Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I suppose I should be grateful....

Bill has been giving me a couple more days a week since I told him that Zion lost his job. He had cut my hours down to 2 or 3 days a week over the past couple months, then in more recent weeks I was only getting 1 or maybe 2 days. Since I told him about Zion's lack of a job he's been scheduling me for 3 days again. The only problem with this is that it's getting harder and harder to make myself get up at 5 a.m. and when I do, I generally feel ill most of the day. I am (like most preggos in the 3rd trimester) not sleeping all that well lately so getting up that early is especially painful. =)

I'm feeling particularly sick this morning, headache, nausea, can't breathe properly and a myriad of other cold/flu like symptoms.... plus stress despite everyone's warnings that I don't need to stress. (I don't really know how I'm not supposed to stress.... but whatever!) I dunno... I guess life goes on.


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BeccaHolsapple said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well... The last couple months can be pretty rough! I'll be praying for you!

Sharla said...

Sweetheart, do not worry. He'll never leave you or forsake you.

Unknown said...

The Monday night prayer group kids are praying for you all too.

Jeshanah said...

Apparently I am "Severely Anemic" and have to start taking iron along with my prenatal vitamin religiously. Also, I have to drink Orange juice with the iron tablet and eat at least one serving everyday of green beans, broccoli, or spinach. Just call me Popeye!!! ;)

Sharla said...

I can't wait to see your bulging arms by the time "Sweet Pea" gets here!

Israel said...

According to my cousin / Great Uncle Sam, (Aunt Dorthy's Oldest Kid )there might be a possible Job for Zion with our cousin Vincent in Phoenix doing construction.


He says...

Vincent sometimes needs help with pjts in Phx. Would Zion be interested if something comes up? It's construction but when you work it's good money.

Contact Sam at:


If I were Zion I'd check thi sout right away.

Jeshanah said...

LoL!!! Ask my Dad if that's a good idea... hehe.

Israel said...

I'm sure the reason he didn't do a good job before is that he didn't want to do a good job.

Well before he didn't have the motivation of a pregnant wife and no job.

Plus he has experience and I'm sure your dad will lie and give him a good reference.

We're in a Republican caused recession so you need to grab any job you can and hold on to it.

Jeshanah said...

I never said he didn't try to do a good job. He's just not the handiest of guys. (None of you really are from what I can tell based on the 2 Ramirez family homes I have lived in since moving here.) Not that there's anything wrong with that... I just don't think construction is Zion's calling or a good way for him to try and make a living for us. =)

Israel said...

Unless you are physically and /or mentally disabled there has to be something on a construction site that you can do especially if you are inspired by the fact that you have to provide for your sick preganant wife and your coming first born.

I wouldn't put Zion on the roof, but most of these projects are renovations, so he could paint, clean, rip out carpets and do general cleanup and other stuff I'm sure.

I'm not very "handy" but if I was unemployed and had a kid on the way and someone offered me a job doing construction, I would sure take it and work as hard as I could to do a good job.

I might be wrong but I think part of it is that you may not want him to get a job so that you can go back to Ohio.

Israel said...

I have completed my election phone poll of the Ramirez brothers and here are the endorsements (some of us have already voted.)

Israel - Obama of Course.

Danny- Obama (Yep, the preacher-man thinks he is a better choice than McCain)

Sam- Obama

Josh- Obama

Zion - (Don't know, I didn't ask him because I don't want to get him in trouble with the wife and mother-in-law. He probably couldn't say he would vote for Obama, even if he wanted to, for obvious reasons. I doubt he'll
even vote and he's probably not even registered.)

So the Ramirez's are doing our part to counteract our beloved Brethren from Ohio.


Just so you guys don't feel too bad, I'll tell you that a couple people in my extended family are voting for McCain. They are all over 70 and these are the reasons they gave me.

1) Obama is a Scary Muslim. (False)
2) McCain is a retired Admiral (false)
3) So I can look at a good-looking woman in office (Dementia is a sad thing, isn't it?)
4) You're voting for Obama? The next time I see you I'm going to paint you Black and kick your behind.


So don't lose hope Ohio, as you can see the forces of idiocy, ignorance and racism exist everywhere and they heavily favor McCain.

Jeshanah said...

I don't want him to be stuck doing something he hates. (He just did that for the past 2 years trying to make a better life for us, and you see how well that turned out!)

He just started a business and I believe that he will make it a successful one. If he gets a job or not makes no difference to me, as long as we have an income, and as long as he's not stuck doing something that he hates. Him not getting a job might make us have to stay here longer than if he were to get one, so your little theory is wrong. =P

We were already thinking about/ kind of planning on moving back in February before he lost his job, now we might be stuck here longer, or depending on how quickly he can build his business, we might be going home sooner. Like it or Lump it, mister!! =P

However, I will say this, that if he is going to work in construction, I know some carpenters where we can live closer to the job site than here. If your cousin is in Phoenix, are you suggesting that he should take a 2 hour commute one way each day? Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of having a job? Gas prices are down now, but they aren't going to stay that way. Or are you suggesting that we move to Phoenix? Wouldn't that also defeat the purpose? We're living relatively cheap right now, not so if we were to move. (Unless however we move to Ohio, because there is a really nice construction company that I'm just sure would hire Zion and there's a VERY cheap place for us to live there, too....) But like I said, he doesn't like construction, he's been there and done that, so I for one don't want him to get caught in that trap, thank you very much! =)

Unknown said...

Well I liked #4

Israel said...

PMB! How could you like #4? it was said by a very racist person...



Honestly Jeshanah, I really don't care whether you move back to Ohio or not.

I'm in California, so it makes no difference to me where you are. if I was in Az then I would care, but I'm not.

It's probably better for you to go back to Ohio immediately and if he doesn't have enough money right now, maybe he should just ship you back there first so your mom can feed you right and help you through all the baby stuff.

But it still makes sense for Zion to check out all job possibilities. Unless your dad's or mom's business is doing so well in Ohio that they are going to be able to give Zion a paying job immediately and I am guessing that's probably not the case due to the Bush recession.

If the construction job pays well enough I'm sure danny would let him stay at his place for a while so he doesn't have to commute. Or he could commute. It would be tough, but still better than not having any steady income and waiting on a speculative business venture to get off the ground.

Personally I think that Zion's "calling" should be to go back to school where he could get loans and insurance. Otherwise chances are you guys will always be running in place instead of advancing.

That worked pretty well for Sam...

Jeshanah said...

He was in school. His wonderful company was paying for it. (If they actually do, that might be another story....)

Israel said...

Full time in an acredited degree program would be nice. By the time the Republican recession is over he could be a doctor or something.

Jeshanah said...

I guess I'll have to reiterate my previous statement... I don't want him to have a job he hates. Blood and guts and severed body parts do not scream Zion's dream job... or even Zion's "can live with" job.

Jeshanah said...

We're both registered, by the way. We're gonna vote "Present"--- just like your buddy Oboma...

We're probably not voting because we don't like either of 'em.

Israel said...

Great! I'll consider that a victory. The fact that all five of the Ramirez's aren't voting for McCain means that we've at least got a modicum of intelligence.


I wasn't suggesting Zion be a doctor.

What if the only jobs Zion likes are "astronaut" or "movie star" or "Pro Basketball Player?" Should he sit around and wait for someone to offer him one of those positions?

But that's why you go to school so you can pick a job you like and you are interested in instead of having to do whatever you accidently stumble into.

Plus the more knowledge you have the more valued you are to employers so that they are less likely to discard you like used toilet paper.

But I guess if you don't really seem to care that much whether or not he has a job or goes to school, then I shouldn't care either.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight. What you're saying is,

Go to school,
Get a safe secure job
probably followed by
Get out of debt,
Save money,
Invest in the long term
Diversify, diversify diversify.

Does that sound like good sound advice to you?

Sharla said...

Whatever you do, don't count on a toy store. The first year we were in this store we sold 39,000.00 in the month of October. This month we have done less than 6,500.00. In this economy, I really have no idea what anyone is supposed to do.

Sharla said...

The Great Obama wants to redistibute wealth, so like he could take a bunch of Israel's money and give it to me, and it appears Israel supports that idea, so I guess if he's okay with it, I might as well be too.
My guess is that must be what Brother Danny is thinking, too, because I am sure he would never support a man that the Right To Life movement is so vehemently opposed to for any other reason. Abortion on demand. Our taxes paying for abortions. Babies alive and out of their mothers, having survived attempted murder, being left to die with no humane care. We wouldn't support treating a dog like that!

Israel said...

Voting the Republicans out of office would be a good start.


Zion, I'm not suggesting you do anything in particular. You're gonna have to figure things out for yourself.

But I just wanna suggest a few things for you to think about just in case you hadn't yet considered them and eliminated them from your checklist.

Sharla said...

And I don't need to hear abuot the bill being poorly written. It was clear enough that anyone should be against it. He knows right from wrong. It should not be above his pay grade if he wants to rule the world. I think you all know right from wrong, too, whatever you might like to argue.

Israel said...

That's not funny Sharla! We already tried distributing some of my money over to you and it didn't work.

I've been told I'm gonna get it back plus interest no matter what happens and I have every confidence I will because I trust you and Zion will do the right thing. (Also because I know where you guys live and I will come looking for you if you don't.)

Since I have already lost hundreds of thousands of dollars (yup! at least $200,000 and counting) due to our current Republican economic fiasco, I belive that investing in you and Zion is the best investment I could have made.


About abortion, the funny and hypocritical thing about that is that once they are born the Republicans lose all interest in providing babies with access to healthcare or a decent education.

The Republican party only cares about abortion as a political issue. Believe me, I know first hand that they don't want abortion to go away anytime soon, because that would deprive them of one-issue voters like you.

Sharla said...


I really can't understand how you can say all this chaos has been caused by the republicans, and seem to think that all the democrats are as pure as the wind driven snow.

Israel said...

I don't say that but the Republicans and Bush have been in charge of the country for the past eight years. They have also been the champions of deregulation in the mortgage industry. (Especially McCain.)

The Buck Stops there.

They also started the war under false pretenses which drains billions from our coffers and they are also responsible for turning the biggest budget surplus in history into the biggest budget deficit in history.

They also allowed their buddies in the energy industry to gouge us which started the current economic death spiral.

That and endless proof that the Republicans are horribly corrupt and in the pockets of big industry with republican Representatives doing things like voting to pass legislation to increase the profits for the Pharmaceutical companies and then immediately leaving office to make millions working for those same Pharmaceutical companies.

