Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Floyd, if you are reading this, please comment!! Jariah said that he told you about my blog, and I keep getting someone from Florida on here, is it you?? If it is the least you can do is say hi!! (and if it's not, the least you can do is say hi and who you are!)


Hully said...

Shanny, what part of Fla.? I have a couple ex-coworkers in the St. Pete/Winter Haven area that read my blog routinely. Maybe they're surfing over to yours too.

Jeshanah said...


Jeshanah said...

I also have somewhat regular guests from Virginia, New Jersey, Idaho and Nebraska... and I am dieing of curiosity as to who these people are!!

I've also seen someone from Michigan, but I believe that I have figured that one out...
Mr. Mead!

Sharla said...

Hey! Jared is on this thing?? Why doesn't he say something?
Hi Jared!

Hi all you other people out there not talking, too. :)

Hully said...

Sarasota is right next to St. Pete and Winter Haven, so it's possible it could be my friends. As far as the others, Comcast has servers in New Jersey and AOL and Road Runner have servers in Virginia. So oftentimes subscribers to those ISPs will show up as being from there. I have no clue on Idaho or Nebraska.

Jeshanah said...

ahah! Well, maybe that's it.

People... is that it??

Anonymous said...

well mr mead told me he checked it sometimes but i had no idea floyd reads it but lindsey cotter also lives in sarasota now just a thought

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not Floyd, but I'll comment.

I recently hit this little conglomeration of bloggers on xanga that actually use blogger. So I decided to join in on the fun!

Jeshanah said...

That's cool, Nathan. I have been to your Xanga site, too. I go to a bunch of them... they really help me keep up with all the goings on in Lima. =)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeshanah! This is Lori Seay from Sarasota. I read your blog and really enjoy it! So, maybe I'm your mystery person! :)

Sharla said...

Hi Lori!
How are you guys doing? What a nice surprize to hear from you! Please comment anytime and let us know what your family is up to!
Anytime you or Joel have anything to add to help Brother Israel see the error of his ways, pile on! LOL :)

Israel said...

Hey, does this blog censor political speech? Does it censor all opposing viewpoints and anything critical of Ohio, the President or the Republican Party?

Just wondering, because I was posting on another blog (which now does that sort of thing) and I just think that if this blog ever decides that it wants to quash free speech, it should put up a prominantly displayed disclaimer announcing exactly that (you know just as a common courtesy.)

Big Brother says California is a cesspool that has caused all this country's problems and Ohio is double ungood. I say Ha! double Ha!

Jeshanah said...

nah, you can talk political all ya want... true, no one might read it... but carry on!

Just not under posts about my adorable niece playing softball... that's all... =0)

Jeshanah said...

Lori! So you're the mystery person!! (Well, one of them...) How fun!!

I read Michelle's xanga, so I occasionally get updates about your family, but you should really start commenting on here, it's so fun!!

Hully said...

If I ask you to not smoke in my home, I am not restricting your right to smoke. Rather I am invoking my right to not have smoke in my home. Similarly, if I ask you posts your drivel in a specific area, I am not restricting your right to continue to post drivel. Rather I am invoking my right to have a drivel-free discussion of my daughter's newfound passion for softball. I asked politely and you went all Heir-Kommundant or whatever on me, instead of just dropping it. In my opinion, it showed a lack of respect on your part.

That's my two copper discs. I'm done discussing it.

Jeshanah said...

oooohh, that's good!! Nice analogy!! (If only you'd had a flannel graph... to illustrate!! Oh well, maybe next time.) Love the post, though. =)

Sharla said...

See, that's how guys are. I dunno know what all is going on but I bet John didn't go cry in the shower and something tells me Israel didn't either.

I hope everybody goes back to being friendly again soon though, cause I don't need another shower today. :)

If they were Justin and Jariah, I'd make them hug! LOL! Those were the good ol' days. They'd rather do anything than have to hug each other! Best way ever to make 'em behave.

Israel said...

I cried in the bath all over my rubber duckie!

I'm just waiting for Georgeie Bush to break out John's cute little rationale, "I'm not restricting your right to free speech, I'm just restricting it in my home country. If you don't like it, then it shows a lack of respect on your part."

I know the one about not being able to yell fire in a crowded theater but I guess I missed the day in Journalism School where they explained that little girl related softball discussions were absolutely sacrosanct and created some sort of politics-free zone.

Mea Culpa!!

Jeshanah said...

haha, you boys!!

No worries, Mom, sooner or later their ruffled feathers and hurt feeling will be a thing of the past. Right now, I think they are having fun acting like little girly men... lol. J/K you guys, remember you love me!!! =)

Sharla said...

My guess is John knows Janessa (who reads as well as many adults although she is only six) will be reading his post and the comments about herself. I'm sure he wants to protect her.
None of us want her reading derrogatory remarks about our president. We are all teaching her to respect authority. Believe it or not, we wouldn't tell her bad things about a certain former president either, not at six years old.
You may or may not agree with that position and of course you get to teach your children to be little Bush haters if that is what you think is best for them.
I believe John has the right to keep that away from his six year old he chooses to. It IS the only post I've seen that might be especially interesting to her.

I thought of you tonight at church, Bro Lonnie was preaching on something I thought you would find very interesting. It was ALL about science. I know you like science. He had just read this science book that was talking about some fascinating things that science is tapping into and just learning more about. Remember when Bro Branham said natural faith would make his pocketknife appear in his pocket even if he had left it at home on his dresser if he had faith it was in his pocket?
Science is discovering amazing stuff like that and more! Bro Lonnie had lots of pictures from the book on the big screen, it was intriguing. I wished you could have seen it. It was part two from Sunday's service, if I had known he was doing that I would have called you and told you to tune in on the internet. If you are interested it will be availabe on the web in a couple weeks I think. Or if you'd like, I could send you a DVD. I really do think you would like itl

Israel said...

