Thursday, April 26, 2007

Okay, so nothing much is going on... (what else is new?).... but I thought I should post something controversial since John's blog is currently whipping me on number of posts we've recently received.... so....

Dogs are better than cats...
Redvines taste better than Twizzlers....
Rocky Road is the best flavor of ice cream....
The right way to pronounce it is "suposebly"....
Christmas is the best holiday....
Plum is the prettiest color...
Apples are the best kind of fruit...
Ohio is the best state... (that's why they call it "the heart of it all")
Blogger is better than Xanga...
Blonds really do have more fun...
Tall people are the cooler than short...
Horseback riding is the most fun outdoor activity there is...
Baseball games are more fun to watch than basketball...

Okay, surely in this long list of things, you'll be able to find something controversial enough to merit talking about!! At least a little. My poor blog is losing so bad right now and it makes me soooo soooo sad!!! =:::::::(

hahahah.... happy posting people. =)


Hully said...

Haha, the sad part is I tried to be good and take a couple weeks off so I could concentrate on school and the whole place just went berserk!

Jeshanah said...

lol, that's how it goes sometimes.

Hully said...

Dogs are better than cats... Agree

Redvines taste better than Twizzlers.... Never had a Redvine

Rocky Road is the best flavor of ice cream.... Without a doubt

The right way to pronounce it is "suposebly".... Umm...

Christmas is the best holiday.... It's up there

Plum is the prettiest color... Red pwns plum!

Apples are the best kind of fruit... Depends on which kind we're talking about. Granny Smiths = blech!

Ohio is the best state... (that's why they call it "the heart of it all") I think this goes without saying.

Blogger is better than Xanga... Absolutely

Blonds really do have more fun... My two blonds seem to have a good time, so I can't argue with this.

Tall people are the cooler than short... Obviously...

Horseback riding is the most fun outdoor activity there is... Next to shooting at the range.

Baseball games are more fun to watch than basketball... Definitely.

Jeshanah said...

aw, common!! You're supposed to pick one and completely disagree, then we could all get into a huge debate about it!!!

Sharla said...

Suppose edly. It is pronounced suppose ED ly. It is from a wonderful hollywood star named ED BEGGLY Jr. And over time it has just been shortened to ED-LY just leaving off the Begg don't you see. It is how the english language works
People pronouncing it supposebly is a pet peeve of mine, but you already knew that.

Sharla said...

Zion and Jeshanah,

Please note John's comment, pay particularly close attention the the word "definitely." Did you notice there is no "a".
Shan, to help you with this, just think of Emma's Mr. Knightly whenever you need to spell definitely. I tried to correct Zion on this very thing years ago. Now he has got you confused.

Hully said...

How do you spell definitely with an a??? And who says "supposably?"

But hey, at least you use punctuation. Huge props for that.

Anonymous said...

1. They're equal.
2.Never had a redvine; don't much care for Twizzlers, either.
3.No way, Double Chocolate Brownie has got that beat all the way!!
4.SUPOSEBLY???????? you've got to be kidding? People actually say it that way??
6.Green and brown are my favorites.
7.I would have to say yes, right up there with strawberries.
8.Of course, now that I live here and not AZ. =)
10.oh right
11.Being of a shorter stature myself, I'd have to say NO!!
12.Fun, yes, but maybe not the most fun.

BeccaHolsapple said...

Wow, you guys need to try Red Vine, they are sooo much better than Twizzlers. After having a Red Vine you will think that Twizzlers are disgusting!

As far as ice cream goes, nothing beats Cookie Dough!

Blonds may have more fun but brunettes are smarter...haha it's so cliche!

Unknown said...

Haha, the sad part is I tried to be good and take a couple weeks off so I could concentrate on school and the whole place just went berserk!
I really would like to say something but I fear that I may make this place go berserk as well. I guess it would be better to do that here instead of in John's blog where we got our last discussion locked.

Red pwns plum!
And apparently admin john pwns n00b arguz0rs.

If John fails any finals he's going to sue Israel and I for distraction.

Who is Sarah S. by the way? I'm wondering if know her/you.

Hully said...

"pwns n00b arguz0rs"


("Sarah S." is "Sarah Smith," better known as Dana's wife.)

Hully said...

Roger, Shan has a specific place she wants us to air out our grievances should we feel so inclined. If you want a political argument, clicking on the donkey and elephant logo on the main page is a good place to start.

Jeshanah said...

I definately didn't notice that, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Otherwise known as Dana's wife??!! Oh, please!! =) I'm pretty sure Roger won't recognize me by either Sarah Smith or Dana's wife, but he might recognize the last name Dienhart. I was Sarah Dienhart almost 11 years ago. I don't think we've met, but you might know my younger sister, Ruth Dienhart. I have seen your family at Family Camp and heard you all sing.(which was great, by the way!) So, that's who Sarah S. is. =)

Jeshanah said...

Granny Smiths are delicious!! (If you put enough caramel on any apple, they become fabulous!!!)

I actually am partial to this new kind that we have been getting, they are kind of a combination of all three kinds of apples. (red, yellow, green) I don't know what they are called, but we buy them from Sam's club and they are soooo yummy, even without adding caramel!!!!

Jeshanah said...

lol, Sarah! The way you sounded so disgusted at being referred to as Dana's wife.... classic!! rofl!! Just wait till I tell him!!! hehehe

BeccaHolsapple said...

Hey, Sharla just called and told me that this thing is not letting her post, but she want everybody to know that there is a very interesting program coming on tonight on CNN. It's about the end of the world , it's hosted by Glenn Beck and a lot of very good author and such are there to discuss it. It's on at 7:00, 9:00 and midnight. Don't miss it!

Anonymous said...

Just for the record....I am not disgusted to be Dana's wife!( I really do love the guy!!) Just had to give John a hard time about refering to me that way. Actually, truth be known, it's "Dana, otherwise known as Sarah's husband!" ;-)

Jeshanah said...

hahaha, man I miss you guys!!

Jeshanah said...

That's it? What happened to you guys?????!

Sharla said...

Jeshanah always says supposebly. It drives me nuts, I am not sure if Zion does too and that is where she picked it up or what. I've tried everything to break her of it, including the most recent "Ed ly" comment.
Also, I am surprised you haven't noticed they always put an "a" in definitely, I think it is like definatly or something.
Other than that, though, she's perfect and I wish they'd come home. ;)

Jeshanah said...

I always spell it "definately", even though I usually use spell check on my stuff. I guess I didn't realise that it was still getting through, wonder why spellcheck hasn't been catching it.

As for the pronouncing it suposebly thing, I thought I was just joking, trying to be controversial!!! I really say it like that??! How embarrassing!! I really AM annoying!!!