Complete and utter moral, ethical and economic corruption.

What else do you need?

Sharla said...

That's not funny Sharla! We already tried distributing some of my money over to you and it didn't work.
Seems to me that it worked just fine. By distributing that money, you got less and I got more for a little while before I lost it. That is EXACTLY what will happen when Obama spreads the wealth! I'm sure you will love it! ;)

Sharla said...

Seriously, Israel, investing in my toystore, which if you recall is what I thought you wanted to do at the time, (I remember hearing questions about opening a store in CA and being a partner in my business) was as good of an investment as anyone could make because I really do care about you getting every dime of it back with interest if it kills me. Even if the store fails, I KNOW I still owe you the money and I won't get a good night's sleep until I get you paid the rest of it back.

Sharla said...

And not because you know where I live.

Israel said...

I didn't really invest it in the toy store, I invested it in you and Zion.

If I had just looked at the numbers and the "expert" feedback I wouldn't have invested a cent.

I know you're eventually going to be successful even if it's not toys or retail and I still believe in the business model even though I not sure Ohio is right place for it.

Unknown said...

Did you lose 200K cash or 200K in stocks/mutual funds?
Big difference.

I'd blame Fannie, Fredy, and Barney Frank (and Jimmy Carter too for good measure), but that's because I'm racist and hate rich white Democrats.

Unknown said...

And if by "champions of deregulation" you mean every bill they tried to pass to add oversight to Fannie and Fredy's lending practices was blocked by congressional Democrats, then yea.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess, you lost it either in 401k or mutual funds.

Those are going to get better for a little while, then we will plummet into depression.

As far as my vote.

McCain does win the abortion issue with me.

Financial. Mccain's plans are scary, and so is Obama's, but to me Obama's plans seem less scary than what Mccain is suggesting, so Obama wins that battle.

Obama doesn't seem to make decisions alot of the time, that scares me. Mccain can make a decision, even if its a bad one, at least he makes one, and I believe that even a bad decision is better than no decision, cause at least it generates action which can later be corrected. McCain wins some there.

McCain eludes to staying in Iraq forever. I don't like that, we can't really afford this war, and we aren't wanted much anyways. We need an exit strategy that is real. I think Obama has a better chance of doing that. Obama wins.

This coming president will come into a mess. He will have 2 wars on his hands, he will also have some of the worst economic mess probably ever, thanks to Bush.

He's got to be able to make decisions and cause things to get cleaned up, but making a decision without acknowledging it was a wrong decision and correcting it is what was Bush's major flaw. I don't want to see more of that.

I do wonder if McCain would be the same way.

My big major thing against Obama is the abortion issue. I feel like voting for him is voting to kill babies. However, if I am honest, I don't believe any president will be able to override Roe vs Wade, but we just had a great president who did great things in protecting human life. But I think overall Obama would cause less damage to the economy than McCain. Don't get me wrong, I think terrible times are coming no matter who is president, cause we do have to get taxed on this 8 hundred billion dollar bailout (worse thing ever). but I think McCain would make it worse.Overall. For goodness sakes, he's talking about buying up all the bad mortgages in the US. It would boost up the economy, like the little rebound, we are going thru presently, then the economy would go to poop.

Sharla, don't think you are really going to get rich people's money. That's a myth. Rich people are rich because they use taxes to help them get rich. They understand tax loopholes, and there will always be those. There is no way Obama will be able to close the gaps on that, the rich will always be finding those and investing in those. They will always avoid taxes and that is what will make them rich. On the other hand, the poor will always pay taxes, and it will keep them poor. You know who will end up paying for these "tax the rich" programs? The middle class, and poor. That's how it always is.

Did you know originally Income tax was only designed for the rich? But the rich used their minds and avoided the taxes. The poor ended up paying for it.

And that's something both candidates probably know, but don't talk about, because they have to appeal to the dumb masses that don't understand they are getting robbed blind.

I mean, the average american works from January thru April, for the government alone.

That's my thoughts on the whole election point for point.

Overall, I think Obama edges out McCain. He's the lesser of 2 evils.

But I really don't support either candidate. I don't want either of them in office.

Unknown said...

Well, he's the lesser of two evils if you ignore Obama's and and Congressional Democrats' utter contempt for our constitution, opposing the the 1st Amendment ("fairness" doctrine), 2nd Amendment (AWB, no handguns) and the clear militia restraints placed on the national government (Look up "civilian national security force" and Obama. He references this multiple times. Brown shirts anyone?).

Patriot Act? BOTH parties support it, so there's no advantage either way.

That and the blatant lying about tax cuts for the middle class. What he conveniently fails to point out is that the tax cuts we've enjoyed under the Bush admin will go away in 2010. ALL our taxes WILL go up. Significantly. And, I fail to see an advantage in Obama's ecconomic policy given his support for a 9.50 / hour minimum wage!! How many jobs do you think that will cost? All consumer costs will go up significantly while the rest of us will not get a $2.50 raise.

And don't forget non-anonymous union voting.

Universal heath care? Is it really going to be universal? Watch the .gov push euthanasia and reduced health care for special needs and the poor. There simply isn't enough money to go around to provide everyone with health care. The Nazi gov had to make the same "hard" decision - they had to keep the "productive" citizens healthy so the more valuable persons got preferential treatment. Equality my gluteus maximus.

This whole scene has eerie shades of the latter days in the Weimar republic.

Unknown said...

One other thing - hallmark of a socialist/facist/whatever regime is state sponsored and promoted abortions.

The reasoning behind it has NOTHING to do with "choice" or the rights of the mother and EVERYTHING to do with population control. Fewer people, fewer mouths to care for from the cradle to the grave. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Maoist China - go down the list. The lesser socialist states in Europe today all have similar policies.

Unknown said...

Niether prospective president will over-turn abortion (nor do they have the power to do so).

But, "That One" will push for federal funding to support the practice and make judicial appointments that all but guarantee Roe V Wade is not revisited in the next 20 years, if ever.

Sharla said...

Surely you don't believe that I am so naive as to think I would actually benefit from any plan of Obama's. I guess my whole entire tongue needs to be protuding through my cheek in order for my sarcasms not to be misunderstood.
I, along with Paul Michael and all right thinking Americans with any grasp on the constitution, shudder to see beloved members of our own family side with this would be dictator.
Have you been paying any attention at all to who this guy's friends are??

Jeshanah said...

He doesn't like Obama... he doesn't like McCain. They are both horrible candidates, he just thinks that Obama will take a little longer to lead us into the financial gutter than McCain will.

Sharla said...

There is a whole lot more at stake here than just our financial future.

Unknown said...

From Obama's book:

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."

It's no mistake that he's good pals with Khalidi and Hamas supports him. Almost every one of his associates empathize with "the palestinian struggle" and see their cause as the Middle Eastern analogue to the civil rights movement and fight against "white oppression."

Dangerous ideology indeed. I firmly believe that the only claim our nation has to God's protection and blessing is our continued alliance with Israel. If we side with her enemies, we're done.

Anonymous said...

I can't bring myself to vote for Obama or McCain. I DO NOT LIKE EITHER. They are both awful. So you don't think I have a bad taste in my mouth saying Obama would edge out McCain. Both candidates will be putting us in the gutter. McCain will do it faster.

Maybe not as much constitutionally, but honestly, the system hasn't dramatically overhauled the entire capitalist system in 100's of years, and I don't think any 1 president will do that. The whole government is setup on checks and balances, and whether you agree with them or not, they are there to preserve the constitutional system, and they do work OVERALL. (I know there are exceptions so please don't list about individual cases where things have gone against the way you interpret the constitution.) This government has survived all that. What will bring this government down is its finances, just like it has for every other major civilization in history.

I think both candidates will do damage, but I think McCain will do worse damage to us financially and we may lose our ability to lead based on our finances. Who cares what the constitution says if you can't afford to uphold it.

That's why i say Obama is the lesser of 2 evils. And I protest the statement saying I "side" with OBAMA.

I do not! I do not like him as a President. I will not vote for him.

He and McCain are both despicable

Sharla said...

While I am not overly fond of McCain, he is not without honor, he is a war hero and I would not call him despicable.

Sharla said...

the whole checks and balance thing is what is in great jeopardy. The judges are all legislating from the bench, and if we get any more far left judges on the supreme court, they could just throw out the whole constitution!

Unknown said...


Oh, but to say our constitution is sufficiently entrenched to withstand systemic overhaul is to ignore our history.

Civil War - established supremacy of federal government over states

"progressives" (Teddy Roosevelt & Taft) - established supremacy of federal government over business, personal income

Franklin Roosevelt, Johnson, Carter - laid foundation for socialism in America.

In fact, Roosevelt's changes were so total and radical that his own party eventually had to step in and curb his reforms. His goal was to do an end arround the congress by stacking the courts, legislating from the bench. Sound familiar? This disaster was narrowly averted. Barely.

You are too young to remember Carter, but before Reagan, the top tax brackets were 70%. 70! That and the minimum wage peaking (adjusted for inflation) crippled our ecconomy. The failed ecconomic policies of total socialism are what Obama brings.

We are now in a perfect storm. Should the Dems attain a super majority in the senate and the presidency, there is nothing to stop to erosion of our freedom and long standing system of government. They will do what Roosevelt and Carter failed to complete.

Here is why I will vote for McCain. No matter what his ecconimic policy, a democratic congress will oppose him because of party politics. Frankly, his policies are not as repulsive as you think (my opinion). This at a minimum maintains the status quo until the off year election in 2010, when Republicans ate likely to regain some seats in congress.

The other reason is judicial appointments. McCain, for all his faults, won't nominate "progressive" judges. I care less about Obama or McCain than I do the judges they are likely to nominate, which we have to live with for a generation. Obama mold judges will make Ginsberg look like a Libertarian.

Our liberty most dear, not just our pocket books, are on the line.

There is also the possibilty of Palin being one good heart attack away from being president.

Sharla said...


Israel said...

Zion gets props for having a brain and standing up to the all you brainwashed Republican loonies.

You guys crack me up especially PMB! I only pretend to be paranoid, whilst PMB actually is paranoid, he's just mouthing Republican propaganda that is so ridiculous Rush Limbaugh couldn't say it with a straight face.

Israel said...

