Thursday, January 06, 2011

Okay, well we just got the closing date for the Calendar Kiosk... we're open till the 14th. Which means I just had to go online to my Chuck E Cheese reservation page and change the combined birthday party for Ben and Lincoln (3 and 2) from the 15th to the 22nd. We might lose some the guests by changing the date because people have other plans for the afternoon of the 22nd, but we'll have fun anyway!! This party sounds like it'll be alot of fun and even though it's a little more expensive than having one at my house (which doesn't exist yet, lol) it's wayyyy less involved and time consuming!!! I'm really looking forward to it!

Zion's packing up the truck with the Games store today, I haven't talked to him at all so I'm hoping that's going well for him. He's gonna be tired tonight!! Ha!

I'm getting pretty homesick for Ohio and really excited to go back to church!! I've seriously missed it the past couple months... streaming just isn't the same! This past week has been pretty bad as far as Lincoln's done and wanting to not be stuck in a hotel room anymore... so he's making life... interesting. He keeps on smacking Benny the second they see each other every day so we've been keeping the adjoining doors closed most of the time. Also, he will not take a nap most of the time lately so he's too tired for his own good.... it's exhausting!!

Ok, Garrison's awake and ready to nurse for the 4 millionth time today... so I'll try to write more tomorrow!!


Garrison now weighs more than 12 pounds.... no wonder he's been eating so much!!!

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