Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things are pretty quiet around here with Jariah, Becca and the boys gone. Yesterday was especially long for a couple of reasons, 1) it was the first day that Zion had to go to work since they left, leaving me at home all alone.. and 2) he had to work overtime (like they do every Monday) so I was there by myself for about 12 hours. Very mundane. I worked on my laundry and got that all caught up. (Now I don't know what I'll do next Monday, because I don't think we can create that much laundry again in a week even if we try!)

Over the weekend, Zion and I moved some furniture around in a sad attempt to make the house seem less empty. (We failed miserably by the way... there's just no way to make our piddly little amount of furnishings fill a 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2 living room and giant kitchen house!) Thank goodness Jariah and Becca left their old couches and table or it would be even worse, and trust me, it's bad enough!!! I'll post some pictures sometime to show you all just how sad it really is... it's actually so sad that it's kinda funny. haha

The kitchen looks like a showroom with one dish per shelf.... room to breathe I guess.


Cyndi said...

Sounds to me like you can run a bed and breakfast - there is plenty of room!!!

Hope you are not too lonely...

Israel said...

Speaking of peiople who are feeling "All Alone," I'm sad to say that an Ohio legend died today.

Which is surprising considering how brilliant his Ohio lawyers were...


LUCASVILLE, Ohio - The first inmate to die by lethal injection in Ohio in more than a year argued to the end that his obesity would make it difficult for prison staff to find suitable veins in his arms to deliver the deadly chemicals.
During preparations for his execution Tuesday, Richard Cooey shouted for one of his attorneys as prison staff tried to insert a shunt in his left arm.

"He was worried that we were on the brink of another botched execution," said Greg Meyers, an attorney with the Ohio Public Defender's Office.

There were no difficulties, said Larry Greene, a spokesman for the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility, where Cooey was executed for killing two University of Akron students in 1986. He was one of two people executed nationwide Tuesday.

Cooey, who stood 5-foot-7 and weighed 267 pounds, said in numerous legal filings that his obesity made death by lethal injection inhumane. Problems finding veins on other inmates had delayed previous executions in Ohio.

Cooey, who earlier in the day lost a final appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court, had little to say when offered the chance to make a final statement.

"For what? You (expletive) haven't paid any attention to anything I've said in the last 22 1/2 years, why would anyone pay any attention to anything I've had to say now," Cooey said looking at the ceiling.

Summit County Prosecutor Sherri Bevan Walsh said the family of Mary Ann Hackenberg, who was 20 when she was killed, was disappointed that Cooey was vulgar and hateful to the end.

"He still would not apologize and still would not accept responsibility for what he did," she said.

Cyndi said...

Yes, this guy brutally killed two college girls. I would have to say that he got what he deserved.

It seems like a person would feel some remorse after 22 years of living with the thought of what he had done, but he apparently did not.

Israel said...

You'd think he'd wanna die, being from Ohio and all.

But No! Off he goes and thinks up the "I'm-too-fat-to-die" defense.

There's no understanding these Ohio folk...

Cyndi said...

I will have to say for such a moronic looking person, he did try to come up with a clever defense.

He was not an Ohio native - I remember hearing somewhere that he moved here from the west coast!!

Jeshanah said...

I've been looking around and the only place I can find where it says anything about where he was from prior to Ohio is http://www.mahalo.com/Richard_Cooey, it says he was born in California. I don't know if this is accurate or not, but it does explain why he was crazy... kinda. I think he died much more "humanely" than his victims did or than he deserved.

Sharla said...

Alas, another poor soul, crazed and demented from California, seeking refuge and healing for his twisted mind in the tranquil beauty that is Ohio, but too late! His soul already destroyed from such a bad beginning...

Jeshanah said...

If only he had gone sooner, before the hot desert sun fried his poor brain. That's why he didn't know right from wrong, the part of your brain that tells you that (what's that called again?)was melted. It's all becoming so clear...

Israel said...

Anyone who moves to Ohio should be executed as a precautionary measure
(Anyone who would move to Ohio from anywhere else has to be both brain-damaged and insane.)

All that Steak and Shake must have clogged his arteries even further and cut off the flow of blood to his brain.

I would have used the "I-moved-to-Ohio" defense and he would have immediately been found not guilty by reason of insanity. (and bad taste)

Jeshanah said...

Steak and Shake has been out of business for years... and it's probably a good thing you weren't his lawyer then, because it seems to me he got what he deserved.

Israel said...

Aaaawww man!

Steak & Shake was the only good thing about Ohio, IMO.

Unknown said...

Um...Steak & Shake is still very much in business.

There's one 7 min from where I work in Indiana.

Sharla said...

It just closed in Lima. The service in that one left a lot to be desired. I personally thought the food was worth waiting for, but, oh well.

Israel said...

666 Thousand Ohioans Register to vote but unfortunately about one in three are too dumb to properly fill out the applications

(Yep, that's the Number of the Beast times 1000)

CINCINNATI - Close to one in every three newly registered Ohio voters will end up on court-ordered lists being sent to county election boards because they have some discrepancy in their records, an elections spokesman said Wednesday.

Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner estimated that an initial review found that about 200,000 newly registered voters reported information that did not match motor-vehicle or Social Security records, Brunner spokesman Kevin Kidder said. Some discrepancies could be as simple as a misspelling, while others could be more significant.

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati sided with the Ohio Republican Party on Tuesday and ordered Brunner to set up a system that provides those names to county elections boards. The GOP contends the information will help prevent fraud.

"Things already are in motion to comply," Kidder said. "We're working to establish these processes on how we can make this work. The computer work actually began last week."

About 666,000 Ohioans have registered to vote since January.

Cyndi said...

Oh, you know when you live in Ohio - sometimes you list yourself, your other brother Darrel, and then your other brother Darrel on several applications. It is called multiple personalities.

You silly ole guy! This is some of the Democratic voter fraud. They are just making up people to get more voters registered...Talk about brain-damaged and insane! Actually only 222,000 are real Ohio voters.

Cyndi said...

Read below - at least we don't roast our relatives here in Ohio, unlike some other states...

CORNING, Calif. - The family of a dead elderly woman cremated her remains on a makeshift barbecue and continued collecting her retirement checks amounting to more than $25,000, authorities in Northern California said. Ramona Allmond's daughter and grandson were arrested Sunday on suspicion of embezzlement, elder abuse and disposing of a body without a permit.

Sharla said...

She got the idea from all those Celebrity Roasts they are always having out there. The people in California are always misinterpreting things...

Jeshanah said...

Larry, his brother Daryl, and his other brother Daryl... pretty sure they were from Vermont. Love those guys though, they are so disgusting!! =)

Israel said...

At least we barbecue our relatives after they are dead, you guys microwave them while they are still alive...

Unknown said...

Build your own incinerator in 10 easy steps! Send $50 for your instruction packet, complete with DVD! Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back!

Home cremation kits - it's gonna be huge.

Jeshanah said...

Please please for the love of all that is good in this world, please stop bringing up that microwave baby incident. It seriously makes me ill and it takes me forever to stop constantly thinking about it. That's not what I want to be thinking about, so please stop.

Cyndi said...


Yes, you are right. Larry, Daryl, and his other brother Daryl are from Vermont.

But I suspect that they are moving to California, but with the high gas prices, they were only able to get to Ohio, so they stopped to register to vote and stay for the winter. They are Obama supporters.

Jeshanah said...


Sharla said...

The way I see it, Israel should start becoming real easy to get along with just any day now. Everything seems to be going his way. Nancy Pelosi is controlling the world now (isn't she splendid?)Barack will be in the white house soon, we'll all be helping to pay for abortions with no restrictions whatsoever, we are done with all that nasty capitalistic stuff, all is right with the world! :)

Sharla said...

of course most of those registrations are completly bogus and definitely an attempt by the democrats to steal the election, but what you are too dumb to understand is, in this case stealing the election is completely justified. It is for the greater good. See, the actual citizens who really are registered voters, you know, the ones who work and watch the news and (shame on them all) listen to talk radio, THOSE people are all to stupid to vote and really shouldn't even be allowed.

Now, the drug dealers on the street corners and the really intelligent people in the homeless shelters and then of course the Mickey Mouses, Bugs Bunnys, Bob the Cats, and all their fictious friends, THOSE guys gotta vote! The can't be DISENFRANCHISED! Heaven forbid!

And if there is a little fraud and election stealing going on, it's cool. All this capitalism that's been going on here for the past couple hundred years OBVOUSLY hasn't worked, look at the stock market over the last couple weeks. No, what has been proven right over and over, and over in Europe where everyone is really smart, is that socialism is the way to go. You'll see...;)

Unknown said...

So, the freedoms we enjoy in the United States could be ending for good if Obamination gets elected with a socialist majority in congress.

But, on the bright side, Israel will be happier and complain less!!???

Did you see the Reverend Jackson's comments about Israel (the nation) and how, if Obama is elected, there will be real change in our ME policy. Something about how "the zionists" will no longer dictate how we deal with that region and how the Palestinians will finally get "justice"?!!

Of course, Obama "sez it ain't so", but that lying progeny of satan ain't in the least bit convincing.

Israel said...

"Reverend" Jesse Jackson hates Obama. He even said on camera that he wants to cut off Obama's testicles. So now Jackson is speaking for Obama, huh? That makes sense.

Voter fraud is Republican specialty, so I don't see how the Democrats are responsible for what a bunch of morons are doing in Ohio. You guys couldn't get an election right to save your country's life.

Speaking of Fraud it turns out "Joe the Plumber" is "Joe the Republican Con Artist."

He isn't buying any business soon and he's been practicing without his required plumbing license. Liar, liar pants on fire.

I wish I could practice law without my law license, it would save me alot of money in bar dues and mandatory continuing legal education.


And I agree with Jeshanah, I should stop bringing up stuff that people from Ohio do and have done, because it is really disgusting.

I'm especially disgusted that the disgusting people of Ohio voted in disgusting Bush twice and are therefore directly responsible for putting our country in the disgusting toilet.

Once Bush is out of office hopefully I can start to forgive Ohio but if they don't learn from their mistakes and continue supporting mental migets like Palin, I can't promise anything.

