Saturday, February 10, 2007

Love and Learn's new webpage is now launched!
check it out ------------------------------------>


Israel said...


I would change the part about losing the lease, to we have decided not to renew our lease at the mall and have chosen to relocate our store to ---.

Looks better to potential franchisees...

Israel said...

I invented a Mexican Superhero called Illegal Eagle.

Go to the Tubby & Chubby web site to read his first adventure before Danny gets all high and mighty and erases it. (He likes to censor me.)

Since the fat men aren't using it I figured I should:

Sharla said...

Hey guys,
The page is supposed to actually work now?? Cause all I see is a great home page but nothing else is working. No products, no contact us, no shopping cart.

Sharla said...

Oh yea, and please do as Israel suggested. Thanks :)

Israel said...

What's the weather like in Tucson right now?

We'll be there soon...

Jeshanah said...

I guess you'll see when you get here, then. =)

Or you could watch the weather channel, I hear they are pretty reliable. =)

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful weather! We've been working on the house all day, and its not bad at all. Even Rebecca H was commenting on that this morning. It's the best time to be out here.

Anonymous said...

yea i am not going to lie shanny right now i think i would rather be in tucson than lima we are really having a blizzard, and i am not talking about the ones they have at dairy queen, i am talking snow, wind, cold and drifts it is aweful.

Jeshanah said...

That's February for ya! Have you guys lost power at all? Do you have pictures??!

Hully said...

Shanny, I'm actually heading out right now to get some pics, and maybe some video. Check my blog in a little bit and I should have something up.

Hully said...

Shan, I have pictures up on my blog now. Also, you can watch live streaming video from the Toledo ABC affiliate (ch. 13) here:

Israel said...


I think you guys in Ohio should write out a list explaining exactly who gets eaten first if you get snowbound.

I suggest you start with the fattest person first as he could feed the most people for the longest time....

Anonymous said...

...and you wonder why I left! I would have been 1st to die!

Hully said...

Personally, I have been enjoying the weather. Trudging through eight inches of snow with camera in hand brought a smile to my face and made a rough week enjoyable. I'm not saying I want snow year round. Anybody who knows me knows I despise winter. But the variety is what I love about Ohio weather.

But now it's time for the four most beautiful words in the English language...