I wouldn't call either candidate despicable. MCCain is the best guy that could have come out of the Republican cesspool and if he happens to win I will be praying very hard that he stays healthy because Palin is a joke.

That said, the Republicans have done nothing that would merit allowing them to stay in power for one more second.

Lotta great candidates for President have come from Arizona, Bruce Babbit, Barry Goldwater, Mo Udall. McCain isn't half as good as any of those guys and he's still one of the best Republicans out there.

The Republican Party as a whole is despicable and morally bankrupt it needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.

Sharla said...

My dad liked Goldwater...but then my dad was also a democrat.

Sharla said...

1. Do you honestly agree with redistributing the wealth???

2. Are you at all concerned with those he chooses as friends??? and pastors???

Sharla said...

Is there anything about Obama that you DON'T agree with??????

Sharla said...

(is there any hope for your soul?)

j.k. ;)

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

For me, this election boils down to which candidate has the interests of the United States of America at heart. Finances and the economy are secondary. This nation has withstood numerous recessions and depressions because our Constitution is so great.

I want a president who will actually defend the Constitution, rather than one who will take an oath to do so, and then proceed to ignore it. As John Adams said, we are a nation of laws and not of men. This nation's very existence depends on whether men respect and uphold these laws, or whether they trample on them.

I live in a nation that was founded on the principle of liberty. And I want it to stay that way.

I want to live in a nation where a preacher can preach that homosexuality is a sin without fear of being thrown into prison for committing a hate crime.

I want to live in a nation where I can defend myself from those who might wish to do me and my family harm, whether that be an intruder, a wild animal, and yes, even a tyrannical goverment.

I want to live in a country where I can express my dissatisfaction with a presidential candidate without being threatened by his "truth police."

I want to live in a country where reporters who ask politicians questions that the people want answered can do so without fear of having their access to that politician cut off.

I want to live in a country where a common man can ask a man who wishes to be president a question without fear that supporters of that candidate will use government computers to try to dig up dirt on him.

I love this country with all my heart. And the Constitution is its love letter back to me. Therefore I will oppose any man who will try to tear it to shreds.

And that is why I am enthusiastically voting for John McCain on Tuesday.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Oh by the way, when Obama stood between those cheesy styrafoam Greek columns and said, "I am my brother's keeper," was he talking about his brother who lives in that hut in Kenya? Or maybe his aunt who lives in a South Boston slum?

Maybe he could redistribute some of that more than $600,000,000 he has raised to give them a hand.


Sharla said...


Cyndi said...

Mr. H,

Well spoken! You just received my vote!

Anonymous said...

Ok lets see

"For me, this election boils down to which candidate has the interests of the United States of America at heart. Finances and the economy are secondary.

This nation has withstood numerous recessions and depressions because our Constitution is so great.
And yet somehow I'm supposed to believe that Obama will single handedly bring down the whole thing? Not likely.

I want a president who will actually defend the Constitution, rather than one who will take an oath to do so, and then proceed to ignore it.
what are these incidences of ignoring you are referring to? As John Adams said, we are a nation of laws and not of men. This nation's very existence depends on whether men respect and uphold these laws, or whether they trample on them.I don't think John Adams would like Bush very much

I live in a nation that was founded on the principle of liberty. And I want it to stay that way.
notice, something neither candidate will change

I want to live in a nation where a preacher can preach that homosexuality is a sin without fear of being thrown into prison for committing a hate crime.
hmmm... mention to me one place where either obama or mccain said they would introduce "hate crimes" as part of their policies. Choosing obama is not a choice between having hate crimes or not. This is totally irrelavent to this election

I want to live in a nation where I can defend myself from those who might wish to do me and my family harm, whether that be an intruder, a wild animal, and yes, even a tyrannical goverment.
again, another issue neither candidate will change. You can use self defense no matter who is elected president.

I want to live in a country where I can express my dissatisfaction with a presidential candidate without being threatened by his "truth police."
what threats have you recieved?

I want to live in a country where reporters who ask politicians questions that the people want answered can do so without fear of having their access to that politician cut off.
And ladies and gentlemen... Obama will stop this!! (kind of a ridiculous argument)after he is elected, reporters will not be able to ask questions! isn't that crazy?

I want to live in a country where a common man can ask a man who wishes to be president a question without fear that supporters of that candidate will use government computers to try to dig up dirt on him.
Now john wants a world without consequences. How can any candidate POSSIBLY create a world where people don't research other people? Is McCain going to do this?"

I love this country with all my heart. And the Constitution is its love letter back to me. Therefore I will oppose any man who will try to tear it to shreds.

And that is why I am enthusiastically voting for John McCain on Tuesday.

So from what I am understanding... Choosing Obama = No more free speech; you will be thrown in jail for saying, its wrong to be gay, and reporters will stop asking questions!

Don't you see what this is? Its play on your emotions. Acting like its patriotic to vote for McCain and not voting for him makes you "anti-American". Weak argument.
. McCain has nothing to do with powers of free speech, it will always be there. You want the constitution to be followed? Who did something outside of the constitution?. What Constitution is not being followed? And where is it not being followed, by either candidate? Don't get all caught up. He tries to get you feeling all patriotic, and then throw in the name of his candidate to try and associate with his political beliefs. Look neither candidate has been arguing over whether or not there should be free speech, what they do battle over and what is the #1 focus of both candidates is their Financial intelligence, secondly is foreign relations. The dividing issue is that. None of the issues John brings up is even in question. Don't be fooled by this blatent attempt of emotional manipulation.

Just to be sure, I don't necessarily like Obama, but saying he edges McCain in no way makes me anti-American.

Sharla said...

Zion, have you ever heard of the "fairness doctrine?" Do you read the news? Did you miss Obama throwing the reporters off the plane whose newpapers they represent were not backing him? Do you realize government officials were using computers to dig up dirt on "Joe the Plumber" just because he asked a question???

Sharla said...

The "Fairness Doctrine" is COMPLETELY about free speech!!! You should learn about it before you believe nothing will change.

Sharla said...

Free speech will always be there????

Gee, I wonder if any of those lost civilizations you bring up ever thought that their lives would never change.

Unknown said...

I don't think John Adams would like Bush very much
Really? A good review of Federalism vs. Democratic Republicanism circa 1798 might be in order. Look up the Alien and Sedition Acts while you're at it - makes some of the stuff in the Patriot Act look tame.

Regardless, Adams hypothetical opinion of Bush is less informative for this discussion than his likely opinion of Obama.

I'm supposed to believe that Obama will single handedly bring down the whole thing?
something neither candidate will change
Choosing Obama is not a choice between having hate crimes or not. This is totally irrelevant to this election
I pray to God you are right. But I know in my heart that it would be naive to believe that.

what threats have you received?
As an NRA member, many of our advertisements have been shut down because the Obama campaign threatened legal action against stations that ran our ads. Obama, with the limited power he has, intimidated them into submission. It wasn't slander either, just direct quotations and voting records. Don't be so naive to believe he will suddenly become a model of restraint should he (God forbid) become President.

You can use self defense no matter who is elected president.
That may be the case on Nov 5 and Jan 21 no matter who is elected, but that will not be the case if Obama gets his way. No matter the blatant lies he says on the campaign trail, look at his voting record in the Illinois congress and his refusal to endorse the Heller v. DC decision. To be brief, consider England after their near total ban on all private firearms and weapons. For any act of self defense, the victim is ALWAYS considered guilty until proven innocent, and with their court system, is often punished. That's England you say, and could never happen here. Oh, but it already is here in many states (IL NY), even in Ohio in certain scenarios. I've done my homework on this and would be glad to send you reams of information should you doubt my findings.

Fact: Obama is against handgun ownership, concealed carry, and all semi-autos. He is for complete gun registration. Historically, that is always (always) followed by confiscations. And, every country that has gone down that path has denied individual citizens the right to defend themselves.

It isn't about guns, it is about control.

You may ignore the facts as you like.

Obama will stop this!! (kind of a ridiculous argument)after he is elected, reporters will not be able to ask questions! isn't that crazy?
No it's not crazy if you've been paying attention (at all) to how Obama treats media organization that DARE ask him any hard questions. Again, don't be so naive to think he will suddenly become more transparent should he gain power.

Now john wants a world without consequences.
That's unfair and you know that's not what he said. Please know the situation to which he referred.

What Constitution is not being followed? And where is it not being followed, by either candidate? Don't get all caught up.
Straw man. It would be silly to claim either candidate is abusing Presidential power NOW before they have attained that office. Observing statements each candidate has made about the Constitution informs us of their ambition and goals. Look up Obama's cometary on the Warren court. Seriously.

Acting like its patriotic to vote for McCain and not voting for him makes you "anti-American". Weak argument.
I truly wish reality matched your assessment of the situation.

Sharla said...

PMB you are exactly right. This is not just another republican vs. democrat election, I truly believe our freedom is on the line.
I wouldn't want to have been on the wrong side of history when Hitler was coming into power.

Sharla said...

For some reason all the Ramirez boys seem to be somewhat misinformed. I am afraid they are greatly influenced by the forceful persuasion of the eldest.

Sharla said...

I hope he is not wrong...

Israel said...

You guys totally crack me up. You guys know nothing about constitutional law or how it works you are just spouting off meaningless, imflammatory "the-sky-is-falling" rhetoric.

Your lack of critical thinking skills is astounding. I hope this is just a rhetorical tactic and you guys don't believe the tripe you are regurgitating.

Once again Zion gets props for actually exercising his brain and using critical thinking. he continues top impress because he easily sees through John's flag waving and PMB's fearmongering for what it is, empty rhetoric with no real basis in reality.

Zion's not coming at this from the perspective of someone who is a republican or democratic partisan. I'm glad that the years he spent in Ohio haven't rotted all his gray matter.

Sharla said...

If you would make a valid argument instead of calling all of us stupid, I would have a better chance of understanding how you could possibly support this man. You won't even anser my very simple questions. Are you for "sreading the wealth"? Are you cool with him being friends with a man who bombed US and years later is proud to stomp on OUR flag??
Is there ANYTHING about him you DON'T agree with???
Or, is your only argument calling us stupid?
...cause, that doesn't seem too convincing to me...I'm just sayin'

Sharla said...

Tell me why he would be a great president, and don't try to give me just "change for hope" and "hope for change" drivel. What has he done that gives you great confidence in spite of all the negatives we see surrounding him. Point out some stand he has taken or show us something in "reality" that convinces you he will not take us full tilt into socialism. Or is socialism the way to go and fundamentaly superior to capitalism?? IF we are the ones who are ignorant here, educate us! :)

Unknown said...

