Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm a terrible mother. For breakfast today, I had 4 DoubleStuf Oreos and a glass of milk. It tasted delicious, but I feel pretty guilty about it.

On a separate note, I went to the doctor the other day, and I have gained 4 pounds and they said everything looks perfect so fat... I mean far.. =)


Sharla said...

So FAT? lol I am sure you're not fat... yet. :)

Cyndi said...


Maybe if you eat 20 Oreo cookies for breakfast each day for the rest of the pregnancy - you will be a little heavier, but I am not buying it yet!

AND the baby might arrive craving chocolate milk!!!

Jeshanah said...

Cyndi, you must be confusing me with my sister...

And mom, you know how they say muscle weighs more than fat... I've lost all my muscle and gained 4 pounds!

The good news is, I think the morning sickness thing is pretty much over (or at least wrapping up...)so I will be able to start exercising regularly soon. =)

BeccaHolsapple said...

Don't believe her, she's far from fat! Except for a little bit of baby belly starting to show, she looks exactly the same!

beka sanders said...

Hey shanah,
your mom told me about the baby the other day. I am SSSOOO happy for you. congratulations and move home so our kids can play together. :)

Cyndi said...

No way - I know which sister I am talking about (the skinny little Oreo Mama one!)

Jeshanah said...

Haha, I like it, Oreo Mama... it's got a nice ring.

Beka, believe me, I'm working on it! Zion's just got a few financial requirements that we have to solve before we make the move. =)