Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Saturday, Becca attended childbirth education classes with me. She will be my coach, and if Zion makes it, she'll have to help him know how to help me. The classes were pretty predictable, boring and full of somewhat misguided information.... (Including "if you must smoke, do not do so while you are nursing", how insane is that?!!) as well as being very graphic and generally disgusting. =)

Sunday I went to church, everyone seemed pretty happy to see me and I was very happy to see all of them! After church I went to Las Palmas (my favorite Mexican restaurant in the world!) with all the family that is here. It was delicious!!!

Monday night, I went to the first ever boys basketball game at Bible Believers Christian School. I worked in the concession stand and it was great fun. It was lots of fun when Sister Kelly K. came in and asked how far along I was and I very straight faced told her, "I'm not pregnant." Her face fell and she was so completely worried for about 20 seconds before I laughed and said I was only teasing and had 6 weeks left. LoL! It was pretty funny. (For those of you who don't know Kelly K., you aren't getting to appreciate the full humor, but I guess it's still pretty funny.)

Tomorrow I have my first Doctors appointment in almost a month. I will be seeing Dr. Scott Stalkamp (who delivered Janessa) and will hopefully get to take a tour of the hospital because when Becca and I went to the childbirth classes, we had to take them at the other hospital because St. Rita's classes were full. I kinda remember the layout from Jess and Becca's deliveries, but it wouldn't hurt to take a refresher walk through the maternity ward especially since they have added on a ton to the hospital in the past couple years. I'll let you all know how my appointment went and if we get to take the tour or not. =)


Jeshanah said...

I just got back from my doctors appointment. Everything looks great according to the Dr. and his staff. =)

Becca and I also took a tour of St. Rita's... the labor and delivery areas look about the same as I remember... overall the hospital looks completely new! It's insane!!!

Anonymous said...

Did he mention any ways to make babies wait till their daddies come before they try to be born?

Israel said...

Trust me you don't wanna see it, it's disgusting.

Jeshanah will be crying and screaming bloody murder and moaning (so basically it'll be like any other day.)

If I were you I'd just hand out cee-gars in the waiting room...

Sharla said...

ROFL Israel! I'm thinkin' you might have a good idea there.

Sharla said...

And by the way, in Jeshanah's defense, she is just like her mother, extremely sweet and kind and easy to get along with (as long as she gets her own way).

Israel said...

Today I was talking to Zion on the phone about him tryingto scrape togetehr the $$ to pay for insurance when Jeshanah texted him and asked when he was going to be able to pay for a pedicure for her.

Priorities people!!

I suggested Zion tell Jeshanah to bend over and give herself a pedicure with her teeth.

Just wondering if he did that.


Oh yeah and Hurold isn't staying at your place after all. So all that whining for nothing...

Jeshanah said...

What we do with OUR money is not any of your business. I have never had a professional pedicure before, but since I can't reach my feet right now and they are swollen and uncomfortable half of the time, I asked Zion if it would be possible for me to go get one after Christmas. I didn't demand it... if he decides we can't afford it, then I won't get one. Don't be so gross, and mind your own business!

Unless Zion was asking you for money to pay for my insurance or pedicure (which I seriously doubt!) then it's none of your concern. Go stick your nose in someone else's affairs and keep out of mine!

Israel said...

Wow! You fat people with disgusting feet are so darn touchy!

And I thought you were supposed to be jolly!

Anonymous said...

I'll give you $300 for your big TV in the living room. This should help out w/ the insurance and the pedicure... Or else just go on Access it's the cheapest way...Let me know? I will also forgive what you owe me so it will actually be twice that amount which I think is a fair deal.. than we will be even stevens...Nuff said I think u know who this is....

Anonymous said...

Josh, Israel

Don't be stupid.

I'll sell you my tv for $300 when you sell me your brand new house house for $10,000.

And Israel,
I'll do whatever you say with my money, when you do whatever I tell you to do with your money.

Israel pay Josh 10,000 for his brand new house and put the title in my name.

Nuff Said.

Hully said...

lol Zion. Good post.

Sharla said...

Wow, with family like that, who needs enemies???!!

Sharla said...


BeccaHolsapple said...

And who says that Zion and Shan aren't doing just fine? I never saw or heard otherwise anywhere!

Zion was the man and he is doing what he needs to do to provide for his wife. He isn't just selling everything he owns at a loss to his greedy brothers...

Sharla said...

EXACTLEY! I for one am very proud of Zion! He very unexpectedly lost his job, but got busy earning money right away. He didn't miss a beat.

Jeshanah said...

Josh, I've said it many times, I will not tolerate language like that on this blog.