How about this, I'll stop being anti-Ohio when it stops being pro-idiocy. (In other words, don't hold your breath folks!)

Israel said...

You know what I don't like about Republicans?

They vote an idiot like George Bush in twice. They support his idiotic policies until the country goes down the tubes.

Then an election rolls around and what do these idiots do? They completely disown George Bush and everything he stands for.

Stand by your idiot! Show some idiot loyalty! Be proud of your idiocy! If you're not gonna be smart, at least be consistent.

Remember the only way the Republicans win is if all the idiots stick together.

- This has been a public service announcement for all the idiots out out there (You know who you are...)-

Israel said...

The guy's name isn't even "Joe" and he isn't even a plumber.

I guess "Sam the non-tax-paying unlicensed contractor" doesn't have the same ring to it.

Can somebody look into deporting this guy?

HOLLAND, Ohio - Joe the Plumber's story sprang a few leaks Thursday. Turns out that the man who was held up by John McCain as the typical, hard-working American taxpayer isn't really a licensed plumber. And court documents show he owes nearly $1,200 in back taxes.

"Joe," whose name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, was cited repeatedly in Wednesday night's final presidential debate by McCain for questioning Barack Obama's tax policy.

Wurzelbacher instantly became a media celebrity, fielding calls during the debate and facing reporters outside his home near Toledo on Thursday morning for an impromptu nationally televised news conference.

The burly, bald man acknowledged he doesn't have a plumber's license, but said he didn't need one because he works for someone else at a company that does residential work.

But Wurzelbacher still would need to be a licensed apprentice or journeyman to work in Toledo, and he's not, said David Golis, manager and residential building official for the Toledo Division of Building Inspection.

justin h said...

ok but i am confused how plumber joe's story has leaks he works as a plumber near toledo. Who said anything about him working in toledo, if you know anything about toledo you would know that city is rundown and no real work is going on in the city itself. ( i think it has something to do with the deomcratic local government running it into the ground) so if he works for a licensed plumber he wouldn't need a license. And about the back taxes that only tells me that he is being taxed to much and probably for some local village tax for a brief period that he worked is a town for a year, he may have been paying his local tax in another small town and the other town says they owe them money.

justin h said...

if you live in one little town and work in another little town you do not have to pay taxes on both towns, only one

Israel said...

Look it's obviously a farce, everyone knows people in Ohio don't have indoor plumbing...

Israel said...

And they are all eagerly waiting to hear who Joe the fake plumber is gonna vote for.

Lemme guess, it's not the Black dude...

Unknown said...

Stand by our idioit, huh?

Sorry we don't fit into your simplistic stereotype.

Unknown said...

BTW, on the incident to which you aluded, I completely agree with Jesse Jackson.

Sharla said...

I for one am smart enough to believe in the old saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. So, from now on, i'm just gonna agree completely with Israel's line of thinking, (under the future political powers that will be, it would be dangerous to think any other way!) So that horrible "Sam having the nerve to go by Joe" had just better march himself down to some government office and do what ever it takes to get himself a license. If he is gonna go around doing plumbing for a living and having the gall to be calling himself a plumber, he better get licensed because the lawyers in California have to have a license!

Sharla said...

Jariah and I are trying to figure out what we need to do to get Toy Store Entrepreneur's licensing. We're trying! But this poor little business also is making payments on back taxes, so we should probably just be thrown in jail.

Cyndi said...

I am standing by my man!

Sharla said...

Our Mama beats your Obama!!! And she SHOULD...if there were enough people left in this country who know right from wrong. It's just not looking too promising.

we're doomed

Unknown said...

Chin up.

What with ABC CBS NBC Washington Post, NYT, etc all in the tank for this pinko-commie, it's amazing that he's only 2% ahead in the polls - well within the margin of error.

Sharla said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CYNDI AND ME!!! In about six hours it will be our joint birthday, so happy birthday to us! (especially Cyndi, since I'm saying it) :)

Cyndi said...

Happy Birthday to you, and Happy Birthday to me! Thank you for the birthday wishes and I hope you have a very special day!

justin h said...

anyone else think it is funny that the democrats are worried about who joe is and if he was telling the truth, and not a bit worried about how obamba answers (Joe who does plumbing) how he wants to tax anyone and give that tax money to the poor who didn't earn that money. i find it strange how everyone is ok with that (even though i am one of the poor ones that would recieve the benefit from obamas plan)

Israel said...

Happy B-Day Sharla and whoever you are sharing the joint with!

In honor of your B-day I will say something nice about someone from Ohio.

I think Kelly "The Ghost" Pavlik (from Youngstown) is a great boxer and a nice guy and I hope he beats the bee-jeebers out of Bernard "The Executioner" Hopkins. I watched him knock out Edison Miranda and destroy Jermain Taylor (the next big thing) twice.

Props to Pavlik for managing to suceed depite having to grow up in taht sort of third world environment.

Now isn't that a nice B-day sentiment?

Israel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharla said...

AAawwww, thanks Israel. You are entirely too sweet.

Jeshanah said...

mom, don't post full names of family members...

Sharla said...
