will hurt middle class working americans who have any sort of savings. It will wipe them out. We can't afford social security, but no one admits it. We just print up more fake money and act like that will solve all our problems.

When I was a child, my dad was giving me a haircut. I asked my dad about the national debt, and I said. If they government want to pay off it's national debt, why don't they just print a 100 trillion dollar bill? He got a kick out my simplicity. Little did I actually know that in reality that is what we are actually doing.

Republicans are not any better. Sure they bail out these big companies and spend billions in the wars, but they don't "raise taxes"... yeah right. Maybe not your taxes, but they spend the tax money of future generations for years and years. For those of you who don't know, a dollar's value is not based on the gold standard anymore, its based on the promise to tax future generations. So what they do is borrow from the future, by printing more cash, and spend your money in the future. This generation will likely be paying for this one war the rest of their lives. Furthermore, eventually with all this money floating around, American cash will become worth less and less, and people who saved up their money will find it will buy them less and less. That's the real reason oil and silver and milk have all gone up in price. The reason they have "record profits" is simple, there is too much money floating around. Whats worse, its too late, regardless of who is in the white house, they can't stop printing cash or the whole system will collapse. Thats what we are seeing right now.

The housing market crisis was mainly caused by one mindset. Not bad people or even people thinking they were crooks. They were just average people who had one major flaw in their mindset...that flaw was the belief that housing values would NEVER go down. They took out equity loans with the idea that equity of houses always go up, and not down. When the market started falling and houses starting losing value, people's leverage began to work against them, and suddenly they have to re equify the home, and didn't have enough money to do that, and suddenly BAM! they are foreclosed on.

Our whole government right now is in a trap, they don't have a choice. There isn't any candidate who would have been able to say "no" to bailing out the big banks.

What we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceburg. It's going to get much worse, or better depending which side of the coin your on. If you own oil or real estate or even a milking cow and if you actually have good debt, believe it or not things are going to become very favorable for you very soon. Your debt will suddenly become very cheap to get out of when they start printing quadrillions of dollars per hour. Money will we worthless, and so will all those loans that the banks were hoping to make money on. However if you own mutual funds, 401k, retirement plans, IRA's. Suddenly, the cash value of your investments will become worthless and you will be wiped out. Mark my words, when it all happens, we will see milk hit $100 gallon. When that happens, all those people that saved up all that cash, will find out cash never really had any value. We are on the verge of the largest wealth transfer in the history of the world. Don't be the one caught saving worthless cash. Get your hands on things with intrinsic value. Oil, gold, silver, cows, real estate etc. Then you too can make insane profits.

And most of all, stop blaming republicans or democrats. Either way we are printing cash. They will either tax you now (Democrats) or tax you later (Republicans). You may want to blame the republican tax benefits for oil companies making huge "profits", but when democrats make cash cheaper by creating new programs, they are just as guilty of causing the price the oil to go up causing these record "profits". They are both playing the same game, but they have two different ways of spinning it.

Don't get caught up in the emotional facade, open up your minds and look beyond it. The biggest depression the world has ever seen is going to hit us soon regardless of who is elected.

I just hope you are ready.

Sharla said...

I agree with you Zion. I don't think the republicans are great either, and I certainly don't think they have the answers. That is why Glenn Beck is my favorite to listen to, he thinks they are all pretty much worthless. Basically the main reason I lean a right is the Republicans USED to be the conservatives (financially and moraly) and I hate abortion.
I don't have gold or silver or oil or even a cow yet, all I've got are toys. Aarrrggghh! Gary's working on the barn though, so at least maybe we'll get a cow soon.

Sharla said...

Actually Gary has been planning for years to build a barn and get a few cows, some pigs and a few chickens as soon as we could get out here. They delivered the trusses for the barn yesterday, the rest of it is already built. I find it interesting what you were saying about the good debt being easy to pay off. Where we have the mortgage keeps offering to loan "us" more money every time I go in to make the payment. The mortgage is only about the price of a car, so I feel pretty good with that. Justin and I were talking the other day about him building a small house at the front of the property, either for him or to sell. I said with the economy like it is, he should probably wait. Justin said because of the economy, now would be a smart time to do it, something about paying it off with devalued dollars? I don't understand it. In all of your reading, Zion, what do you think? I wish if we built on the front couple acres, we could put ALL the debt on that and get where we live on the other 18 acres free of debt.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Zion. I don't think the republicans are great either

Isn't great?! Its worse than just not great, it's not good, it's not even fair! As far as responsibility, this administration is absolutely awful when it comes to fiscal responsibility. They are lying their heads off and making a bad problem worse. Its pig headed! Maybe that's being generous. Bird brained is more like it. Bush doesn't know what he's doing up there, and we are gonna pay for it. Obama doesn't know either, and Mccain isn't any better. They are all denying history, denying the market trends that have gone on for thousands of years. They can't stop it. The best thing is to not try and stop it, but accept it, and ride the wave to riches.