Anonymous said...

What language are you talking about? There was no language... But it's good to censor the truth that way it won't be exposed! If your momma can dish it, she can certainly take it.. right???!!!
(Maybe not) nuff said

Jeshanah said...

Writing a comment with one letter and two * leaving no doubt in anyone's mind what word you are saying is the same as cussing in my book (on my blog). I have deleted numerous comments of Israel's for the exact same reason, even if he wasn't being mean to anyone but was just quoting someone who said something on t.v. I don't care what the circumstances are, I don't allow language like that on here because sometimes my 8 year old niece reads and she's not the kind who watches Twilight!

We don't have any Twilight calendars at the kiosk. We've had tons of people ask for them, but we didn't get any. I'm not sure if they even made them.

Anonymous said...

Well to bad you guys don't have any Twilight calendars. Than maybe you guys would make some real money. Yes, my daughter has read all the books and seen the movie. Now she's starting to grow fangs and turning into a vampire.. Actually we all are...Just remember you can't keep kids in the dark for too long. I had a cousin they wouldn't even let him out to play w/ the other kids in fear of contamination and you should've seen the way that turned out..My kids actually read all kinds of books and I can tell you right now that they are as smart as a whip and can read a 700 page book faster than you know. They also get straight A and the only problem I have w/ them is the sucking the blood part.. I'm sure your kids will turn out fine because they are half Ramirez's after all.

Jeshanah said...

Were you kept in the dark and that's why you are so horrible?

Janessa is 8 and she is not being "kept in the dark" but neither is she being exposed to the kind of evil that you seem to think is necessary. She reads many books, but they are of a more wholesome nature. (I believe her favorites are from the American Girl series.)

The good news for me is that even though my kids are half Ramirez, you guys don't get a say in how Zion and I choose to raise them. =) I will take into consideration any advice that Danny and Joanna care to share as I have been very impressed with their kids.

Anonymous said...

thanks for calling my character into questions and rushing into quick judgements. First of all you don't even know my kids and second of all you don't even know me to call me horrible. I guess that's the Christian in you coming out during the holidays. I'm actually disappointed my brother married such a childish narrowed minded clueless girl from the hills. Well I hope you're 8 year old niece reads this post, but she probably won't because you'll delete it. And always remember he who is without sin let em cast the first stone.. (oh yeah WWJD) Like I said before Happy Holidays. Nuff Said Oh I agree w/ you on Danny and Joanna's kids the two of you are going to need all the advice that comes your way..

Anonymous said...

Correction Josh.

We need all the GOOD advice we can get.

I married a childish narrowminded clueless girl?

Josh you are a disgrace to go on here and attack my wife. You should be ashamed of yourself. I know dad would be ashamed of you for acting like that. You know that too.

Why would she have to bring your character in question when you show how low down it can be in plain black and white. As far as I can remember, I don't believe your pick was always so well appreciated either. I think you of all people would know that people can be misinterpreted.

Josh, be a man. Do you think Dad would have acted towards my wife the way you have behaved? I don't remember him belittling Rebecca even once, even though she may not have come from the same background we did.

If you were half a man, you would sincerely apologize. But somehow I don't think you have the guts.

Anonymous said...

Please Bro., did you not see your wife's comments on me and my child rearing. That's way out of bounds and uncalled for.. And then your mother in laws comments about two weak stomachs referring to my wife.

Me and my wife have done nothing , but try to help you guys when you got here. When you got here I told you where to get a good job through SES and then behind the scenes I told higher up to hire my little bro and his brother in law into TEP.

I don't remember another brother putting thousands of dollars in a house to replace the flooring so you could live there. ( the flooring job was a waste because of the lack of construction skills by the people who put it in/ again not my fault...Ask yourself did anyone ever do this?

And If i could recall I was the only brother that quit his job and moved when dad died and sold his house and worked for half the pay to take care of his mother. (did you know I was offered a job for 80k a year at this same time and I turned it down? )

You have no clue how dad will feel about me. He would be proud of the sacrafices I have made. I also know I put a bunch of money into the second house you lived in.. I also know you weren't putting me down when you asked me if i could loan you money... I know that you try to put a guilt trip w/ comments about dad, but i'm sure he would approve of your wife and her family trashing mom and his daughter in law. Dad for one told me to marry my wife so this is all the approval I ever needed.

I am not telling you this because I want a pat on the back i'm only telling you the truth...Your wife has some behavior issues which can be changed and I suggest she work on those. And your right I'm only half the man you are, only because you outweigh me... My wife wouldn't judge you or your family's values so don't judge us.. I know you think you guys are goody two shoes, but there's no love in calling someone horrible on her blog... She doesn't even know me. Look, who started w/ this nonsense anyway..?(her) And I still love you guys because that's what Jesus says.. and it is the holidays.

