Thursday, April 05, 2007

Yesterday, Zion took me Easter dress shopping! While it was really sweet of him, it turned out to be a futile experience without my very own personal shopper, Jess, along to help me find the perfect dress. I don't know how other people do it... but, I can't find a thing without Jess or at least my Mom with me!!

We went to Macy's and it was depressing because our Macy's isn't set up 'right' (meaning not like Lima's...) and I couldn't find a blasted thing, so I gave up and we came home.

Anyway, I decided to skip the dress and wear an outfit that I already own, but haven't worn before. I actually have a number of things that I haven't worn yet, because just before moving cross-country, I went on a bit of a clothes shopping spree with Jess and Mom and got tons of new clothes!!

Confession: I even had Jess help me make a little book filled with acceptable outfits since she wasn't going to be around for me to call every time I have to get ready for an event. (Even so, I have to called her a couple times and emailed pics of possible outfits for her approval before wearing them...) I actually like to shop, but I seem to only ever find the skirt or shoes part of an outfit, and I am terrible at putting one together!!!

There you go, now everyone will have something else to make fun of me about.(Why do I always insist on telling on myself?!?!) I need so much therapy!!


Sharla said...

You are so silly! I am sure you could find something just fine on your own, you just don't think you can.
Although I admit, I feel much more comfortable buying a whole outfit when Jess is along, too.
She and John watch that What Not to Wear show all the time and they seem to have it all figured out. The other day they were walking around Levis Commons, (looking like models in my opinion), and they told me they were playing like they were the couple on that show! Critiquing between themselves everyone's outfits! What snobs! LOL! It's got to be easier when your THAT TALL and THIN!
Anyway, sometimes I really like something and she doesn't seem so crazy about it , and then I see myself in a picture wearing it and then I know why!
I'm pretty sure the reason you need therapy on this one is not MY fault. I'm laying this one at Jess's door.

Anonymous said...

Move back here and I'll be glad to help you at any time. (If it's any consolation, I don't have a new Easter outfit either. At least Janessa will look fabulous!)

Jeshanah said...

I watch What Not To Wear all the time, too. I love that show!

I guess it's not really that I have to have Jess along, I think it's more that I need a second opinion, and Zion doesn't have a clue!!!

I also critique other peoples outfits, and I worry that they are doing the same... that's why I like to have Jess' okay before making a clothing purchase.

Israel said...

So John is quite the fop is he?

And he watches fashion shows on TV? Probably between watching car racin' and shooting animals with guns, huh?

He is just chock full of all kinds of surprises.

Jeshanah said...

I'm not sure what a fop is, but I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and answer no for John on that one... He can correct me if I'm wrong... =)

Hully said...

I wouldn't go so far as to say "fop." I do like to surprise people, though. I guess it's because I actually think for myself and don't just blindly follow the herd.

Hully said...

P.S.: Shan, is your friend, especially when Israel is talking.

Jeshanah said...

Great site, I can't wait till 'snap dog job' gets in there!! hahah

Israel said...

"Fop" is a pretty old term, I don't know if it's Shakespeare old, but it could be.

Google it and you'll see.

To quote Lenny Bruce:

"There's nothing sadder than an aging hipster."

That's why I never wanna be in terrific shape or stylish, cuz I don't wanna have to wax nostolgic about the good ol' days when I had washboard abs and wore Abercrombie & Fitch or something.

I'm not sure I even have abs and I'll wear whatever's on sale or can be found relatively cheaply at Costco. Keeps regrets to a minimum.

Besides seems evry time I get a really nice suit, the moths seem to like it as much as I do, so why bother.

Hully said...

You don't have to be "hip" to dress well. The key is to build your wardrobe around a few classic pieces that highlight your strengths and downplay your weaknesses. That way, years later when your kids and grandkids are looking at pictures of you they can't say, "I can't believe you wore that!"

Sharla said...

arghh! this stupid thing has not been letting me comment for two days!

Sharla said...


Jeshanah said...

well, if that's all you had to say.........

Anonymous said...

Oh great, now I really need to make sure that my tie matches my shirt... Fashion police may bust me... :P

Jeshanah said...

We're always watching....