Whats worse is that John Mccain is trying to "protect the American jobs" blah blah blah. American jobs have been hyperinflated, and now the market is correcting itself. People will lose their jobs because business owners will go broke. The best he can try to do is educate people before it happens. He's talking about doing more of the same dumb policies that are compounding our problems. Regulating, causing more government spending.

Obama is going after Mccain and making some valid points for political, but he's got no real solution. The guy has no guts for change. A jellyfish, so to speak.

The only person that had any guts to speak about it is Ron Paul, but instead of listening to truth about the economic sense, America has flushed him down. They'd rather believe our best days are ahead of us, when in reality its time for America to pay the piper.

Don't build a house to sell. Its a terrible time to do that? Why? Basically what's going on is the housing market is correcting itself. When you get a loan out now, lets compare loans to gallons of milk. Lets say you get a $300, 000 loan right now, enough to 100,000 gallons of milk. When inflation rises, and milk goes to $6 a gallon, and there is more cash flowing around everywhere, suddenly your loan loses values to the bank. Suddenly, the amount you owe is only equal to about 50,000 gallons of milk, so that great! suddenly it takes half as much milk to pay off the loan. Here's the problem with thinking that way regarding housing though. The housing market is in the process of correcting it self from a huge bubble and it will for some time. A house will not hold its value, and buy the time it's built, it's value could plummit and you may not get the money out of the house that you originally put into the house.

Suddenly you sell the house for only 50,000 gallons of milk, and and you have to work hard for the other 50,000 gallons of milk to to pay off the loan. True its easier, but still you are going to put yourself in a bad situation hanging on to a house that's losing value if it's only purpose is to accrue debt you can payoff with supposedly "cheaper money". It would be gambling based on current market conditions. The thing is, market conditions change daily. The market is right now becoming unstable, it will rise and fall by larger and larger amounts before it falls apart.

If you look at historical figures of markets right before they fall, they go through three phases, a steady market, it VERY unstable, Up AnD dOwN market with the overal trend going down, and then a plunge. We are entering the second stage. The financial markets mood swings are going to be more dramatic, and people with savings will get wiped out in the downtrends, and not have enough money to stay in the markets. We think this 700 billion dollar bailout is bad? When the plunge happens, we will see many 100's of trillions of dollars in bailouts(yes i said trillions) of "bailouts", even if Obama is president.

What does that mean to you, if you invest a house, just to sell, you may lose all your money before you make money.

However, if you build a house or apartment building. Hire a good property manager to take care of it for you, and you still make money in the end after all expenses. When the market plunges, you still make money, even if its less valued money, its still positive gain. When the market rises, you still make money. Furthermore you can raise rent, and get more money from tax benefits of owning real estate.

Especially don't build a house to live in, build your cashflow and the that buy your house. That way even if you lose your job or work slows to a halt, or whatever, you can still meet those monthly payments.

Cashflow is more key than what the economy is doing presently. Ask yourselves this question.Lets say you build a house, and have a monthly payment, then you get injured and can't raise the capitol needed to make your monthly payments. What if you lose an arm? At the same time, the housing market values jump up, and suddenly its harder to make that money to pay off the monthly payments for say, only 4 months. You lose the house. Then inflation takes over again, and the house losses money, it won't matter. The banks already taken it away. Ok, lets look at scenario 2. You lose your arm at work. Suddenly you have to sit at home, but guess what, your renters are still paying their rent. The payment comes, and you make it every month, even though you can't work. The bank doesn't take it, then when the market falls you take advantage and pay off the loan with devalued dollars, while still recieving cashflow every month. Make sure it makes sense when you buy it, otherwise it's gambling. That's just economic common sense.

That's a lesson that cost me a little bit of money, but I've learned it and am a better person for it now.

Unknown said...

Interesting analogy.

Houses, like milk, have a shelf life. Many claim they are appreciable assets, but that's true only for the short term. Long term, buildings will lose their value.

But, the housing market did not collapse because of that. It's like every other market burst going back two millenia. Investing on borrowed funds always ALWAYS spells disaster, and we never learn our lesson because of greed. That's all. No conspiracy to destroy America here. No Republican party master plan to suppress minorities.

But Zion, do you really think Bush is the one making the decisions here? Honestly?

Unknown said...

My biggest issue with the panicked market bail-out plan is it fundamentally nationalizes our economy and banking system.

Nationalize our mortgages and loans and you nationalize the banks. It's fascism lite.

England has done us a great service by trying out all these "great ideas" going back 60 years and providing a prime example of what NOT to do. They nationalized back in '46 right after WWII.

Anonymous said...

Paul michael,
You would be wrong about investing with borrowed money. Every time you take out a mortgage, that's what you are doing. It doesn't always fail. Borrowing money isn't rrisky, its what you with the money that's risky. If you borrow money to create cashflow, it doesn't matter how much borrow. For instance, if you at your current salary could borrow 100,000,000 dollars and the monthly loan interest was 120% so your payments would have to be 10 million dollars a month. those are astronomical number you wouldn't ever think you could afford, but if from that money you could create 12,000,000 a month passive income, you could afford that loan forever.