I apologize for telling her the truth and the truth hurts sometimes. Nuff Said..

Sharla said...

You obviously do not know me or any of us at all. My weak attempt at a joke was about your weak mind matching your weak stomach. I intended no reference whatsoever to your wife. Because we do not know each other, we do not understand each other on here at all. I have 8 years of history with Israel, so I understand him a little more. He was here for the wedding, we spent a couple days together, even several hours one on one. He has called me at the holidays many years and when I had cancer. We have exchanged lots of e-mails, some letters and little gifts. (I sent his boys a few toys over the years, he has sent John something) John and he became friends while he was here also. He, as you know, loaned my business some money. You are sure I am always kissing up, the truth is I actually like and respect him and happen to agree with him sometimes. I am sorry you take everything we, Jeshanah and I, say wrong. This blog was really supposed to be a means of Shan keeping all of us, her family and friends who love her, informed about her life so far away from us. We do know her. We don't mind if she complains about stuff, it is how she feels. Since you don't like it or understand it, why don't you just leave us all alone? And by the way, if you say "nuff said" one more time, I will lose my lunch. Merry Christmas! :)

Anonymous said...

If you don't like me blogging just stop reading.. And i'm sure you don't like Israel more than I do he's my brother just like Zion. I think both are swell guys. I really could careless what you think or say. I'm strictly making points. I don't take this very seriously unlike Zion, Shan, or you. If she wants me to stop ruining her blog don't let anyone blog anonymous.(very simple) Merry Christmas Holsapples'...

Anonymous said...

oh yeah nuff said

Jeshanah said...

I'm not going to block all anoonymous comments because some of my FRIENDS actually post under that from time to time. I AM however going to have Jariah block YOU! Merry Christmas!!! =)

Cyndi said...

Well, I was going to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, but I am afraid to get in the crossfire!

I don't want to die from a word slam before Santa crawls down the chimney to bring me my presents! LOL!

Hi Josh! You don't know me, but I do know Zion and have met Israel - they are both really good guys, and I am sure that you are too. Even though you are trying to rile up a very pregnant woman!

Anyway, I hope you all have a blessed holiday!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Cyndi, Happy holidays I guess he hasn't censored me yet.. lol

Anonymous said...

Bravo Josh!

You took a statement entirely not directed towards you and your wife, and before you find out what it means you lash out and attack without an understanding. You shame yourself and try to attack our Christianship.

"Goody two-shoes?" Josh what is your obsession trying to de-Christianize us. It seems like you have a deep seeded insecurity that makes you think christians are better than you or something. You always try to attack my Christianity and I don't see why you do that. Being a christian doesn't mean that we are perfect or goody two shoes, or that christians don't do wrong things, even decietful things. All it means is that we realize we ARE flawed. The difference is rather than trying to justify it by other things we've done, and saying we are good overall, we just admit we are wrong and ask for forgiveness, get it, then move on.

Josh I didn't say dad wouldn't appreciate all the sacrifices you made. I said dad would be disappointed with the way you have acted towards my wife tonight. And I KNOW he would have been, and so do you, so stop justifying it.

Stop trying to justify it with your story about how great you are, and your money you put into the house I spent 11 months in. Big deal josh. That has nothing to do with the fact that you are attacking my wife on here. I know he would be disappointed in that behavior and nothing you've done in the past would change that.

No one ever said they were better than you, but you always act like that.

Quit your bellyaching, go bug someone else. Thanks for trying to attack me and Jeshanah and my in-laws over something stupid that has nothing to do with you.

Bravo Josh, Bravo.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You fat people with disgusting feet are so darn touchy!

And I thought you were supposed to be jolly!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You fat people with disgusting feet are so darn touchy!

And I thought you were supposed to be jolly!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You fat people with disgusting feet are so darn touchy!

And I thought you were supposed to be jolly!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You fat people with disgusting feet are so darn touchy!

And I thought you were supposed to be jolly!

Anonymous said...

Saturday, Becca attended childbirth education classes with me. She will be my coach, and if Zion makes it, she'll have to help him know how to help me. The classes were pretty predictable, boring and full of somewhat misguided information.... (Including "if you must smoke, do not do so while you are nursing", how insane is that?!!) as well as being very graphic and generally disgusting. =)

Sunday I went to church, everyone seemed pretty happy to see me and I was very happy to see all of them! After church I went to Las Palmas (my favorite Mexican restaurant in the world!) with all the family that is here. It was delicious!!!

