Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Okay, so Zion's been getting mad at me cause I don't blog anymore and it's all been about Facebook lately, so he claims to hate Facebook. (How could anyone hate Facebook?!?!) So I'm gonna try to start blogging more often again.

Garrison's almost 7 weeks old and has already rolled over from his tummy to his back several times... Lincoln is growing like a weed and starting to say alot more words. He repeats everything we say, although alot of it still sounds more like Dadada than a real word... but he uses the same intonations that we use in our words. lol I do believe that I have the two cutest little boys that have ever been. =) Not that I'm biased or anything like that. ;)

Zion and Jariah have been in KY for over two months... Me and the kids have been down here around 5 weeks. It's been a long 5 weeks. Ha! Living in the hotel room gets a bit chaotic at times. The rooms gets trashed in 3.2 seconds and I spend the remainder of the day trying to get it cleaned back up. Doesn't always happen since I also spend quite a bit of time as a referee for Lincoln and Ben not to mention the time spent as a human pacifier!!!

I am getting quite excited to start my next adventure which is building our little house!! I can hardly wait!! It's a little nerve racking since the Kentucky adventure is ongoing for another week or more and hasn't been quite as productive in the money-making aspect as we were predicting and hoping for... we're just gonna have to pray and trust the Lord that we're gonna have just enough to cover all the building materials to get the place move-in-able.... finished would be best, but who am I to demand the best?!! hahaha

For those who haven't been in the loop for a while, and have no idea what I'm talking about... we are converting my parents detached garage into a small house for Zion, Lincoln, Garrison and I. We have been living with my parents since June in order to save what we were paying in rent each month and put it towards the house. Plus, Zion decided to come to Kentucky and run a couple of those seasonal kiosks in the mall down here to get a boost of cash so we can actually pull off the house. (It doesn't pay much hourly, but you get to work ALOT of hours so it does help out! hehheh) When we did the same business in Texas two years ago, it worked out a little better for us financially than it has in Kentucky this year, but we're dealing with a different economy now, too.

Sadly, since he was in Lexington (about a 4 hour drive from Lima) Zion missed Garrison's birth by about 20 minutes. My Mom and Jess ended up being in the delivery room with me and my Mom ended up cutting the cord. (Not at all what I had planned! But I'm not surprised because not much in life goes according to the plan!) I had my first contraction at 1:30 a.m. (it woke me up) then my second and third contraction happened before 2:10... so I went downstairs and asked mom to go up with Lincoln while I took a shower and got ready to go to the hospital in case we had to go in the morning.... I had another contraction while I was in the shower and decided to go ahead and have Mom call Zion to let him know. We told him to go ahead and come cause they were pretty strong. Mom went ahead and brought Lincoln downstairs to my dad and she got ready, too. After my shower while I was getting dressed and gathering up some of the last minute things to throw into my bag, I had another contraction and we decided we should definitely go ahead to the hospital. We called Jess to meet us there with her camera (I don't have one that works at the moment), then called Becca to let her know that she might have Lincoln in the morning when Dad went to work, then once we were actually driving we called the hospital and let them know we were on the way and the contractions were about 8 minutes apart. By the time we got there, (it's about a 25 minute drive) my contractions were coming about ever 2-3 minutes and were super intense! Ouch!! Mom was getting pretty nervous that I was gonna have a baby in the van!! lol (So was I, and without my epidural!!)

Jess pulled in right ahead of us so she rode up the elevator with me while Mom took the parked the van. I won't go into too many details on here, but I was far enough along that they checked me right in and said I was having a baby tonight and when we told them that Zion was on his way home from KY, the nurse pretty much said he wasn't likely to make it. That was sad and kinda scary, and then I found out that my Doctor wasn't the one on call that night, his sister in law was. Kind of a bummer, but whatever, she delivered Brandon and her husband is my family Doctor. Then I wasn't sure if I was gonna have time to get my epidural.... THAT was TOO much!!!! LOL With every contraction I was cursing like a sailor.... well, Sunday school style that is. When my Mom was like, Shan, stop all that cussing you're gonna freak out the nurse, I stopped and with every contraction started asking God for help instead. (I also asked the nurse to AT LEAST get me some Tylenol!! haha!) It took a while, but the anesthesiologist finally made it in with my epidural!! (Thank you, God!!) As soon as that was in, it was easy peasy and the rest of the delivery was no biggie. =) Garrison was born at 5:58 a.m. on November 19th, and Zion arrived in the delivery room at around 6:20 a.m. :/ He was slightly bummed....

well, gotta get Linc to nap and Garrison wants held so that's all for now... I'll update again SOON!!! (like tomorrow I'll finish this post!) Ta Ta for now!


Sharla said...

Great post!

BeccaHolsapple said...

Well after 6 months, I'd say it was about time! :oP

I agree, great post!

Anonymous said...

wayyyy too long. I hope this becomes a regular habit :)

zion said...

wayyyy too long. I hope this becomes a regular habit :)

zion said...

I meant that 6 months was too long to go without writing.... not the post itself.