Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Life is great!
I have a beautiful baby boy, I'm back in Ohio and my stuff will be here sometime tomorrow, plus! Lost is back!!!! Woohoo!

I will be posting more pictures of Lincoln soon, I'll even throw in some less glamorous shots for you, Israel. I haven't been able to post any from my camera yet because I don't have my laptop with me and I don't have the cord to connect it to anyone else's computer.

For those of you who are wondering... my labor wasn't too terrible (Looking back). Zion and I went into the hospital at 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, January 14th to be induced. They started the pitosin at 6:40 to speed up the contractions (even though I was already having some, they weren't strong enough to do much!) and broke my water around 8:30. Jess came in to do my hair for me before going to school (around 8)and Mom and Becca came in at about 9. I did get an epidural (3 doses of the stuff overall!) soon after they broke my water.

Zion, Mom, Becca and Jess were with me throughout the labor process (school got cancelled due to the weather so Jess was able to come back) for 5 hours and 40 minutes then when it was time to push, we kicked Jess and Mom out and 40 minutes later, Lincoln was born!! It was a complete shock when Dr. Scott announced announced that the baby had a penis! I thought for sure for 9 months that we were having a girl!!!

Zion, Jariah and Dad should be back this evening and I can't wait for Dad to get to meet his newest grandson. (I'm also rather happy that Zion will get to see him again since he's already changing so much!) It will also be very nice to get all my stuff back! After 3 months of living out of suitcases in hotels, my parents house, the hospital and our new apartment with some old borrowed furniture... I am very excited to have my stuff again!!!

Well, that's all I got for now, sorry if this post doesn't live up to my normal standards... I'm a little tired these days. =) I also need to go eat instead of proofreading this because Linc is asleep right now so this is my chance! (I've already lost 20+ pounds of the weight I had gained... there's just not enough hours in the day for eating for the both of us!!!)


Sharla said...

Yeah! That's my girl! Back to your fun and optimistic self completely. Although I am quite sure a couple of your darling brother-in-laws will only notice that you mentioned it's hard to get time to eat and say all you ever do is whine and complain! Lol.
You are right. Life IS good! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for sending us our precious Lincoln! And for the soon reuniting of our entire family. The first in nearly 3 years. My cup runneth over.

Israel said...

Sounds great!