Monday night, I went to the first ever boys basketball game at Bible Believers Christian School. I worked in the concession stand and it was great fun. It was lots of fun when Sister Kelly K. came in and asked how far along I was and I very straight faced told her, "I'm not pregnant." Her face fell and she was so completely worried for about 20 seconds before I laughed and said I was only teasing and had 6 weeks left. LoL! It was pretty funny. (For those of you who don't know Kelly K., you aren't getting to appreciate the full humor, but I guess it's still pretty funny.)

Tomorrow I have my first Doctors appointment in almost a month. I will be seeing Dr. Scott Stalkamp (who delivered Janessa) and will hopefully get to take a tour of the hospital because when Becca and I went to the childbirth classes, we had to take them at the other hospital because St. Rita's classes were full. I kinda remember the layout from Jess and Becca's deliveries, but it wouldn't hurt to take a refresher walk through the maternity ward especially since they have added on a ton to the hospital in the past couple years. I'll let you all know how my appointment went and if we get to take the tour or not. =)
Posted by Jeshanah at 2:59 PM 34 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Happy Birthday, John!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!!

I got here to Ohio yesterday afternoon. John and Janessa were at the airport waiting for me when I arrived. We had a nice drive home with a pit stop at Skyline Chili where Mom, Becca, Brandon and Ben met us. Unfortunately, it was raining on the way instead of snowing, and all the snow that was on the ground yesterday morning was melted. I can't wait until it snows again, it's beautiful in the woods.

Their house and driveway have come a long way since the last time I was here. (They actually HAVE gravel which is really nice!!)
Posted by Jeshanah at 6:20 AM 18 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I am heading to Ohio on the 3rd of December. Things were not working out on the Doctor front here in Midland, so I'll be having my baby in Ohio with Dr. Stalkamp. (The same Doctor who delivered Janessa, brother-in-law to the Doctor who delivered Brandon... and my family Doctor's brother...)

Hopefully Zion will be able to make it in time for the birth, but if for some reason he doesn't, he'll be there within a day or so. I think he'll make it though. One of the kiosks is scheduled to close on Jan. 4th, and I'm not due until the 17th, and Dad will be here to close the 2nd kiosk on the 19th. Things are crazy, but I believe everything is going to work out okay.

I have been feeling really sick again for the past couple days, I don't know if it's from stress, just being pregnant, or eating too much food court food... but I've been having a very upset stomach and alot of heartburn since Thanksgiving day. I'm hoping that when I get to Ohio I'll be able to relax a bit and my stomach will calm down. (Fingers crossed!!)

Zion's business venture seems to be working about like they projected, which is a relief. There are of course some additional expenses that were a bit higher than we expected, but our hotel is cheaper than we planned so it might all even out. We had to hire more labor to get everything set up than we anticipated, but I am optimistic that everything will still work in our favor when all is said and done.
Posted by Jeshanah at 8:40 AM 30 comments
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dad's here!! He got here about an hour after the mall opened and helped me out the whole day. I was able to show him all the ropes about the calendar kiosk and teach him to use the register so tomorrow I don't think I'm going to go in until later and then I probably won't even stay that long. (Thank goodness because I really don't think my body could take much more. My shoes hardly even go on my feet anymore and the other day I had a couple/few contractions. Nothing too serious, most likely just Braxton Hicks, but still. It's probably a good thing I'll be able to take it a little slower for a while. I'd rather keep the baby inside until he/she has the opporunity to grow a bit more.)
Posted by Jeshanah at 10:01 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We're here!! Yesterday Zion and I drove to Midland, Texas. (Actually we drove to Odessa and got up this morning and came the rest of the way.) We stopped at about 1 A.M. Texas time (Midnight Tucson time... or 2 Ohio time.) We were both exhausted and stopped at a Motel 6 because there were no Holiday Inn's around and the Motel 6 had the right price. The place was gross, kinda creepy and smelled horrible of smoke. It's only one night though.

Today we got to Midland early and started filling out some of the tax papers and stuff like that that we had to get going to start the businesses, then this afternoon we went to the Midland Park Mall to see our locations and meet the managers. It's all a big undertaking. I don't know how we'll get it all done, but God is in control and He didn't bring us this far to leave us.

We were getting kinda worried about accommodations because when we were looking online we couldn't find anything decent for less than $72 a night, and when we called the rate had gone up to $99 per night. (Scary when we were figuring on the $72 to be our maximum and we're talking 2 months!!) We decided to pull over and pray about it and about 20-30 minutes later Zion was looking online and he said, "Why don't you call this one?" I was like, "Okay, but I already checked the rate online for that one when we were still in Tucson and they were like $109 a night or something like that...." I called the number and asked about the rate, and it was only $50 per night for a week long stay! Praise the Lord!!!!