There is no point in adding further rejoinder when the oponents' rebutal amounts to juvenile accusations rather than substance.

Sharla said...

I think he thinks meaningless insults ARE substance! lol

Sharla said...

Evidently that passes for substance in California, which actually comes as no surprise.;)

Sharla said...

Of course all of us here in the heartland know it is what you say when you haven't got a leg to stand on, but we are just simple that way. :)

Sharla said...

Zion, not that I question your finacial genius or anything, but Becca tells me Mr. Kiyosaki was just on Fox and he said if McCain gets in he'll make like 2.4 million and he'll lose like 2 million if Obama wins. Maybe he doesn't know what he's talking about...?

Anonymous said...


I don't know exactly what this is in regards to, but I know he really doesn't care if obama or mccain wins either really.

Obama will likely tax him those millions and McCain will probably buy a bunch of bad loans from him.

McCain will make it easier for rich people to get richer, and Obama will be closing up holes that the rich currently use to bypass taxes.

The rich will find other holes, but most likely that will cost him some money.

But if you think that Kiyosaki is supporting McCain, he's not. He said numerous times he does not care who wins this election, they can't change what's coming.

I know this cause I can watch his new commentary every single day on his website. He usually gives about a one hour meeting with his staff members which I can watch that same day. So if you are trying to use that to swing my opinion towards McCain, its not going to work.

Besides, I can think for myself.

It's never been illegal to use government computers to do research on people, and people have been doing that for a long time. What does it matter if they look up stuff? You should be accountable for all your actions, and when they bring stuff up to you, you should be able to say how you learned from the past. This isn't the same as taking away from free speech.

Taking away from free speech would be like throwing people in prison just because they say what they believe, and that is not in danger if Obama becomes president. Gimme a break.

Unknown said...

Nope. No break for you.
If jail is your simplistic standard of measure for a free speech infringement, it's a bit to late then, wouldn't you say?

If the only thing going with "joe" was the rather benign account you provided, then I'd agree with you. But what we have was illegally obtained information for purposes of intimidation. Why that doesn't bother you is beyond me.

Unknown said...

People in CA are angry that their vote is not worth as much as votes in OH.

So it’s not surprising then that they are bitter, clinging to identity politics or socialism or antipathy towards people who aren’t like them as a way to explain their frustrations.

- Me

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

It's never been illegal to use government computers to do research on people...

You could not possibly be more wrong on this. It is most certainly illegal. And the woman who ordered it (who by the way has donated $2,500 to Obama's campaign) knew it was illegal because she attempted to cover it up immediately. Actual criminal charges (the kind they put people in jail for) have been filed in this case.

The Columbus Dispatch has done a fantastic job of chasing down this story. It's refreshing to see a mainstream media outlet that still does its job.

You speak of accountability. Well, those who abused their positions in our state government will be held accountable.

Israel said...

Sharla, I don't bother to do a point-by-point rebuttal on your issues, because frankly they are laughable. They aren't "issues" at all, they are fabricated controversies and transparent falsehoods.

1) Obama is a socialist who is "going to spread the wealth"

How do you know this? Because McCain told you, right? Lemme let you in on a little secret Sharla, people lie about their opponents during political campaigns.

Desperate people will say anything to try and win and McCain is desperate. The fact that you believe this drivel is a testament to your political naivete. Far be it drom me to try to burst your bubble. It must be nice to turn ones brain off and achieve that that kind of clarity.

2) "Being friends with a guy who did this or that..."

McCain was very good friends with Charles Keating a convicted felon who illegally ran his Savings and Loan to the ground. McCain even interceded with the government on Keating's behalf. McCain facilitated the s & L collapse as well as the current financial fiasco as well.

But that's OK right?

Instead, Let's talk about some harmless former 60's radical who happened to cross paths with Obama. Let's claim that Obama "pals around with terrorists" cuz maybe the folks on Gomer road will believe us.

If this guys a dangerous anti-American terrorist, then why isn't he in jail instead of teaching as a professor?


I know a family of staunch Christian Republicans. All of them were going to vote for McCain until they started to see how McCain and his campaign twisted the truth beyond all recognition to tried to paint Obama as an unamerican-socialist-friend-of terrorists. Now every last one of them is voting for Obama.

Why can they see through the manure that McCain is shoveling, but you can't? You guys just keep trying to shine your shoes with that stuff. It ain't shinola, folks it's the opposite.

The fact is I think it's waste of time to try and educate you guys because you guys are so incredibly deluded that it's a hopeless pursuit.

You guys don't need an education, you guys are so far gone that you need someone to shoot you with a tranquilizer gun and administer the anti-psychotic meds that will tide you over until you get weaned off the Republican Koolaide you have been drinking.

Unknown said...

How do we know Obama will "spread the wealth"?


NOT because McCain said so.

Such willful ignorance of current events is appalling.

Then you wonder why we don't listen to you.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

.I don't think John Adams would like Bush very much

I never said he would. I wasn’t talking about George Bush. And PMB is correct about the Alien and Sedition Acts. I do believe that Adams would have opposed the Iraq invasion. He staked his presidency to avoiding U.S. intervention in the French Revolution, which had a tremendous amount of support in the U.S., both by very powerful leaders (it was the only thing Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton agreed on) and the citizenry. In fact, the A&S Acts were a direct attempt to squelch the rising war cry in America. You may wish to study our nation’s history a little further before making presumptions about the preferences of our founding fathers.

hmmm... mention to me one place where either obama or mccain said they would introduce "hate crimes" as part of their policies. Choosing obama is not a choice between having hate crimes or not. This is totally irrelavent to this election

Obama has. “We must expand hate crime legislation and be vigilant about how these laws are enforced.” -- B.H. Obama He also stated, in an open letter to the LGBT community that he would use his presidency as “a bully pulpit” to advance the homosexual agenda. Look at Canada, Zion. You cannot speak out against homosexuality from the pulpit there. It’s against the law. And there are many people involved with Obama’s campaign who want to see that happen in the U.S.

I want to live in a nation where I can defend myself from those who might wish to do me and my family harm, whether that be an intruder, a wild animal, and yes, even a tyrannical goverment. again, another issue neither candidate will change. You can use self defense no matter who is elected president.

But Obama wants the government to decide how I defend myself. And if that means not allowing me to use a gun, then so be it. Again, using his own words: “As a general principle, I believe that the Constitution confers an individual right to bear arms. But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right.” – B.H. Obama

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That last line ought to be a HUGE red flag to every right-thinking American. “But just because you have an individual right does not mean that the state or local government can't constrain the exercise of that right.” Holy crap! (Pardon my French) Apply that line of thinking to freedom of speech, religion, the press, etc. That’s insanity, Zion! A president can’t choose which Constitutional rights he does or does not allow! James Madison just rolled over in his grave!

I want to live in a country where I can express my dissatisfaction with a presidential candidate without being threatened by his "truth police."
what threats have you recieved?

Not me, yet. The good folks of Missouri were treated to some 1984-style police-state tactics during the campaign.

I want to live in a country where reporters who ask politicians questions that the people want answered can do so without fear of having their access to that politician cut off.
And ladies and gentlemen... Obama will stop this!! (kind of a ridiculous argument)after he is elected, reporters will not be able to ask questions! isn't that crazy?

Obama will stop this?! He started it! His campaign has already told two news stations (one in Orlando, Fla. and one in Philadelphia, Pa.) that they would not be granted interviews because they had the nerve to ask tough questions.

This is a VERY important issue! How can we expect fair coverage from a media that is afraid of offending the sensibilities of this ticket? What happens the first time news of a scandal within the Obama White House leaks out? Are reporters going to have their access to the president cut off if they start asking questions? It’s insane!

I want to live in a country where a common man can ask a man who wishes to be president a question without fear that supporters of that candidate will use government computers to try to dig up dirt on him.
Now john wants a world without consequences. How can any candidate POSSIBLY create a world where people don't research other people? Is McCain going to do this?"

Where in the heck do you get that I want “a world without consequences” from reading that????? You clearly don’t know a single thing about this story, or many others surrounding this campaign.

So from what I am understanding... Choosing Obama = No more free speech; you will be thrown in jail for saying, its wrong to be gay, and reporters will stop asking questions!

Well at least you caught that part!

Don't you see what this is? Its play on your emotions.

Emotion doesn’t even enter into the equation for me, Zion. I have obviously researched both of these candidates much more than you have. My choice in this election is based on that research. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I possess a Washingtonian revulsion for political parties. But of the two men with a shot at the White House, only one will put the country’s interests first. Their records and their words testify to that.

Acting like its patriotic to vote for McCain and not voting for him makes you "anti-American". Weak argument.

I never said it was anti-American to vote Obama, just stupid.

McCain has nothing to do with powers of free speech, it will always be there.

Will it? What guarantee do we have of that? Words on paper? Those words are meaningless without men who are willing to live and die for them.

Take a look at D.C. v. Heller if you want to see blatant disregard for the Constitution. Even after the Supreme Court ruled that D.C. could not restrict the right of the individual to own a gun, citizens of the nation’s capital still cannot purchase a firearm.

There are examples everywhere of the Constitution being trampled on.

387-124 “… That's when the Protestant church under the Federation of Churches, which is the image to the beast, which is now being formed... And there'll be a boycott upon all churches like this.
Like we're in a great tax gathering right here now, a dispute, trying to say that we're not a church, and we got Constitutional rights to say that we are a church. As long as the Constitution stands there, no amendment to that, then we absolutely have the rights, just as much right as anybody. Our forefathers stood for that. But what have we done? We've broke every Constitutional law that they can break, and soon the Federation of Churches ... They'll be closed and shut out under the Federation of Churches. It'll be a boycott like a union or something. You'll either come in or you'll go out.”

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

1) Obama is a socialist who is "going to spread the wealth"

How do you know this? Because McCain told you, right?

Umm, OBAMA did (Link) and has for years.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Just for fun, Vote Match Quiz

I scored a 43% match for Libertarian Bob Barr and also for John McCain. Next were Chuck Baldwin (Constitution Party) at 40% and then Obama at 18%.

The comments for the first three said, "You have a poor match with [Barr/McCain/Baldwin]. Unless you particularly like his character and background, you should vote for another candidate."

For Obama it said, "Barack Obama is not for you. You disagree on all important issues." :-D

Israel said...

