Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Raise your hand if you are tired of singing "The itsy-bitsy spider"!! (Shan raises hand and jumps up and down exclaiming, "Me, Me, Me!!!!" )

That seems to be the only song he likes and I starting to drive myself crazy with it!! lol He likes that one and the one John made up for Janessa (with a few variations to make it work for Link, of course!) when she was a baby. He hates the little teapot song and Jesus Loves Me (I thought ALL kids liked that one!) and most the time even Mom's old standby Jesus, the sweetest name I know.

He has 2 teeth now that you can actually see, not just feel and he is starting to stand up all the time! It's ridiculous how fast he's getting so big! He has had a little cereal every day (except for one cause we weren't home all day on Sunday and I didn't bring any...) and still doesn't seem to enjoy it that much.

Zion asked if there was anything going on in MY life besides Linky.... ummmm.... the only thing I can think of is that I started doing Weight Watchers and am hoping that really works out for me! I have been hanging onto an extra 20 pounds since Link was born that I would seriously like to get rid of!!!

The only other thing is that I am trying to figure out how to make a Abraham Lincoln bust for Link's first birthday cake. (I've got lots of time, I know, but it's a big undertaking and I want to practice it a few times to see if I can even do it!!!!) I'm sure that's not gonna help me out with the whole weight watchers thing though!! LoL I might just buy a Styrofoam ball and carve that then all I have to make is the fondant to cover it. That way we won't be tempted to eat all the cake!!

To get in the mood for doing that I have been watching alot of episodes of "Ace of Cakes" online. They do amazing things with cake! It's awesome! (I wish I could just have them make his cake but they charge a minimum of $1,000 for a cake and I don't have that kind of dough to spend on some cake dough! (see what I did there??) haha)

Okay that's enough for now. =) Baby is hungry!!!!


BeccaHolsapple said...

One you have a baby, that's pretty much your whole life! You knew that, since that's all I ever talk or write about too, lol!

Sarah said...

Hmmm, can't help you with the cake thing. NOT my line of expertise, at all!!!! But you are a very smart and talented'll get it figured out! =)

Ace of Cakes is awesome!! I would love to have the money someday to have them do a cake! Actually, I've always wanted to go to Baltimore...hey, how about a trip, Shan??! ;)

Sharla said...

Forget the bust idea and just do Lincoln's famour stovepipe hat. It would be much easier, and no doubt much more recognizable!! lol

Sharla said...

Not that Jesus, Sweetest Name I Know isn't a very reliable tune or anything, but the one I have always used more is actually, Jesus, There's Just Something About That Name. Try that one. :)

Jeshanah said...

Okay, that's the one I've tried... he only likes it when YOU sing it to him!! hehe What's up with that?!?! (Maybe I'll try the sweetest name I know one!!) hehe

Unknown said...

How do you know he likes/doesn't like a song?

Does he go all Simon Cowell on you? "I don't know who in our family has lied to you, but whoever they are did you a great disservice complementing your singing."

Sarah said...

LOL PMB!!!! =)

Jeshanah said...

PMB asked, "How do you know he likes/doesn't like a song?"

I judge by the look on his face and the sounds coming from his mouth. A great big frown with crocodile tears and crying = he doesn't like the song. A big old toothy smile and cooing = he likes it. =) It's very scientific. =)

Unknown said...

You might be misjudging his emotions.
Most times when I've observed people moved to tears by song, it's because they are enjoying it so much.

Cyndi said...

Or the toothy smile is to cover for the painful sound that he is hearing, but Link is more polite and socially correct than Simon Cowell! And he doesn't want to hurt his mommy's feelings!

Martha said...

It's been around since Abby was a baby and it's worked on all of them. (All of my kids, I mean.)

Elisabeth (Bauer) Holsapple said...

yeah - I'd go with the would be easier. (of course either way you go - you'll pro'lly be having black icing wich make for equally black teeth & mouths) :)

BeccaHolsapple said...

I may be wrong but I don't think fondant has the same effect!

I think I would go with the hat also, seems a lot easier and very recognisable!

Jeshanah said...

Do you think Duff would take the easy way out and make a stovepipe hat cake???? Do ya??! I think not!! (I might have to resort to that... but I'm gonna attempt the bust first!!)

I was planning on doing a tan-ish color fondant on the bust so it looks like a little statue of A. Lincoln and wouldn't turn every ones teeth a disgusting color.

BeccaHolsapple said...

Lol Shan AKA Duffy-Wannabe!

The tan color sounds goof, hopefully you'll figure out how to make the would look cool!

BeccaHolsapple said...

good not goof ;)

Israel said...

Mommy Holsapple knows of which she speaks.

The bust will be "a bust." You heard it here first.

Jeshanah said...

Got the tapes, Israel. Thanks!!

Israel said...

How's the bust going? Have you upgraded to a life size replica of the Lincoln Memorial yet?

Jeshanah said...

haha... that might actually be easier!! lol

I have only attempted it once and I didn't even use the fondant on it because I didn't have one of the ingredients to make it. I cut the cake shape out and I think I know how to solve the issues I had with that now.... so next step will be to bake more cake, cut it out then make the rolled fondant and do a "dress rehearsal" of the bust cake. =) However.... I'm on a diet right now and cake/ fondant doesn't exactly fit in with that plan.... so I'm going to wait on the cake for now. =) I've got a few months before I need to figure it all out. ;)

Israel said...

He's gonna have plenty of Birthdays. Start small and build.

For example for his 1st birthday I'm giving him a real honest to goodness lincoln penny.

2nd? two pennies.

3rd? Three pennies. If he saves them up he'll be able to get a pack of gum by the time he's ten. Plus it gives him an incentive to live to 100 so he can get a whole dollar.

BeccaHolsapple said...

Wow! Link is going to looove his uncle Israel, lol!