Sunday, January 09, 2011

Well I had a great day yesterday! Zion was off for like the first full day since he came to Kentucky (except when he came to Ohio while I was having Garrison!) and we got to go out on the town with him!! We went to the Lexington Explorium with Lincoln and Garrison, Lincoln had a blast!!! He got to run around and see all kinds of really fun cool things like playing in the Bubble room, sitting on a lifesize horse statue, building a tower with some giant legos and making a couple of craft pages complete with glitter and glue!! (Pictures to come later)

After that we went out to eat at Applebees for supper!! When we got home, Zion and I got the boys to sleep then we played a game of Battleship.... I haven't played in YEARS!! (Zion won) It was actually alot of fun, I should play dumb games like that more often!! hahaha

Then, to top the night off when we while we were playing, I got a text saying that Elisabeth was admitted into the hospital to have her baby!!!! Very exciting!!!

Olivia Joy Holsapple
arrived todayat 2:25 p.m. to proud parents Justin and Elisabeth. 7 pounds 2 ounces 20.5 inches long! I've skyped with them and seen a couple picutes, she's beautiful!! I can't wait to meet her in real life!!!!!


Unknown said...

All the "experts" at church were insisting boy.

I wanted a niece. :D

Jeshanah said...

I kinda wanted a boy for them since Garrison's so close in age I thought that would be more fun growing up.... but Natalie's only a year old so it's nice that Olivia will have a cousin/playmate close in age, and Becca is thrilled that it's a girl for that reason!!! Garrison, Lincoln, Benny and Brandon are already all close enough in age that they have a bunch of brother/cousin playmates anyway!! =)

I'm glad you got your niece.... she really looks like a sweetheart and I can hardly wait to meet her!!!! (I just have to get over this cold and get back to Ohio!!) Are you in Ohio now or in Arizona still? When do you come back to Ohio???

Unknown said...

I'm back in AZ, but was in Lima through the 3rd.
...hope to be back in Ohio next month sometime.

I'm already rooting for an Oliva Holsapple/Owen Sanders wedding in 20 years or so. :) Yea I'm terrible.