You guys are being purposely obtuse right?

Re: "Spread the wealth around" comment, listen to the context, because context is everything.

What he was saying (and anyone with half a brain should know this) was not that he was going to take Joe the Plumber's Wealth and redistribute it, but that he was going to improve the economy so that more people have more money to spend because it would help Joe Plumber's business if there were more people who could afford his services.


How you guys get "socialism" out of that is beyond me.

You guys either have a serious problem with complexity and nuance don't you or you don't understand English very well.

This is a classic case of taking a few words out of context and twisting them so that they lose all meaning.

We can't all be intellectuals, I understand that. But please try a little harder on your listening skills and you might understand things a little better. The reason your understanding is so limited is that you hear what you want to and you understand very little of it. It's a common symptom of a closed mind.

*shakes head*


and how can you say that Obama is advocating the "gay agenda." he's not even for gay marraige.

Israel said...

"This is a VERY important issue! How can we expect fair coverage from a media that is afraid of offending the sensibilities of this ticket? What happens the first time news of a scandal within the Obama White House leaks out? Are reporters going to have their access to the president cut off if they start asking questions? It’s insane!'



You're Insane Bro.

The two Bush Whitehouses and the Reagan Whitehouse did this all the time by holding very few press conferences.

The first amendment gives you the right to ask a question, it does not force someone to answer that question. Your diatribe makes you sound like someone who doesn't understand this very basic concept.

You act like Obama HAS to answer every question posed to him no matter what and that reporters have the right to follow him around and pose questions about any inane topic that pops into their heads. (They don't.)

Where do you get that silly idea?

As a former Newspaper News reporter (not a sports reporter) and someone who has written numerous papers about the first amendment and the press, I think I understand the 1st amendment better than anyone here.

That's why I feel compelled to say that this is again much ado about nothing stemming from some fundamental misunderstandings about the first amendment.

Israel said...

You could not possibly be more wrong on this. It is most certainly illegal. And the woman who ordered it (who by the way has donated $2,500 to Obama's campaign) knew it was illegal because she attempted to cover it up immediately. Actual criminal charges (the kind they put people in jail for) have been filed in this case.

The Columbus Dispatch has done a fantastic job of chasing down this story. It's refreshing to see a mainstream media outlet that still does its job.


What about the McCain volunteer making up the story about getting beaten up by a six foot four black Obama supporter and filing a police report to try to give McCain a bump in the polls?

That's illegal!

Are you holding MCCain responsible for every indiscretion commited by every single one of his supporters?

No of course you're not, cuz he's a Republican.

Just get off!

It because unless you are applying the same ridiculous standards to McCain your argument makes no sense.

Israel said...

After hearing Obama's warren court analysis, I get it now.

You guys just don't understand the nuances of constitutional law. (I don't blame you guys, you aren't lawyers or legal scholars, so why should you be able to understand what someone who is and who happens to have that depth of understanding is saying?)

Obama is just too intellectual for most and his thoughtful analysis goes right over your heads.

Instead of understanding his analysis in context and in depth you flounder around, grasp onto a few code words and completely change the meaning of what he is actually saying.

You guys are so used to listening to idiots like George Bush that when you hear someone with a modicum of intelligence speak, "Whoosh!" It goes right over your heads.

Just because someone talks about "sharing the wealth" doesn't make him a socialist, just cuz someone talks about the fact that it isn't good for the economy for all the capital to be held by people very, very few people and that businesses need a broad customer base to succeed doesn't make him a marxist. It makes him someone with common sense. Did he say that the government needs to take everyone's money away and institute a socialist system? Nope he didn't say anything even remotely close to that.

So he makes a few accurate remarks about the warren court and suddenly he's a communist, huh?

You guys are truly losing it. You've worked yourselves into such a frenzy that you've convinced yourselves that Obama is some sort of Communist boogeyman.

I have to admit, that I'm sort of enjoying this, especially since it is happening so soon after the Republican sponsored socialist bailout of their mortgage business buddies.

You guys are a riot! Keep it up, I haven't laughed this hard in years!

Sharla said...

Neither have we! All your "anwers" are so predictable. You are hilarious! :)

Israel said...

All of our answers are predictable, the difference is that my answers are predictably "right" and your answers are predictably "wrong."

One of the problems I have with your arguments is that as a trained lawyer and journalist I'm trained to used words precisely. Meanings and context are important.

You guys are the exact opposite because you drain words of all meaning and redefine them to suit your own purposes.

You guys are just like the Gay rights people who think they can redefine the meaning of the term "marraige" and then act like the term "marraige" has always included same-sex couples.

So far you've redefined the meaning of the term "Socialism," "Communism," "Marxism" and "First Amendment Rights."

I don't know if your misuse of these terms stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of the underlying terms, whether you guys are just mindlessly repeating Republican propaganda or whether you guys are purposely trying to be disingenuous.

But what every you guys are doing, it makes your arguments easy pickings and deprives them of all credibility.

Israel said...

Listen carefully to Johns first link which purposely misquotes Obama right in the heading it says


Obama to plumber- "we want to spread your wealth around"

which complteley twists what he actually said.


The actual quote is:

"If the economy is good for folks from the bottom up it's good for everybody. If you've got a plumbing business you're gonna be better off if you've got a bunch of customers who can afford to hire you. And right now everybody is so pinched that business is bad for everybody and I think that when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."

"When you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody" is totally different than "I'm gonna take your money and give it to someone else."

That's a complete no brainer.

Think about it, what exactly do you disagree with in that statement?

Do you believe that the economy would be better served by having the vast majority of the population be poor as dirt? Is that gonna help small business? o you believe in the importance of having a viable middle class? Or do you think that it's better when the economy is only good for an elite few billionaires who can gouge the rest of us?


See the difference? If not, all I can say is turn on your brains people! Work on your attention spans! You guys need to work on your listening and comprehension skills or something.

I recommend the SRA line of reading products.

Israel said...

Listen carefully to Johns first link which purposely misquotes Obama right in the heading it says


Obama to plumber- "we want to spread your wealth around"

which complteley twists what he actually said.


The actual quote is:

"If the economy is good for folks from the bottom up it's good for everybody. If you've got a plumbing business you're gonna be better off if you've got a bunch of customers who can afford to hire you. And right now everybody is so pinched that business is bad for everybody and I think that when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody."

"When you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody" is totally different than "I'm gonna take your money and give it to someone else."

That's a complete no brainer.

Think about it, what exactly do you disagree with in that statement?

Do you believe that the economy would be better served by having the vast majority of the population be poor as dirt? Is that gonna help small business? o you believe in the importance of having a viable middle class? Or do you think that it's better when the economy is only good for an elite few billionaires who can gouge the rest of us?


See the difference? If not, all I can say is turn on your brains people! Work on your attention spans! You guys need to work on your listening and comprehension skills or something.

I recommend the SRA line of reading products.

Cyndi said...

I heard Obama described as "an eloquently tailored empty suit." No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no guts, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.

I had to say Amen to that. The guy is intelligent and definitely a trained speaker, but he flaps his jaws more than any candidate that we have had. Somthing like an extra five to nine words in each sentence over the average person. It bores me to death to listen to someone who dances around the issue and doesn't state anything!

No wonder all these illiterate people who watch a lot of TV and have been brainwashed by the zillions of propaganda ads are ready to vote for him. They want to be a slave to the Obamanation!

Israel said...

So what you are trying to say is
"Too many big words hurt my itty-bitty brain?"

I am perfectly comfortable with someone who is professorial and intelligent. We tried it your way and elected an idiot and that turned out terribly.

I think Joe Klien describes the Republican illitirati best --

"The most vehement of the Republican faithful live in an alternate universe, fermented by decades of Rush Limbaugh's brilliantly meretricious baloney and Sean Hannity's low-rent bullying."

That's why you guys don't understand Obama, you guys live in an alternate universe where wrong is right, up is down and white is black.

Let's call that alternate universe "Ohio."

The sad thing is that you guys are suffering more than most (The economy in Ohio is dead with no hope in sight) because you elected bush twice, but you guys are too confused to localize the source of your pain. You refuse to acknowledge your mistakes in favor of blaming the socialist liberal democrats.

It's time to declare Ohio officially brain dead.

I just wish we could pull the plug on you now so you don't take the rest of the country down with you.

Cyndi said...

Oh, no! My itty bitty brain can definitely process everything that it needs to.

For instance, it can recognize that confidence in a person is attractive and inspiring - but arrogance is just plain ugly.

Israel said...

"I want to live in a nation where I can defend myself from those who might wish to do me and my family harm, whether that be an intruder, a wild animal, and yes, even a tyrannical goverment."


Don't forget trick or treaters!

As you can see from the news drom South Carolina, you still live in a country where you can pump 29 rounds from an AK-47 through the door at a 12 year old trick or treater and his 9 year old brother.


Israel said...


Hey, I resemble that remark!

Cyndi said...

LOL! Well, if the description fits...

But I think you should try confident only for awhile, huh???

This itty bitty brain, raised in Ohio, still has a few good thoughts in it!

Ohio is definitely the heartland of politics. They are both working this state hard. If the vote were only from my county, it would be McCain 95, Obama, 3!

Even two five year olds who I was taking care of, discussed the issue. They said that "voter guy, John McCain" was really popular cos everyone has his name in their yard. They have seen about 2008 McCain signs.

The other little guy said, " and yeah, that Obama guy only has about three signs - guess he isn't getting voted for!"

Out of the mouths of babes!

Israel said...

I wouldn't say that "Ohio is the heartland of politics."

In fact you just confirmed that only three percent of the population has the capacity for rational thought.

Here's my suggestions for a motto:

1) Ohio is the land of mindless sheep who make the same mistakes over and over.

2) A vast wasteland of intellectual defectives.

3) The largest collection of idiots bar none!

Israel said...

Here's another Good one:

Ohio: What we lack in smarts we make up in stupidity.


Cyndi said...

No - I don't care for any of those.

Can you try again? But don't overtax your large brain. I worry about you carrying that load on top of your shoulders.

justin h said...

kinda funny how many great and amazing things came from a ohio if all ohioians are as dumb as those from california think we are

justin h said...

ok israel please tell me one thing that should make me want to vote for Obama other than he is black and a democrate because really neither of those two words make me think that would be a good enough reason to vote for a man or a woman

Israel said...

Sorry John, if you haven't figured it out by now, you never will.

