Thursday, September 14, 2006

Today my room smells like it does outside in Ohio after it rains and the worms come up out of the ground.
That's all.


Jeshanah said...

The only difference is that in Ohio when it smelled like worms it was only for a little while after a rainstorm, and it was only outside.

I think the smell might have something to do with Zion apparently turning off the cooler last night, so the water was sitting stagnate for a while, then when I turned the cooler on because it was getting hot, the smell permeated the room. That's just a guess, or there might be worms somewhere nearby that I am smelling. (Maybe one of the neighbors had some for lunch...)

Hully said...


Jeshanah said...


Anonymous said...

i don't think our ground is too worm friendly. Remember when justin was digging to find the water pipe, he was like 3 or 4 feet down and the ground was so dry it was still making dust.

Hully said...

[homer]Oooo, fried worms, mmmmm...[/homer]

Sharla said...

Sounds delightful!

One must make lemonade and not rotten lemons, dear.


Sharla said...

Oh, the happy times I can recall, we would step out into the fresh air and say, "UGH! Yuck! It smells like worms out here! Quick, get back inside!"

I hope to goodness the hovel is not also infested with worms. What next? You guys may as well be camping!

Hully said...

Eh, what's the problem? Worms don't eat much and they're not disease carriers.

Sharla said...

Have you checked the going rate of the local campgrounds? You could pick up a really nice tent for a couple hundred bucks and find a nice long term campground. They are sure to be in nicer neighborhoods, you know, for the tourists, so you'd be safer. Sure there would be ants and all kinds of horrible bugs and stuff and in the rain the tent would be damp and dreadful, but I'm sure you are getting used to all that by now and this would probably end up being CHEEEEEPER! (Or however you spell the way Zion pronounces his favorite word.) I'm sure this argument will work with Zion and you can get into a safer neighborhood, and if you ever do get to move to Phoenix, think how much you'd save by just moving the tent. I've always thought the nomadic way of life so romantic, haven't you?

Jeshanah said...

That's a GREAT idea!!

Anonymous said...

the tent idea may be cheeeaaper but i think i would have to question that i seem to recall they are getting a pretty good rate on their rent
but one thing i do not recall is the part of the comment that zion made about me digging 3-4 feet down and dust still rolling from the bottom of the hole yes there was still dust rolling from the dottom of the holes that i had dug but the deepest i had ever dug out in there to find a water line was like maybe a foot and a half deep maybe the hole was 3 feet in diameter but never 3 feet deep in ohio the water lines are 3 feet or more deep but not out there something about the feeze level i think

Jeshanah said...

Oh, well, he must have thought it was deeper than that. I do know that I thought it was insane that there was still dust rolling up out of that hole, not matter how deep it actually was. That would NOT happen in Ohio even 6 inches down!! It was crazy!! That whole week was crazy!!

Anonymous said...

haha dust outside just sitting on the ground?? that doesnt happen in ohio at all

Hully said...

Camping in a tent in AZ???

Two words:



(I'd sooner take my chances with the cockroaches and Lazy-Boy neighbors.)

[shudders] I hate snakes.

BeccaHolsapple said...

I'm with you on that one, John!

Israel said...

In my neighborhood we have to deal with the smell of fried worms all the time and we like it.

At night when it's cool they climb out of the Golf course and decide to go for a stroll on the sidewalk. In the morning it gets hot and the little suckers get fried. When I go for a walk their fried little bodies are just laying there all black and shriveled.

I once wrote a story that prominently featured a worm. It wasn't very good or completely finished, but I may look for it sometime and share it.

In Frank Herbert's "Dune," Sand Worms are Deities.

So if you indeed have sand worms, drown them in water. They will produce a spice that enables interstellar travel and "HE WHO CONTROLS THE SPICE CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE!"

I recommend Jeshanah read the whole "Dune" series, so that she can learn how to live in a tough desert environment, like the fremen who survive by recycling their own waste.

"Dune" is just as good as Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" in my opinion, and that's pretty good.

Jeshanah said...

How one guy can come up with so many completely disgusting things to say in such a variety of ways astounds me!