Saturday, July 12, 2008

Justin called me last night to remind Zion and I that today was the 2nd annual Ron Ball Memorial Fun Run/Walk at camp. (Zion was humiliated at that last year, and had vowed to beat Justin this year...) Anyway, he called right before I went to bed so last night I dreamed about it, except it was a horseback riding race. Much more comical, and much more dangerous. I don't recommend we ever change the run/walk to a horse race, as much fun as it sounds for me personally. It was practically a bloodbath! Everyone was falling off, getting thrown, and dragged. I seriously do not recommend it. =)

I guess people were right when they said you have weird dreams when you are pregnant.


justin h said...

well sorry it was scary, i maintained my third place title i was in the lead for the first mile then i realized that it was a fun run not a race so i slowed down and philp hatfield and ashton crook beat me, i still belive i would be zion on a horseback race also.

Jeshanah said...

Wow, Justin! That's awesome!! I'm so proud!!!

How much money was raised this year? Do you know?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you would beat him on horseback too, unless you were on a fleabitten old nag, and he was riding an in-his-prime racehorse that could handle his weight!!

John S. Hullinger - A.D. said...

The run itself raised almost $2,500 to get a newer car for Bro. Anwar in Pakistan. Then they took up an offering which brought in almost another $3K. Participation was down a little bit this year mostly due to the shorter time period and not having people staying on the grounds. Still, we had 27 runners/walkers. Not bad for a Saturday morning at 7:30.