Friday, February 29, 2008

This is my 200th post!!!!
Unfortunately, I have nothing fascinating to say, except that.

Oh yeah, and a Tucson City Bus cut me off today... what is wrong with these people??!?!


Israel said...

Happy 200th post!!!

Nothing is wrong with these people...

Yes they are trying to kill you, but that seems like a pretty normal thing to want to do right?

Just Kidding Je-SHA-nah!! You know I love you and all the other members of the JJJ.

Israel said...

Hooray!! I finally have some good news to report.

I don't know about you but I think turning Iraq into just another Islamic State was worth every penny and every life lost! Mission accomplished!!

Now Iran has a brotherly ally, instead of an enemy, making the world a far better place! Hip Hooray for more Iranian influence in the world and the region. Ahmadinejad is obviously a good guy who has gotten a bad rap, because of his beliefs about the Holocaust, etc. so I'm glad the U.S. could help him out.

Our enemies' friend is our friend too, right? Isn't that how the saying goes?


Ahmadinejad: Iraq-Iran are brotherly

By QASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRA, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 9 minutes ago

BAGHDAD - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday his landmark visit to Iraq opened a new chapter in "brotherly" relations between the two countries, which were once bitter enemies.

Ahmadinejad is the first Iranian president to visit Iraq. The trip not only highlights his country's growing influence on its Arab neighbor in the post-Saddam Hussein era, but it also serves as an act of defiance toward the U.S., which accuses Iran of training and giving weapons to Shiite extremists in Iraq.

Hully said...

Well, if Ahmadinejad said it, it must be true! Wasn't he the one who debunked that whole Holocaust myth? That guy is a paragon of truth and accuracy. :-/

Unknown said...

Ahmadinejad quotation time line.

"They have fabricated a legend under the name Massacre of the Jews..."

"In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country."

"We had very good talks that were friendly and brotherly"

Now, extrapolating the correlation between what he says and what really is, I expect Iran and Iraq to be anthraxing each other within the year.

Israel said...

I was wondering if you guys would get the sarcasm.

I guess not...

The bottom line is that the only thing we have accomplished by toppling Iraq is to make this maniacal religious fanatic and his horrible regime more influential and more powerful.

We did Ahmadinejad a great favor.

Anyone with a modicum of intelligence should have predicted this. Because of our idiocy, we did what Iran had been trying to do for years. Now they are laughing in our faces.

Unknown said...

Israel, I do hope to meet you again someday. It should be fun. :-)

Cyndi said...

Hi Jeshanah and Zion!

I talked to your mom today and she shared the blog addresses so I could check in with you all!

You are too funny with some of your blogs!

Love, Cyndi

Jeshanah said...

Cyndi, Welcome!! and thanks! It's nice to have you on board. =)

Israel said...


Hey I wanna meet all you guys again. My time in Ohio was just a blur. Plus all Republicans tend to look alike to me.

I have invited Sharla and her brood to Northern California numerous times, but everyone is too scared of the big flood.

Methinks they must have a guilty conscience if they think that God is gonna smite California down the exact week they decide to visit.

Plus they are always talking about how they can't wait to escape the socialist quagmire our country is becoming and get to heaven, yet they appear to be afraid of losing their lives and getting to heaven quicker due to an act of God?

That also makes me wonder.

All of you have an open invitation to come up here. I will personally take you sight-seeing and show you the sights, including the world reknowned University of California at Berkeley.

(BTW: Universities are where smart people hang out. These people are usually democrats and liberal jews and intellectuals and the like and some are even ethnic minorities, but they still allow Republicans and Republican sympathizers to visit as long as they don't burn crosses and urinate on the shrubbery.)

I will also take you to San Francisco so you can see some homosexual people so that you can discover that not all of them have horns, fangs, tails, cloven hooves and carry pitchforks.

Maybe I will also introduce you to some illegal aliens who surprisingly enough are neither terrorists or criminals, although they may or may not be disturbingly brown in skin color.

