Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Nothing at all blogworthy has happened in the past couple months, hint's the lack of post-age by yours truely. =)

I just got over a month long cold. (What is that, my 6th in less than 2 years? Ridiculousness!) I've been working quite a bit at the hotel every week, not to mention trying to get the homestead organized. (Oh, and we changed the name of this house to The Homstead. I just think it makes more sense than The Habitat did, since Zion and all his brothers were raised here, it kind of seems like you could actually use 'The Homestead' in an average sentence and people would know what you were talking about.)

I've also done a whole bunch of laundry... but, that's all I have to say about that!


Sharla said...

uhh, I think you mean hence, as in "hence the name..."

Sharla said...

and I'm not trying to be critical or anything but I don't think there is an "e" in truly.


Sharla said...


Anonymous said...

who cares.....at least we all know she is still alive!!!! She finally put something up for us living our normal boring lives in Ohio to read. I am happy to here about the hotel and the cold and the fact that you are still keeping up on your laundry. Doing your laundry is very important stuff!Keep it all up, Shan! I will read it all.

Jeshanah said...

No, Mom. I mean "hint's" as in, that's one of the hint's! I'm not talkin' about a hen, here! Duh!!

So sorry about the "e", that was my bad. (I'm pretty sure truly was an 11th grade word...)

Jess, you mean hear. ;)

Hully said...

So what exactly does the hint own? I didn't realize a hint was capable of possessing anything.

Ya know, since we're all playing grammar police... ;)

Sharla said...

Don't get me wrong. I am verry happy too heer all about everything two!

Sharla said...

Jess and I love hearing about all the laundry being done, but we are a little envious. Our water is too rusty to ever do our whites here, we have to take them to friends. Also our water has been frozen up about half the winter so we keep getting very behind on all our loads and end up doing mountains of laundry when ever it thaws out for a few days. I think THIS house should be "the homestead"! Laura Ingles would be right at home here!

I bought Glenn Beck's book, An Inconvenient Book, for the trip home on the plane. I finished it a week ago, now dad is reading it. You guys should read it. It is hysterically funny.

Israel said...

Some people ask why I never post on this blog anymore and why I rarely post on John's blog.

Because ever since Jeshanah stopped complaining about everything, her blog has become excruciatingly BORING!!

I never thought I'd say it, but I miss the old whine-a-minute Jeshanah.

And John's life is so even-keel and uneventful that he hardly ever posts anymore either.

Where is the angst, the human drama, the endless suffering, the slings and arrows of misfortune, the woe, woe, woe is me?

Before when I thought you all were hanging just a tiny splintered thread away from hurtling into insanity, it was all kinds of fun ripping into Ohioans and Republicans in the hope that my assaults would send you all over the edge.

Now you guys are apparently so happily well adjusted that I don't even bother.

John's most scintillating blog in months was about the weather?


Anyway that's why I never post anymore...


Sharla said...


Of course we are happy. Soon Obama will be in the white house and all will be right in the world. We who have been on the poverty end of the spectrum have nothing but a bright future ahead with free medical and free money and everything we could ever hope for. We are confident the government will soon be supplying our every need and satisfying our every whim! What could we possibly have to complain about?? ;)