I've grown to accept the fact that some people will never "get it."

The only reason I even waste my breath here is that it is therapeutic to verbally pound the folks that responsible (in large part) for flushing the country down the toilet in the last 8 years.

The only consolation is that Ohio is paying for its ignorance in spades. Good luck turning your economy around folks, especially given a complete lack intellectual resources.

But don't dispaair, it's not a complete loss, maybe Joe the Plumber will run for governor or something...

Israel said...

Also I am strongly considering calling a political truce w/ Ohio depending on what happens in a couple of days.

That's why I've gotta get all my good shots in now. Hopefully what happens in two days will be the knockout blow.

And remember, Jeshanah started dumping on Arizona first so it's not like I picked a fight w/ Ohio, you guys asked for it.

Sharla said...

You said if you actually lived in Ohio you would attend our church, even if there were things you disagreed with, you'd come and listen to Bro. Jeff, (and also tell us where we are all mistaken or something like that). I know sometimes I tell you to go to and listen to a sermon that I think you should hear or would find really interesting. Have you recently? Because you should REALLY hear what Bro. Jeff said today! I found the whole thing fascinating and couldn't believe it was time to go home so quickly. Please, really do go check it out, and then let us know what you think.

Cyndi said...

A truce??? You wanna play nice NOW! No way! I think you are getting ready to turn tail and run because you are afraid of Tuesday's results!

You won't be able to face Ohio when McCain/Palin WINS.

Sharla said...

It will be okay, Israel, we'll still be friends with you even when you guys lose again.
( I always feel sorry for poor ol' Israel...just think about it, he says he hasn't laughed so hard for years, but he is all alone. In his own little world he is making strong arguments and winning with amazingly funny insults. While the rest of us... well, today Justin and Becca and I were laughing about his responses and how he never lets any facts get in his way while we were all getting ready to go to church, then John stopped by and we were all laughing about this blog again. After church PMB gave me a high five for saying "I HOPE SO" about Israel's question whether PMB's hated forms of governance would have a special place in hell, then on the way home, Cyndi called me and we were laughing about the whole thing again. Poor Israel, laughing all alone...)

Sharla said...

Speaking of state's economies, surely I'm wrong, but didn't i hear something not long ago about California having just a teensy bit of trouble in that area, something about a bailout or something...?
And silly me, this can't be right either, but the other day I could have swore I read something about some town out there having more forclosures than like any town... oh wait, seems like it was second only to...oh, what WAS the name of that town? Seems like it started with an "s".
You know all this stuff just gets right by me...;)

Israel said...

California will be fine, we're cutting edge over here, at the forefront of everything.

When it comes to relative importance California is a place with worldwide influence and importance and Ohio isn't even a blip on the radar.

And believe me, I'm not laughing alone, there's a bunch of really smart quality people laughing at you guys.

Just last night, my brother-in-law (a Harvard-educated, Rhodes Scholar and Medical doctor) and I were reading this blog and laughing our heads off at some of the stuff you guys write.

Worry not, you back-water yahoos are always good for a few yucks and you are a source of entertainment for some pretty smart folks out here.

And I'm not planning on calling a truce because I'm worried about you guys "winning." I'm thinking of calling a truce because I pride myself in being a gracious winner.

Israel said...

There were a few other people laughing as well, but I'll protect their identities....

Jeshanah said...

I was reading the other day that California has the worst unemployment rate right now. Out of the top 25 worst cities in the country, Cali had like 11 or 12 of them. (Michigan was a close second with 4 or 5...)

Sharla said...

Yikes! Cutting "EDGE"! On the "Forefront"! What a choice of words for California!
At first when I just read your response I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face. It's funny to think about people out there reading all of our comments... but as I read it through a second time I remembered something Bro. Jeff said this morning, and suddenly I am quite sober and your choice of words makes me uneasy. I hope you know we really do love you and all your family, all of us do, no matter what insults you hurl at us. We love to hate your politics, but we love you. That goes for your brothers and educated brother-in-laws too.

Sharla said...

And don't expect us to be all impressed with the Rhodes Scholar thing, we live less than 5 miles from Rhodes State University so we know lots of 'em! As far as the "doctor" thing, some of my friends clean for doctors and are in their homes every week! Obviously you'll have to do better than that if you want to impress us.

Anonymous said...

"You guys either have a serious problem with complexity and nuance don't you or you don't understand English very well."

I found the poor editing and improper use of the English language in this statement to be incredibly ironic...


No offense to any of you, but all of your arguments are extremely predictable. In fact, had someone asked me to predict each of your arguments in reference to the current election, I would have been spot on for each of you, including Israel, who, if I'm not mistaken, I have only met once. Why is this? Because it only takes a few minutes of conversation to recognize a person's paradigm. Once you identify their paradigm it is fairly simple to predict their views on a wide variety of subjects, because our paradigms not only greatly influence our interpretation of events, but actually color our perceptions...

Yada yada yada...I believe I ramble...

Anyways, keep it up guys, at least you're discussing the issues. As for my opinion, most of you already know it. I predicted Obama would be our next president four years ago. He is a once in a generation combination of eloquence, intelligence, and charisma. Combine this with a "perfect storm" of economic troubles, an uncertain world, and an unpopular eight-year incumbent Republican president, and I doubt any Republican stood a chance. History has proven, repeatedly, that his views on nearly every issue are misguided. However, when we choose our president by a popularity contest, the issues almost always take a backseat to charisma and eloquence.

Bobby Jindal in 2012!!!

Sharla said...

Hey Tommy! How cool to have you weigh in! I didn't know you read Shan's blog. Is this something new for you or have you been on here before and I forgot? Anyway, it is great to have yet another brilliant conservative on here.

Unknown said...

Saying Obama is misguided is like saying Caligula was a bit temperamental.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Bobby Jindal would be good. I'm hoping Jim Jordan doesn't catch a nasty case of Potomac Fever and become another typical politician. So far he has done a great job of sticking to his principles (e.g. voting against the bailout twice).

As far as the accusations against me taking things out of context... well, here's some context that proves unequivocally that Obama is not interested in using taxes for their intended purpose -- raising revenue -- but for "fairness." His purposeful ignorance of economic history is astounding.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

This typical Democrat proves that stupidity is non-partisan.

"I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. If I help him, he's gonna help me."

I'm not sure whether I should laugh or cry.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Just last night, my brother-in-law (a Harvard-educated, Rhodes Scholar and Medical doctor) and I were reading this blog and laughing our heads off at some of the stuff you guys write.

O noes!!!111!! Not teh harverd!!!1!!!!!1 :rollseyes:

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

This song keeps running through my head for some reason. :-)

Sharla said...

Obivously that song just keeps running through your mind because you are simple-minded. Like, I suppose we are all so dumb we could actually believe there is some kind of a spirit influencing a song like that, and we might even think that spirit might actually be claiming to be who he really is. Like a spirit could ever be that obvious! But that is because we live in Ohio and don't know anything. I am sure if we had only aquired a few more degrees and those from better schools, we would surely not be so gullible as to actually believe there is such a thing as spiritual warfare. Spirits in high places? What an old fashoned idea. It only makes sense to us back-water yahoos.

Israel said...

Ohhh!! Paradigm? Does that mean Tommy gave us his 20 cents worth instead of just his two cents worth?

Yeah if my arguments are predictable, it's only because my opponents have been so predictable for over the past four years and I'm just responding to them.

Heres how it goes:


"Something stupid, misinformation, something even stupider, big fat lie, something incredibly stupid, something unbelievably stupid, something irrelevant, something mindblowingly stupid, something just plain ignorant."


"Wow! That was incredibly stupid and misinformed!"

The only way I actually keep myself entertained to to try to think up clever new ways to insult you guys.

Seriously, if you're gonna be arguing with a bunch of people that pose absolutely no challenge, you've gotta keep yourself entertained somehow. ;)

So yeah it does get predictable after a while. But I have noticed a difference after pounding away with a sledgehammer at you rock heads for over four years.

For instance hardly any one ever talks about how George Bushiness is next to Godliness any more. You guys are far less smug in your beliefs than than you were four years ago and I'll take that humility as my reward.

And as far as grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes and typos, why should I go back and fix them?

I know that if I corrected my typos and never made any mistakes you guys would relate to me even less. If Tommy hadn't spotted my typos, he wouldn't have had the cojones to jump in and attack with his brilliant "predictable paradigm" argument.

Welcome Tommy!!

Weren't you the guy that told me how incredibly racist Ohio was? If so, big props for being honest and exposing the big reason why the presidential race in Ohio is even close.

If Obama were any run of the mill, semi-retarded white gay man with a coke habit (Joe the Plumber say) he'd be winning by a landslide because of the mess the Republicans have made of the country over the last eight years.

But Ohio is full of racists and Obama is half black, so the race is close....

Israel said...

That "Cult of Personality" song reminds me of the time I told a girl I was dating that I was 1/8th Black.

She Freaked! Then she claimed that she didn't care but she was afraid that her parents would be able to tell I was part Black just by looking at me.

Then she starts looking at me really closely and declares that she could see my Blackness ("I see it now!" she says.) she said I looked a lot like the lead singer of Living Colour (The group that sings that Cult of Personality song.) I think his name is Corey Glover.

So I met her Southern Fried Parents and they thought I was Greek.

Ahhh White people! You gotta Love them!

Then I dumped her because looks aside, I didn't like her much anyway.

Anonymous said...


If that song is keeps running through your head, you must have a aweful headache. It's probably keeping you from being able to think straight.

Oh, here's an update for those who are interested. Joanna is 6 centimeters, she's been dialated for over a week now, and we think she will pop sometime this week. We'll see.

Let me ask you republicans something, doesn't it scare you that John McCain would choose a woman he only met once, and possibly place the entire country in her hand is something should happen to me, which is not entirely unlikely in the next 4 years?

That's scarier than any of the arguments anyone has brought up as far as obama's taking away of liberties.

Just ask The French President

Israel said...

MCCain was desperate and old. he know this is his only chance to be president.

He could care less about whether or not Palin was the best candidate or whether she was prepared or not, he just wants to get elected so bad that he'll do anything even if it means possibly hurting the country by putting an incompetent on the ticket with him.

He went for the best looking Republican woman out there even though others (and other women) were far more qualified.

It was the cynical, purely political choice of an old desperate man and it shows that what he truly values above all else is grabbing power for power's sake.