So please come. It will be very educational.

Don't be like John and chicken out and visit Tucson the week after I visit.

Just let me know. We'll consider it a cultural exchange.

Because I'm pretty fer sure that I'm never getting anywhere near Ohio again if I can help it.

Once was enough for me...

Israel said...


Unknown said...

I was in San Fran last October (24-hour layover due to airline delay and missed connection to Sydney).

I can't abide the un-Constitutional gun laws in the Peoples Republik of Kalifornia so probably won't be headed out there on purpose anytime soon :-)

Israel said...

Don't tell me they didn't let you take your gun on the airplane!!

For shame!!

What if you need to kill somebody?

Unknown said...

^^ LOL.

Citizens can't carry _anywhere_ in San Fran. I hung out on Fisherman's Wharf most of that afternoon with nothing but a flashlight, laptop, and imposing physique to ward off the local crack-heads.

Israel said...

Sometimes I think I'm too hard on the people of Ohio, then I see them on Sixty minutes talking about how many of them will never vote for a black person and spouting ignorant propaganda about Obama that is clearly false.

Check out these folks, especially the guy from Southern Ohio who claims that Obama is a Muslim who will not use the Bible if sworn in etc. etc.

Look for Ohio Gender race politics 60 minutes on Yahoo if you can't follow the link.

justin h said...

hey i am from ohio and i will vote with pride for a qualified black women if you can find me one i say this showing that i am not opposed to black or women being president of what i still think is the greatest country ever and race or gender has nothing to do with who should run the country voting for a black man just because he is black is just as dumb as not voting for him because he is black likewise voting for a women

Israel said...

Glad to hear that. I agree whole-heartedly with you.

It is just very disheartening to hear that ignorant people are falling for the "big lies" and to see how easy it is to appeal to their prejudices.

Today I listened to right wing talk show host Michael Savage lay out his manifesto for "fixing" America and a lot of his "fixes" were straight out of Hitler's playbook.

He claims that he's a conservative, yet he is advocating forced sterilization techniques and government incentives for encouraging the "right" people to have children.

I know there are a bunch of conservatives all over the country nodding their heads in unison without ever once thinking that these were the kind of "right wing" causes and solutions that Hitler championed as part of his eugenics movement.

Unknown said...

Michael Savage is full of it. Agreed.

Israel, the reason bigoted Republican buckeyes get so much pub should be obvious to someone of your intelect. Juicy sound bytes sell news. Please don't be a gullible news consumer and infer that they are in any way representative of us.

Israel said...

Yes, but why is it always the Republicans who are attracted to racist zealots like Savage?


I also know what a juicy soundbite is and I know they don't tell the whole story.

But I also know that Hillary won Ohio big because uneducated (High School only) white voters went for her in a big, big way.

I think it would be naive to think race didn't play a part. I also remember people in Lima telling me that there are a lot of racists in Ohio.

I don't know why they would lie about their own state.

Unknown said...

It's funny, Hillary won in Texas because Hispanic (maybe you'll call them uneducated too) voters went for Hillary in a big way.

By your logic, black voters overwhelmingly supporting Obama is also racist.

There are racists everywhere - in both parties. But, to paint it as though the majority of people in rural America today are bigots is ridiculous NAACP propaganda. Yes this is anecdotal, but of the 2 thousand or so people I am acquainted with, I can only think of a handful that are bigoted...and at least half of those think its the 'whites' that are out to get them.

All the isolated anecdotes you or I can present do not erase history and the Democrats' history on civil rights is shameful. They have no moral high ground from which to condemn any other party.

Sharla said...

Israel, you are too funny. All of us hicks from the sticks don't get sarcasm so it is realy hard for us to keep up with your superior wit.
As far as the homosexuals go, we all know a few here in Ohio, they are our co-workers, neighbors, friends and even relatives.[gasp] "Ours" do have horns and cloven hooves and so forth. I would love to visit CA and see some who look like regular people, how refreshing!
I am sure we would be so welcome on the Berkley campus with our long hair in our long skirts. I've seen the nice reception the liberal colleges give conservatives after they have invited them on stage to speak at their functions. maybe some other time. ;)

Israel said...