We asked if we could go ahead and come to the hotel and SEE a room before making our decision, the girl said that was fine and we came on over. The place looks pretty good and there is a fridge, microwave, stove, kitchen sink and it's a pretty nice size room with a comfy king size bed. Plus, when we were actually checking in, we were talking to the girl at the front desk and she decided to take an additional $5 off per night for us... so now the rate is only $45 plus tax per night!!! Now we have a nice place to stay for at least a week and if we like it, we can extend our stay for the duration of our time in Texas, for less than the cost we were planning on!! God is so good!!!

Thank you all for your prayers for us during this crazy transition time and please keep them coming!!!! We still have much craziness ahead of us in the next couple months (especially the next few days while we set up two kiosk stores!) and we can really feel the prayers of our friends holding us up at this time! (Seriously, I only got 6 hours of sleep last night and my eyes are still somewhat opened!!!) God bless you all and we will keep you posted as much as time allows!!!
Posted by Jeshanah at 7:40 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
Now we know where Israel gets his Political views...


Anonymous said...

Boo hooo I'm always attacked... you poor, poor, boy, you made your bed now lie in it... Nuff said

justin h said...

kinda funny how someone said "nuff said" a LONG time ago but then keeps talking. you would think someone would listen to at least themselves.

Sharla said...

Merry Christmas Cyndi! Hope Santa brings ya some great stuff! Love ya! :)

Sharla said...

Merry Christmas to my sweetheart. I love you Gary. I am missing you this Christmas Eve. I miss you, too, Justin and Zion. I can't wait till we are all back together again. It won't be long. The girls and I are planning another big dinner when you all get back, and then we'll play games and watch a movie or something, kinda make up for this Christmas we are missing. Love you all. Hope you enjoyed the videos on the other blog. Sorry the littles ones' heads are always in the way of the camera, we'll try to get better shots in the morning for you.

Israel said...

Hey I was just gonna pop on here to say Merry Christmas to all of you, peace on earth at Goodwill toward men (and women.)

Woah! Appalling display on both sides.

I joke round once in a while, but it's intended in good fun and I hope no one thinks I'm being malicious or horribly disrespectful.


Sharla e-mail me with the Teddy picture and you address because I want to send you a kids book about Teddy Roosevelt that is pretty neat.

Man both sides of this horrible debate need to chill out.

Remember we are familia.

Merry Christmas and love, joy and peace to all.

Anonymous said...

"Nuff said"

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.


Merry Christmas everyone (you too, Israel).


Israel said...

You too PMB you 'ol rascal...

Israel said...

I also wanna say that Josh's kids are pretty incredible and Josh and Becca have done an amazing job with them.

If I do half as well with my two, I'll be all right.

I also wanna say that I thought that Becca was a horrible spoiled brat when Josh married her and I didn't like her at all.

When Josh fainted at his wedding I told him to stay down and I would get him out of there, so he didn't have to get married if he didn't want to. Becca's dad came up and said "I paiud a lot for this wedding so you are getting married no matter what."

But now that she is no longer 18 years old and she is all grown up, I like her alot and I think she is about the best mom anybody could ask for or have.

The one thing we Ramirez's have been good at is picking wives. (Can't say as much for our wive's taste in husbands though.)

Is Jeshanah a spoiled brat and a whiner? Yes indeedy-do she is -- but she has many other redeeming qualities and judging from her Mum's good qualities she will only get better with a little seasoning.

Heck, she's married to Zion, so she's already half way toward being a canonized saint in my book...

Israel said...

And Josh you need to stop being an internet troll.

Santa's gonna leave you a big bag of coal if you don't watch out.

Jeshanah said...

LOL, PMB! Mom and I both got a good laugh at that one. =)

Anonymous said...

I must have been good because Santa left me a shiny new car in the driveway. Merry Christmas everyone. I will probably have coal @ work though...

Israel said...

Wow! What kind of car?

Hopefully you sold that gas guzzling, planet destroying, bail-out requiring Lincoln Navigator to some Republican...


Anonymous said...

It's a Mazada CX-7 2.3 liter 4 cylinder w/ turbo. (Navigator 5.7 liter V8) If you know any Republicans looking for the Navigator it's for sale. The Navigator is sure to jump start this weak economy with it's 12 miles per gallon. Exxon will be greatful. I will also throw in a full tank of gas..