It was the most important decision he had to make in this campaign and he made the worst possible decision for purely political reasons.

It shows me that he cannot be trusted to do the right thing instead of the politically expedient thing.

Sharla said...

Zion, If "something" happens to you, Sarah gets to run the country??
Be careful, you're a pretty big target! lol ;)

Sharla said...

Let me ask you republicans something, doesn't it scare you that John McCain would choose a woman he only met once, and possibly place the entire country in her hand is something should happen to me, which is not entirely unlikely in the next 4 years?

Unknown said...

II Thes. 2:11 - ...that they should believe a lie.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

"Let me ask you republicans [sic] something, doesn't it scare you that John McCain would choose a woman he only met once, and possibly place the entire country in her hand is [sic] something should happen to me, [sic] which is not entirely unlikely in the next 4 years?"

Well, I'm not a Republican, but allow me to venture an opinion. What scares me is that the Democratic party and millions of misguided Americans are willing to place the entire country in the hands of a man who has spent more of his incredibly short political career campaigning than he has governing.

Here's what else scares me, that the media has thrown its support completely behind him as well, without even vetting him. Witness this exchange between Meet the Press host Tom Brokaw, who moderated the second presidential debate, and PBS's Charlie Rose:


ROSE: I don't know what Barack Obama's worldview is.

BROKAW: No, I don't, either.

ROSE: I don't know how he really sees where China is.

BROKAW: We don't know a lot about Barack Obama and the universe of his thinking about foreign policy.

ROSE: I don't really know. And do we know anything about the people who are advising him?

BROKAW: Yeah, it's an interesting question.

ROSE: He is principally known through his autobiography and through very aspirational (sic) speeches.

BROKAW: Two of them! I don't know what books he's read.

ROSE: What do we know about the heroes of Barack Obama?

BROKAW: There's a lot about him we don't know.

The media has done more research on Joe the Plumber than on Barack Obama. That's what's scary!

Israel said...

I really don't care what a couple of teleprompter-reading talking heads know about anything. They spend most of their day in the makeup chair and at the hairsylist anyway.

And the media has given Obama a very thorough going over Mr. Scaredy-pants.

You'd probably already know that if you didn't spend all your time listening to Rush Limbaugh.


I think it's pathetic that you guys are now reduced to criticizing Zion's typos. It shows how little substance your arguments really have.


"I'm not a Republican." Yeah you're not a Republican now, but you were when the last the election rolled around weren't you?

That in itself is pretty telling that the only guy out there in Backwardsville with some intelligence and schooling is no longer a Proud Republican.

Gives one hope...

Cyndi said...


You said, "He went for the best looking Republican woman out there even though others (and other women) were far more qualified."

OHHH, what a sexist comment this is! Never mind that she was capable enough to get elected as Governor of Alaska. Last I checked, that wasn't a beauty contest they voted for!

She is pretty though, and very intelligent and I have heard it said, that she makes very decisive decisions, which her time in Alaska has proven so far.

When will you be running for governor, so that we can decide if you are just a pretty boy or a real intelligent lawyer? Let me know, please.

Sharla said...

I wasn't criticizing Zion's typo, I was just making a joke cause I thought his mistake was a funny one. Lighten up, it looks like you left wing commies will have your chance to ruin the country yourselves after tomorrow. Obama is still ahead in the polls, all should be right in your world.

Unknown said...

In one paragraph, Israel ridicules the media for not knowing who Obama is AND praises them for their thorough vetting of his candidacy.

Will the idiocy never cease?

Israel said...

I'm too ugly to run for anything, you said it yourself.

Palin makes very "decisive decisions" huh?

That's what I want a "decider that makes decisive decisions."

I changed my mind.

I'm voting for Palin and I hope McCain dies so that she can be President and make decisive decisions.

Oh and sorry for being sexist. She's not good looking at all, McCain picked her because she is ugly and she makes decisive decisions.

Unknown said...

I know you are just deceived.


But, in the interest of using this forum for it's cathartic properties, I have one final thing to say before the election.

Obama - a most beguiling serpent - is the bastard progeny of Satan and his Marxist whore.

...a fact that won't miraculously change no matter who is president.

(Hooray for the 1st Amendment)

Sharla said...

(Cyndi, Israel is too short to win a beauty pageant) Don't mention that, though, it's yet another sore spot with him.

Sharla said...

rofl PMB!

Israel said...

"In one paragraph, Israel ridicules the media for not knowing who Obama is AND praises them for their thorough vetting of his candidacy.

Will the idiocy never cease?"


If you're talking about your idiocy here, my guess would be "No."

Here PMB fails to understand the fundamental nature of the media.

There's a dichiotomy between print and broadcast. The print media investigates and reports the news while the broadcast media usually just entertains.


I ridiculed the pretty anchorboys in the TV media that don't actually do any of their own reporting, they just show up have their makeup done and read the teleprompter.


The print media actually does a pretty good job.

Israel said...

" the bastard progeny of Satan and his Marxist whore"


WOW! Good insightful, intelligent analysis PMB!

I've insulted folks a-plenty, but I've never stooped as low as to call someone's dead momma a "whore."

Typical Republican behavior....

Sharla said...

And Israel is not ugly, he's cute as a button.
I think the main reason he is short is that big brain in his massive head has been pushing him down all these years, that and maybe that teensy little chip on his shoulder...I'm just sayin'...:)

Unknown said...

Allegory and metaphor are also lost to your superior intellect?

Unknown said...

For Israel, calling someone a "Republican" seems to be the height of insult.

I, like John am no Republican.

Opposing the Democrat's Marxist platform doesn't make us ones either.

Sharla said...

Israel, PMB would never call an actual lady that, I am pretty sure what we had here was what you call an obtuse metaphoric expression.

Cyndi said...

I hoped you would see it my way sooner or later!

Sarah thanks you for the vote!

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Sorry to burst your fantasy, but I don't listen to Rush. I'm in school when he's on the air (and no, I don't subscribe to the podcast). Besides, when I have been able to catch a few minutes hear and there, Rush says a lot of things I don't agree with.

I get my news from a wide variety of sources, both liberal and conservative. And I formulate my own opinions rather than just regurgitating talking points.

I opposed Limbaugh and the Republican party on immigration and I disagreed with Bush and McCain on the bailout. I also disagreed with Bush on his faith-based initiative program.

I guess you could say I'm something of a maverick.... ;-)

Sharla said...

Lol Cyndi and John!

Unknown said...


"Facts are stubborn things."
- John Adams

Jeshanah said...

You are all insane.

Israel said...

Calling someones dead mother a "whore" isn't speaking metaphorically or allegorically and you guys know it.

When McCain ran against Bush, Bush supporters put out a leaflet about McCain's young adopted daughter (from Bangladesh) claiming that her mother was a black prostitute.

I often wondered what kind of despicable human beings would do something like that.

Now I know.


Israel said...


If you don't listen to Rush anymore its because you are no longer a Republican.

You've already disavowed the Republicans and now it's time to disavow their views...

Israel said...

It's the next logical step in yuor evolution toward becoming a decent, thinking human being...

Unknown said...

"...isn't speaking metaphorically or allegorically and you guys know it."

As the author of the referenced statement, I hardly think it is for you to say what I know or don't know and what my intent was.

"When I use a word, it means exactly what I want it to mean - no more and no less."
- Charles Dodgson (aka Lewis Carrol)

For the record, Obama's earthly mother was the farthest thing from my thinking. Grow up.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Israel thought you were talking about Barry's birth mother? Fer real?! Wow. He's dense.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

You've already disavowed the Republicans and now it's time to disavow their views...

And do what? Start supporting a woman's "right" to kill her unborn child? Start supporting taking from the rich to give to the government? Start supporting raising investment taxes in the middle of a recession? Start supporting the restriction of second amendment rights?

No thanks. I like having a soul.

Sharla said...

NOBODY but Israel would actually think PMB was referring to an real person, living or dead, by that statement. It is unbelievable.

Sharla said...

Just think, Israel, maybe after tomorrow you won't have to worry about making a car payment or paying your mortgage. You help him and the nice man will help you. :)

Sharla said...

I know, I know, you don't even make car payments and you are rich and all that, it was a JOKE! (It appears we need to spell things out a little more clearly for our friend in California)

Unknown said...

I'm still optimistic that Israel will have reason for four more years of bitterness towards Ohio.

Israel said...

Let PMB explain what he meant by that statement then.

I can hear him racking his brains (sounds like a little hamster trying to get his stuck exercise wheel turning.)

It's pretty clear that he hates Obama with some sort of quasi religious fervor. He is so steeped in venom and vitriol that he is cursing the man's dead mother.

At least I have the guts to stick to what I say. You'll never hear me call somebody's mother a "whore" and then hide behind allegory and metaphor.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Everyone here knew it was a tongue-in-cheek comment which was not a direct reference to the man's deceased mother. You, however, are so blinded by your quasi-religious hatred of Republicans that you failed to observe the obvious.

Sharla said...

Oh, brother. I believe that he wasn't even meaning the man, Obama, but the style of government he represents in the first place.
Then I KNOW he wasn't talking about his actual mother, "Marxist Whore" is the system called marxism and Satan, that would be the devil and all his demons. He is in no way suggesting that satan literally had sex with Barrack's mom and produced a child. Let's not be absurd.

Sharla said...

Furhermore, from what I know of PMB (and John and Tommy and all the rest of us actually), as much as we hate everything Barack seems to stand for, socialism, abortion, etc., if he were to see him in a burning car or something, he would risk his own life to save him. It is not the man, he is just a human, it is the power behind him we are against.

Sharla said...

PMB is not racking his brain to come up with anything, he and all of us knew exactly what he meant, and he just wanted to espress it, in case from now on we will never be allowed to express anything we feel again.
Nobody ever thinks they are going to lose their freedoms before they lose them.

Israel said...

I wanted to hear him try and explain it.

Because he called Obama

A bastard and an snake.

he said his father was Satan

and his mother was Marxist Whore.

Seems pretty clear to me.


Not only that he is using the same quasi-religious imagery to describe Obama's mother that the KKK uses to describe any woman who has relations with a black man.

PMB's choice of words and sexual imagery is very telling.

If I had written them about any Republican Jeshanah would have immediately deleted them and you guys would have had to have been carted off to the emergency room due to apopolectic fits.

But since it's only PMB demonizing a black man and his mother it's perfectly OK.

Allegory and metaphor my foot!