I am not saying that only Republicans are racist or bigoted. I am saying that the Republicans make racism and bigotry part of their platform and political strategy and they have for years.

If you vote against Hilary because she is white that is racist. If you vote against Obama because he is half black that is just as racist.

And yes Hispanics are very racist against Blacks. I have seen it with my own eyes and I have even sued a major mexican run Spanish news station because they discriminated against a guy who was half black, (They called him muslim a terrorist & etc, even though he was half jewish.)

And by the way the Democrats don't have nearly the history the Republicans do have for racial scapegoating and discriminatory political tactics. It is not even close.

It is like saying that the Catholic Church and the Pentecostal church are equally guilty of child molestation, just because one Pentecostal preacher happens to be a pedophile. For every one Pentecostal preacher who molests kids there are probably hundreds of Catholic priests who have done the same thing, and the Catholic Church has a history of covering up for molesters.

So no, the two churches are not equally guilty, just like the Democrats and Republicans are not equally guilty either.

Only a Republican or a Republican sympathizer could honestly argue otherwise and keep a straight face...

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Only someone who has an appreciation for history that happened more than 5 min ago can argue that Democrats have a inferior record when it comes to civil rights.

(there, fixed that for ya)

Please don't get me started on this. Oh you insist? Ok then.

Does anyone remember the Civil War and which parties were for or against slavery?

Oh ya want something more recent? How about the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and 60s? Orval Faubus anyone? Just the poster boy for racist bigoted Democrats - the norm as it were. How about Robert KKK Byrd, current Democratic Senator? Shall I go on?

Only a Democrat or a Democratic sympathizer could honestly argue the merits of their civil rights record and keep a straight face...

Your analogy is ridiculous, btw.

Democrat, Republican, whatever. Both are happy to take advantage of any minority or majority ethnic group to maintain power.

Unknown said...
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Sharla said...

Isn't it amazing to realize that Israel actually sees it that way? I find it fascinating, rather like the R.O.U.S. in Shan's zoo video! How can he actualy BELIEVE all the stuff he believes??

Unknown said...

How? This is my theory.
Israel's inner child is sweet compationate and reasoned.
Israel's outer man is a lawyer whose life blood is debate.

Now, if his outer man openly agrees with our sensible positions (as his inner child does) there would be no opportunity for argument.

Israel, you need to be true to your inner libertarian self or risk long term damage your soul.

Sharla said...

I'm not sure if Israel is gonna play with us anymore. I just read John's blog and it looks like he might have gotten his feelings hurt again. :(

He is so sensitive.

Israel said...

My analogies are only ridiculous because you lack the capacity to grasp them.

As far as your arguments, way to pathetically grasp at straws PMB.

Nice try, though...

I think it is ridiculous that PMB has to go back to the 60's and the Civil War to find examples of Democratic wrongdoing when over the last few years I have listed countless current examples of Republican bigotry.

Also those "Southern Democrats" that you go back 50 years to dig up are now Republicans.

It's kind of like saying why blame the United States for enslaving Africans, when the Africans enslaved the Jews in the old testament? Lots of things have happened in the last few thousand years, folks, it's the Republican's that are trying to take us back in time not the Democrats.

As far as Sharla being afraid of hippies in Berkeley mistreating her or other conspicuous conservatives, I really doubt that would happen because hippies are usually pretty tolerant of other beliefs and religions. (Unlike a lot of Christians who want to turn the US into a theocracy and insist that this is a "Christian" nation while forgetting that is is also Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, atheist, etc.)

The other thing I take exception to are Christian's who are supposed to love their neighbors, etc., yet spew hatred on homosexuals, liberals, hippies,non-Christians, etc., etc, etc. Not to mention supporting a political party that scapegoats minorities.