And to answer your question about Bush! Yes he's pulling strings, he just doesn't know what he's doing.

If you understand financial economics, its that the greatest effect on the financial markets happen when laws change. So in essence what your asking me is, is Bush making policies and laws that are effecting economic change. You Betcha I do. He's making decisions that are destroying the economy.

Unknown said...

We either misunderstood each other or we're just going to have to disagree.

There's nothing wrong with a home mortgage. What's wrong is borrowing more than you can afford, assuming your asset will appreciate faster than your (non-invested) ability to pay down debt.

It's called buying on margin.

There were laws put in place here to restrict the practice after the '29 crash for that very reason.

The housing market has just gone through that same cycle. Aggressive, essentially margin-funded investing and pressure from the government on financial institutions to hand out risky loans so "everyone can have a home" are why we are here.

Sharla said...

Okay, fine, we'll just stick to cows. Here's my problem with investing in cows, if we get to the point where there is no way we can buy a gallon of milk because it costs 100.00, sure then we are smart to own those cows. But let's say we buy a cow tomorrow and milk stays at 3.29 for a while. Have you ever tasted FRESH milk?? Yuck! I'm not drinking it! So what do we do with all the milk? And we'll have to feed the dumb cows. Not to mention, they are really big and scary when you get up close. I'm just sayin'...

Unknown said...

And, you are wrong about Bush pulling all the strings. He's not a financial guru like Romney and probably knows less about the economy than Obama or any other politician running for president.

They all lean heavily on their advisors and Ben Bernanke's recommendations. The Presidency is a whole lot more than just the guy at the top of the ticket, which is why the friends and company Obama tends to keep scares the poop out of me.

Jeshanah said...


Anonymous said...

Paul Michael,
Ultimately it is the President. He's the one who listens to advisors. Shoot! He's the one that chooses his advisors. He's the one that signs the bill and ultimately makes the decision. Ben bernake is just a chairman of the Fed. Don't get me started on the Federal reserve. Their name itself is a lie. First of all they aren't government run, and they don't have any reserves.

Ultimately when it all comes down to it, Bush puts his name on the bill. He is largely responsible for signing those laws. You can't say he isn't to blame for his policies.

PS. try telling the bank you aren't responsible for check you've signed. tell them that there is more to a bank account than just you. there are advisors and bank tellers and whole banking systems.

Unknown said... said what you said I said.

Whatever your personal opinions of the fed, Bernanke's and his predecesor's (Greenspan) roles in this can't be dismissed.

Neither can Congress's refusal to enact restrictions on Fannie and Freddie for the past 13 years be ignored. (in opposition to requests by the Bush admin, btw). Even Bill Clinton himself pointed out the culpability of his own party on that point.

I'm no Bush fan, but to dump most blame for the current crisis and questionable "solution" entirely on him is a shallow, short-sighted analysis. The bail-out and it's origins and details go a bit deeper than what the CNN headlines portray.

Yes, the President signs bills and can introduce them. And, decisions made on his watch ultimately reflect on him. (You know I know this, so what's the point?). But he doesn't produce them out of thin air. Congress has something to do with it too, last I checked.

The whole political process in Washington is a lot murkier than a casual reading of the U.S. Constitution or an intro to government class would indicate.

(And, I know you know this, so I really don't get why we're arguing over it unless it's just for personal entertainment purposes.)

Sharla said...

It is to inform, enlighten and entertain all us non-intellectuals out here in cyberspace. :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I didn't say he's entirely responsible for whats happening right this minute. Quite frankly this problem started happening before he was in office. What I am criticizing is the "solutions" he IS coming up with now. That's what I'm calling bird brained. Bush isn't helping the current crisis, he's just adding flame to the fire. Plus the extravagant spending in this war. That is his puppy. If ron paul had been president, I guarantee you he wouldn't be making the same mistakes.

Israel said...

Yay!! All the Republic-tards are finally admitting that Bush is stupid and doesn't know what he's doing.

My work is done here...

(BTW - The next step is for you guys to accept responsibility for the current mess, admit that you guys didn't know what you were doing when you put him in office in the first place and admit that Bonerheads from Ohio have no business voting.)

From now on stick to scrapbooking, cow-milking and hammering nails and leave the politics to us intellectual eeeleeetes!

That is all...

Sharla said...

Lol, Israel.

You're so dumb. :)

justin h said...

wait a min if i recall Florida put him in first. hehe or it could be the whole electoral college thing that has very little to do with each state.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a Republic-tard.
You Dumb-a-crap.

Sharla said...

Oh great. Now we've got "constipation" "poop" and "crap" all on the same thread. That's it guys, enough of the potty mouth.

Shan, you've lost control here somehow.

Anonymous said...

I knew when I saw 47 comments - they probably would have nothing to do with what Jeshanah blogged - another sign of political hijacking LOL . . . anyways, Jeshanah I can relate to the "you're huge, you look like you're due tomorrow" questions - just smile and respond with an innocent "and when are you due?"

Jeshanah said...

Who's this?