Saturday, December 22, 2007

Jariah, Becca, and Brandon moved in with us to what we have affectionately dubbed the Habitat today.

Becca has been having contractions all night last night and all day today, so she and Jariah headed off to the hospital a few minutes ago. We are expecting the baby sometime tonight.
This past 8 weeks have to have been the most insane weeks of my life, since Zion and I have moved twice, gone to Ohio for a week, helped Jariah and Becca move, worked like a madman fixing up the Habitat, and now am babysitting a hyper 2 year old while my best friend has a baby, all between working 40 hours a week!!!

Please keep them (and us since we have Brandon!) in your prayers. I'll keep you posted as I have new information! Thanks and God Bless.

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