What ever happened to love thy neighbor? Did Jesus ask the people for I.D. before he healed them? No, he didn't. Then why are Christians insisting that people have their ID's checked in emergency rooms and that they be denied care if they can't prove they are "legal?"

Christians (especially the Republican political zealot kind) need to look in the mirror cuz lots of them will see a hypocrite looking right back.

Israel said...

I'm not writing on John's Blog because he said I was boring him to tears -- not because I got my feelings hurt.

The last thing I wanna do is bore somebody to tears. His blog definitely doesn't need my help to do that.

Plus he hardly ever writes anything anymore anyway.

It's also kind of fun to wait and see how long it'll take before Jeshanah kicks me off her blog...


Unknown said...
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Israel said...

Why does someone constantly delete their posts?

See now this is fun.

Getting 30 comments on a post about how Jeshanah has made 200 posts, is pretty good.

Unknown said...

I keep deleting comments because my initial reaction to most of your statements is usually something along the lines of "what an idiotic thing to say!! How can you possibly ridicule arguments out of context and expect to maintain respect on an intellectual level #@@!$#@."

And then, I think better of it, delete the post, and choose to compose a reasoned comment rather than respond with insults in kind.

I can see this will go on forever as not all parties are interested in sensible, respectful debate. The only gentlemanly way to end this is to bow out and permit you the last say.

Sharla said...

Exactly the behavior we would expect from PMB. Always take the high road! The view is better. ;)

Sharla said...

But Israel's rantings are often lots of fun, and keep in mind all this is just his blogging personality and not at all the way he behaves in real life.
Truth be told, he thought at one time that none of us actually existed but were just part of some virtual world Zion had stumbled into where he had found some fantasy girlfriend named Jeshanah, or Jeshuga Hornsapple as Israel would have it. I think he sometimes lapses back into that thinking, therefore he can be as mean as dirt and it doesn't really matter! LOL :)

Sharla said...

Also Israel, why do you care if John says you are boring him to tears?? What? It's ok to be stupid and ignorant but not boring? We all keep posting no matter what you call us, I guess we can take it. Suck it up, man. I also think what we all find boring is just endless cut and pastes from liberal blogs and the like, not so much your actual own words. ;)

Israel said...

Hey I have been accused of and called a lot of things, but never boring.

Once you start boring the audience it's time to take a curtain call don't you think?


I think it's hilarious that PMB keeps deleting his comments. I think a lot of his arguments are bone-headed and don't pass the straight-face test, so if his later comments are the reasoned, sensible ones I'd love to see what his off-the-cuff comments might be.

By the way, I never self censor, I just let fly and let the chips fall where they may.


And the clips I post aren't from liberal blogs, they are from reputable news organizations. Places like ABC, CNN, CBS, MSNBC (Not Fox though.) That's probably why they bore you guys.

See I went to Journalism school for four years and I've got a degree in Journalism and I've written lots of articles that have been published by major metropolitan newspapers, so I know how reputable news gathering organizations work, look and act like.

Sometimes I think I'm the only one though, cuz most Republicans think entertainment programming like Rush Limbaugh, Hannity & Colmes and Michael Savage is actually news.

It's not, it is blatant propaganda that is occasionally worth a laugh, but is generally not fit for public consumption.

I can see how real news is boring by comparison though because you aren't allowed to just make things up...

Sharla said...

Like Dan Rather is credible.

Israel said...

Dan Rather is retired. He made a mistake and he was "retired."

At Fox news President Bush's relatives are allowed to hold positions of power and blatant disregard for the truth is cause for promotion.

I know this, because I have a journalist friend that works for Fox TV News. (Not the local level, higher up.) He agrees that it is a totally biased, unethical and corrupt propaganda machine and describes Rupert Murdock as the "Devil."

He could tell you stories that would chill anyone who cares about Journalistic integrity to the bone.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sharla said...

so, Israel, do you consider forbes to be reliable?

Sharla said...