I don't remember saying anything really bad about Bush.

As I recall, I quoted a few Jerry Seinfeld jokes about coming in second and razzed Ohio and Florida a tiny bit, but nothing major...

I find that people who believe that science and the Bible cannot be reconciled:

1) Don't understand Science and or have an agenda that clouds their scientific interpretation.

2) Don't understand the Bible or see things in very simplistic terms.

I think you can can definitely understand and believe in both and I don't find them mutually exclusive at all.

I'd love to hear what Bro. Jeff has to say and you guys should watch an "Inconvenient Truth" too, it'll answer your questions about ice cubes in your class at McDonalds.

Sharla said...

Bro Jeff and Bro Lonnie always say pretty much what Bro Branham was saying which is science just PROVES the bible is true. Like we've never been taught that earth was created in 7 twenty-four hour periods. And Christians who deny that there were dinosaurs are just sticking their heads in the sand. It is TRUE science when they find the bones and science proves they are very old. All that lines up perfectly with what Brother Branham said when it was not popular with Christians to say it.
I will watch An Incovenient Truth just because you want us to. When will it be on video? I am not going to pay as much as it cost to go to a theater. I will send you the DVD of this week's services. :)

Anonymous said...

My, my, my! You just never know where these blog comments are going to go, do you?! =)

Just wanted to say...HI, Lori! Didn't know you read this, too. Hope things are going well for you guys. By the way, did I remember that you were(are) expecting another baby? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, or more than likely you've probably already had he or she, and I'm way behind. Let me know! :-)

P.S. Nice motherly admonition there, Sharla You seem quite adept at soothing ruffled feathers! Hmmm, wonder why?! =) Great new topic, too!!

Hully said...

I agree on the whole science vs. religion thing. They aren't mutually exclusive. And in fact, the more I learn about about the wonders of science, the more convinced I am of God's power and glory.

Sharla said...

As far as my scientific research with the cup from McDonald's goes...I actually do realize there are probably alot of things I am not accounting for with that, like geological plates and periodic tables and such. I am sure real scientists' plates and tables trump my little cup.
As I've said before, we have watched documentaries which supported global warming. I will concede that the planet is warming up right now. THAT part I believe can be viewed as scientific fact, all the scientists seem to agree. A few short years ago they all agreed we were heading into an ice age because the earth was getting colder. I have no doubt it was. It seems to be scientific fact that the earth has been going through these heating and cooling cycles forever.
However, a few scientists and political figures coming up with this theory that we are causing it with our lightbulbs and SUVs does not make it scientific fact. When so many other scientists refute the idea with tons of data pointing the other way, it leaves the theory just a theory. You can believe it if you want to, but not believing it does not make you a moron. :)

Hully said...

One problem with the McDonald's cup scenario is that the ice is already at surface level. That's why there is little net loss/gain in level when it melts. The polar ice caps, on the other hand, rise above the seas level. So if/when they do melt, they will be adding to the total volume of the water.

The problem now is that the Al Gores of the world are starting to catch a lot of flack from the scientific community for exaggerating the risks and effects of any global warming. By trumpeting such doomsday warnings they have turned people off to the true dangers. Call it crying wolf, 2007-style.

Sharla said...

Don't let the ruffled feather soothing fool you, Sarah. Just when everyone is getting along fine, I am just as likely to go in and stir things up! LOL! I am a Libra (so is Shan) it's what we do!

Hully said...

From my experience, her ruffled feather soothing typically involves a gun to the head and a not-so-subtle recommendation to kiss and makeup. Your mileage may vary.

Sharla said...


Jeshanah said...

Mom doesn't know how to use a gun, John! What are you talking about??!

Sharla said...

Hey! I'm the boss and your the Indians and don't you forget it!

Inside joke with Holsapple kids. Very harried mom trying to get four little savages in line, meaning to say I am the CHIEF of course, not boss, losing some of the effectiveness when we all were bursting out laughing!

Israel said...

If you go to McDonalds and stack a bunch of icecubes so that they are above the water level, the water will overflow from the glass.

A lot of the ice that is melting is on the actual continental shelf above land and stacked up really high over the ocean that is why the water level rises when the ice melts.

Another thing you have to realize, the lobby against global warming has a lot of money investing in trying to convince people that it is a bunch of hooey. They don't want to increase the pollution limits on automobiles or factories, they just want to keep polluting because it is cheaper and helps the bottom line.

They are exactly like the cigarette manufacturers who kept insisting "cigarettes don't cause cancer and we have the science to prove it" for years and years and years.

Republicans don't trust scientists (probably because of the whole man came from monkey thing) so they in effect they are taking the cigarette manufacturers word for it and saying "scientists are just making stuff up so they can make money off of this whole cigarettes cause cancer thing. They want more funding for their studies and there is nothing to it."

Americans as a whole (Democrats and Republicans) are pretty ignorant when it comes to science so they just turn their brains off and decide to take the word of whatever paid lobbyist is lining the pockets of their favorite candidates.

The big lie tactic will work for a while and lots of people when end up dying but that's OK, because cigarettes causing cancer is just a "theory."

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah!
No, you're not thinking of someone else expecting. I had another little boy, James Nathaniel, on Feb.8th. He looks alot like Joel I think.
Hope you all are doing good, and maybe we'll see you all again soon! Take care!

Hully said...

Shan sed: "Mom doesn't know how to use a gun, John! What are you talking about??!"

Which is exactly why it's good policy to just go along with her.

Jeshanah said...

haha, I like the way your mind works...