Sharla said...

oh brother, you are so far off are impossible, you think everything is about race, none of us think that way...

Sharla said...

Hitler wasn't black and we all feel the exact same way about him, trying to talking to you in a rational manner sometimes is SO frustrating...

I KNOW in your mind, this is all real to you somehow, like all of us hate anybody who is not 100% white or something, it is completely untrue and no basis for anything in reality...

Israel said...

No I don't think everything is about race, but I guarantee you that PMB has never talked about any white candidate for president like that and he never will.

You guys really do live in an alternate universe. You guys really have been poisoned by Republican propaganda.

PMB is just like one of those embarassing racist Republicans at the town hall meetings who jump up and claim that Obama is an Arab Terrorist or yell "Kill Him!"

If McCain wins tomorrow I will wish him nothing but the best and I will pray very hard that he stays healthy so that Palin never gets a chance to subject the country to her incompetence.

It's been a long time since I went to church, but I would never call Bush or Cheney or McCain a bastard or call their mother's whores.

What are they teaching you people in Ohio anyway? You guys need to look in the mirror if you think that's OK.

Israel said...

The fact that you would compare your feelings for Obama to your feelings for Hitler is telling too.

In order for you to hate a White guy like Hitler he has to kill six million jews.

All a Black man has to do is run for President.

Sharla said...

If Sarah Palin were a black woman, I would be JUST as excited about her because of her views, her genuiness and her goals for the country. I was excited when I thought perhaps Condoleeza Rice was gonna run.
If Barack Obama looked exactly like Tom Hanks or Brad Pitt or you name it, and had one of their "white" names, I would still be JUST as concerned about his voting record (present) his socialistic plans and his view on abortion.

Sharla said...

As we have just explained, PMB did NOT call anyone a whore. You refuse to see the truth.

Sharla said...

I HOPE I would have been against Hitler before he had killed anyone. I HOPE I would have been one of the people trying to save Anne Frank.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

No I don't think everything is about race, but I guarantee you that PMB has never talked about any white candidate for president like that and he never will.


PMB is just like one of those embarassing racist Republicans at the town hall meetings who jump up and claim that Obama is an Arab Terrorist or yell "Kill Him!"

You are completely and utterly full of manure.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

The fact that you consider all white conservatives from Ohio to be racist makes you, by definition, a racist.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Israel said...

There is a huge different from supporting Condleeza Rice (a Black woman who lives only to do a white man's bidding) than there is in supporting a Black man who has his own ideas.

Black men have always been seen as far more "scary" and threatening than Black women. They didn't lynch Black women the lynched Black men. There is a reason Black men were castrated and demonized.

I'm not saying that you guys are stone-cold racists, but you guys do belong to a very racist party that has made a very good living demonizing black men (Think Bush and Willie Horton and how they used a Black Rapist to smear Dukakis.)

Whether he realizes it or not that is what PMB is doing. Whether you realize it or not that is what he is doing.

His use of sexualized language and religious iconography (even if subconscious) are absolutely no accident. he's folowing a long Repubnlican tradition.

Deny it all you want, but you guys aren't self-aware enough to understand that you fear him so much, precisely because he is Black.

Again I'm not saying you are racist per se, but it's obvious you guys are scared of Black people. Your totally irrational fears tell me that you just aren't comfortable with a Black man having power.

Israel said...

PMB is just like one of those embarassing racist Republicans at the town hall meetings who jump up and claim that Obama is an Arab Terrorist or yell "Kill Him!"


Israel said...

I didn't make that up. Republicans did that..


And perhaps PMB isn't a racist.

Perhaps he just plays one on the internet.

Perhaps he's just ignorant?


BTW there is no such race as "White Republicans from Ohio" or WRFO's-- so I can't be "racist" against them.

Israel said...

C'mon PMB!!

Don't let Sharla and John fight your battles for you. Come out and play...

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Deny it all you want, but you guys aren't self-aware enough to understand that you fear him so much, precisely because he is Black.

Again I'm not saying you are racist per se, but it's obvious you guys are scared of Black people. Your totally irrational fears tell me that you just aren't comfortable with a Black man having power.

Yep. Totally full of crap. I and 99.9 percent of us don't give a rats patoot if he's black. Are there segments in society that do? Sure, but they are so minute they are not even worth mentioning. That is complete bull. Your Condaleeza Rice example is absurd. You're playing the race card because of your fear of white people. You, sir, need to be self-aware enough to realize that you are acting more like a racist than any of the rest of us.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

By the way, I have voted for a black man for president before. In fact, my very first presidential primary (1992) I voted for Alan Keyes for the Republican nomination. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

If J.C. Watts ran for president, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

Sharla said...

BTW, I got a call from Zion a little bit ago, I told him I was not trying to make fun of his typos, he just laughed and said he had laughed so hard he was crying when he re-read what he had written, he said "it had all seem to make so much sense the night before, and then in the morning I was like, "what was I talking about?""
That is one of Zion's many endearing qualities, the ability to laugh at himself. We all need to be like that. :)

Israel said...

I don't fear white people. I am white people. I love, love,love white people. If you don't believe me you can ask some of my ex-girlfriends. ;)

I even love you guys and you are about as white as you can get. I consider you guys like cherished Republican pets and I love riling you up because you guys are so entertaining. Heck I've been studying you guys for years, because your simple ways fascinate me.


I'm not talking about you being racist John, I'm talking about PMB.

I may be mistaken, but isn't he the guy that thinks Blacks aren't even capable of playing quarterback?

Everything he has said (not just this) leads me to believe he is a racist straight out of the Limbaugh school.

Israel said...

John, the difference between the other black guys you voted for and Obama is that you knew they didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected president.

Obama does. Maybe that's what scares you...

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Sorry. That was '96 that I voted for Keyes, not '92. So it would have been my second primary election.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Oh yes. Jess just reminded me (I can't believe I forgot), we both voted for Ken Blackwell (who is black) for governor in the last election. Jess even volunteered on his campaign. He lost, but he most definitely had a legitimate shot at winning. He only lost because Bob Taft is an idiot.

Israel said...


You white guys have been screwing up the country for a long time so maybe it's time to give a Black guy a shot, huh?

I heard there's one on the ticket tomorrow. (Although I'm told his mother was a prostitute.)

Sharla said...

Who keeps deleting their comment?? I HATE that!

Sharla said...

I am havinmg a problem here. I voted for Ken Blackwell too, by the way, but I am guessing he is not black in Israel's book.
Israel, you seem to say that it is ALL about skin color, then when we think about skin color and mention someone, turns out they aren't "really" black. Seems like I heard some real black people were even questioning not long ago if Barack was actually black enough to qualify, something about him not being down for the struggle or something, and then "someone" else said he was clean and articulate...

Sharla said...

On the other hand, sometimes you think you are white and sometimes you talk about white people like it's another species...I'm not sure you are a good one to answer this one.

Israel said...

Don't HATE Sharla! LOVE!


McCain just said on Monday Noght Football that the greatest lesson sports taught him was "You've always got to do the right thing, even when nobodies looking."

Good for him!

I wonder if he was doing the right thing when he cheated on his wife, dumped her and married his mistress. (Hmmmm... That's a toughie!)

I wonder if he was doing the right thing when he asked Government regulators to lay off his buddy (convicted felon Charles Keating) so that Keating could keep looting his S&L leading to the biggest Savings & Loan collapse in our country's history?

(Hmmm... again, really tough call there.)

Sharla said...

No, Israel, McCain was not doing the right thing when he cheated on his wife and married his mistress. No one here thinks that was a good thing.
I don't know all the details on the Keating thing, but I believe I heard that he had admitted he was wrong on that a long time ago.

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

[sarcasm]Great. The Steelers just put in Leftwich (a black quarterback) to replace the VERY white Ben Roethlisberger. And the Redskins have Jason Campbell (also black) at QB.

Now I don't know who to root for![/sarcasm]


Sharla said...

Well, if there are no white guys left, who cares? Why even watch?

Israel said...

Never said that they weren't "Black enough." They're plenty Black.

I just said that many of them (Like Clarence "Uncle" Thomas and Condi "White" Rice) were willing to turn their back on their Black brethren to further their own careers is all.


Hey, you guys see how much better the Steelers are doing in Washington DC once they replaced that big white stiff from Ohio with a Black quarterback?

I think it's a sign...

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

McCain's role in the Keating scandal was minimal when compared to the four Democratic senators who made up the rest of the notorious "Keating Five" and he was essentially cleared of any wrong-doing. But he did admit to showing "poor judgment." LINK

However, his marital situation did show a substantial lapse in judgment.

Israel said...


McCain even admitted interceding on Keatings behalf was the biggest mistake he ever made, and you are calling it minimal?


I've already said that McCain's wife is a common harlot (I'm not speaking metaphorically either) and yet Obama's wife gets all the criticism. (It's nice to be white isn't it?)

And Palin's daughter is a tart (and I'm not speaking allegorically either.)

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

Read the article.

Unknown said...


I already responded to you. Twice.
But you choose to, in essence, call me a liar and went off on one of the more bigoted rants I've ever read in my life.

Why should I care? It's a free country.

Again, I don't give one whit about Barak Obama, the man, his earthly mother, or his skin color. I was speaking of the spirit behind his candidacy. Furthermore, knowledgeable of Bro. Branham's sermons as you are, I'd expect you to know the difference between a serpent and a snake.

If you want a response in the future, ask civily.

Unknown said...

Addressing a few other issues....

The QB thing? Seriously? Cultivate a sence of humor.

One of the grooms men in my parents wedding (earthly parents...seems we need to spell this out in triplicate for a petty audience) was a police officer. I only mention this person is black because skin color seems to be the key attribute that impresses socialistic, California lawyers.
In childhood, this man's son was my very best friend. Our families are out of touch because we no longer attend the same church.

So you think I'm racist? Don't particularily care.
But I must say that reading your coments over the past year has been quite the education in racism - by example.

Unknown said...

If I quote here Rev 17 and call the catholic church the great whore, will an equally over the top rant defending the pope be forthcomming?

Unknown said...

Would I have had to wait until after Hitler slaughtered 6 million of Abraham's decendents before I could stand up in oposotion and call his third reich a pre-tribulation caused by 6 hundred thousand thousand demons?

Or would that have been racist? Oh wait. Only disagreeing with non-white people can be racist.

My bad.

Sharla said...

Don't be ridiculous, PMB, the pope is white.

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