We've known about this article for weeks, Justin saw it. But, you know, considering we know some of the people running this city it didn't seem very polite to, you know, mention it. :) Gomerville still looks pretty good to us!

Sharla said...

Israel-"Sometimes I think I'm too hard on the people of Ohio, then I see them on Sixty minutes talking about how many of them will never vote for a black person and spouting ignorant propaganda about Obama that is clearly false"

Have you ever seen Jay Leno walking around talking to people on the streets of CA? I think he calls the segment Jay-walking, I dunno, haven't seen him for a while, but no one can ever identify a picture of the vice president or name the year the Declaration of Independence was signed. I guess we can take from that that everyone in CA is a complete moron.

Israel said...

I couldn't follow your link Sharla, and Polls aren't really "news" (they are self-made news) but to extent that the Forbes poll bashes Stockton, yep it is accurate.

I should also mention that Stockton tops polls as one of the most illiterate, most backward, most Republican places in the California. Yes and it has had almost exclusively Republicans in power around these parts for a very long time, which I believe is actually one of the reasons it is in such a sad state. They have been abusing the area and it's environment without giving anything back for a long time. It's like a little bit of Ohio in the midst of the incredible beauty that is California.

And the really sad thing about it is that Stockton has improved a whole lot since we've moved here, thanks to you know who.

We are talking leaps and bounds huge improvements in every way including the biggest redevelopment projects in California. It has a long way to go, and that is why we are here, because this is one place where you can really make a huge difference in a short time.

When you have three advanced degrees, including a degree from Harvard, you can write your own ticket and go any where you want.
But some people go to the place that needs the most help and try to fix it. Something I'm sure most Republicans wouldn't understand.

That's why we are here...

Israel said...

And PMB,

It doesn't matter who I cite, Republicans consider the entire media to be biased, unreliable and disreputable.

They are like those people who claim all the food and water on the planet is "tainted," yet they constantly drink from the toilet that is Fox News.

People like that aren't even worth arguing with because they are so incredibly deluded.


What does a shooting in Israel have to do with anything involving Journalistic integrity?

George W. Bush has already told Israel to give back hard-fought territories they have won with their own people's blood. Basically he's asking them to give'em back to the terrorists, like that's gonna buy peace.

The Republican policies on Israel are some of the most idiotic ever, and they were completely uninterested in fighting "Terror " before 911. Instead of helping, they have undercut Israel big time and little Georgie also has made the middle east much more dangerous than it has to be for the people of Israel.

Israel said...

By the way PMB it is considered very impolite to reveal someone's full name in the blogosphere without their permission.

In case you didn't know...

Israel said...

You know the other thing I notice about you PMB --

(and this is why you probably get so frustrated when you argue.) You never concede a point, no matter what ridiculous lengths you have to go to to argue it.

Notice how when someone else has a point (like Sharla, with her Forbes poll) I just concede it and move on, finding another way to turn the discussion to my advantage.

This is something I've learned after appearing in front of countless judges -- sometimes conceding a point lends your arguments more credibility than desperately trying to win every point.

I think this is why it is also so very difficult for us to find common ground.

I may be partisan, but at least I'm intellectually honest enough to recognize when someone else has made a good point.

Unknown said...

Short term memory loss? When you say something good, I have always been quick to agree (just re-read at this thread). But, I feel no remorse that I still disagree with you on many points as your arguments are riddled with common falacies (guilt by association, straw men, etc.).

Funny, I don't feel frustrated. Projecting are we?

The story wasn't the point, just the way it was covered and one of many I've seen that are horribly slanted. I have to explain that...well.

And I agree totally that George W's pressure on Israel is dead wrong (as was Clintons, Reagans, Carters, LBJ...). You make a good point. I agree.

Finally, sorry about using your name. It didn't occur to me that I was violating a code as I commonly use my full name. Honestly sorry and I will delete my comment.

Unknown said...

When have you ever conceeded a point?

Even with Sharla it was "yes, but that's a Republican town. Of course they are dumb."

With all the ad-hominum attacks, name calling, straw men, and other falacies thrown into your coments, its no wonder we have issues finding common ground. I understand you are a very good lawyer, so how does all that translate to the court room? I have a hard time seeing how that would fly. Just honestly wondering.

Anyway, Im a software engineer, not a lawyer, and as much as I like to argue, I'd rather be friends honest :-)

Israel said...

Why can't we argue and still be friends?

I have vowed to forgive the people of Ohio immediately after Bush leaves office, so I won't be grinding my axe that much longer anyway so enjoy it while you can.

And I don't know about you, but if I kept writing stuff and then deleting it I'd probably feel a little frustrated.

Wow! 50 comments!! I've still got it...

Jeshanah said...

What's funny to me is that all those moron republicans from Ohio say my name perfectly from the time they first meet me and my genius relatives from AZ can CA can't after over 7 years of being related to me. (Not to mention the almost 3 years Zion and I were dating/engaged.) It's been a decade and to them I'm still Ja shawn nah... or some other ridiculous pronunciation.

Jeshanah said...

Yeah, I'm bitter...

Israel said...
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Israel said...


By Melissa Dahl
Health writer
updated 5:34 a.m. PT, Wed., March. 5, 2008

Melissa Dahl
Health writer

It's not like Pamela Gregg was a stranger to helping out the underdog. She thought she knew what kinds of pooches linger the longest in animal shelters: Older dogs, abused dogs, sick or injured dogs — dogs like George Bailey, the hound mix she'd rescued after he'd been struck by a car.

But black dogs? While searching for a companion for George Bailey, Gregg was shocked to see a banner on an Ohio animal shelter's Web site that detailed how tough it is for big dogs with black coats to find homes.

"It said something like, 'We know that you people prefer colors, but we've got wonderful black dogs here, won't you please consider them?'" recalls Gregg, who's 49 and lives in Xenia, Ohio. "I was shocked, because I think that black dogs are beautiful — and I couldn't believe people would not get a dog based on its color."



First off, Jeshanah, even though you have been married to Zion for a long time, I have only talked to you a few times in my life and very briefly over the past seven years or so.

We've never even been in the same time zone for more than a few days and even when we've been in the same city it isn't like we've hung out and talked about scrapbooking or something for a long length of time, no?

So I probably have only said your name out loud a few times over the past decade, and it's not like it's a common name with a common pronunciation.

Maybe next time I will test you on the pronunciation of all our relatives Spanish surnames and see how you do.

Better yet, my wife's Chinese name is Zhiyi, and my son's Chinese names are Zun-lin, and Zun-rey so start practicing them because I expect you to pronounce them perfectly when I see you next.


Jeshanah said...

First off, I have never claimed to speak Chinese. You have however boasted about being the smartest person on this blog. Funny that the smartest person on here is also the only one who finds my name so impossible to say. =)

Jeshanah said...

and fyi, PMB and I have never talked about scrapbooking to my knowledge.

Israel said...

Did I ever claim to be a linguistics expert?

And sorry to break it to you, but according to real linguistics experts your name is pronounced
"yesh-aw-naw" so it is you that have been saying it wrong all your life.


Pronunciation: yesh-aw-naw'
Origin: from 03465
PrtSpch: noun proper feminime locative
In AV: Jeshanah 1
Count: 1
Definition: Jeshanah = "storage"

1) a town of the southern border of the northern kingdom near Bethel feminine of 3465; Jeshanah, a place in Palestine:-Jeshanah.
see HEBREW for 03465


So I actually pronounced it better than you did.


And where have I boasted about being the smartest person on this blog?

Even if it were true, that's not something I would brag about...


Israel said...

So you want me to pronounce your name correctly?

Yes? Aw, Naw!!

(All I can do is promise to try my best.)

Unknown said...

Ha! That dog pound bit is very funny.
Truly, I am not partial to dogs with a solid black coat. But, my last dog was predominantly brown, so maybe Im not toooo bigoted. LOL.

Israel said...

You get a pass then...