Monday, October 10, 2011

Well the PASt couPLe days were Pretty crazy... we went to the zoo, we had church then went to the Pumkin PActch for a hayride and to Pick out some PUmkins... then came home and had a bonfire with the family before HeeP and Becca and their kids headed off to West Virginia this morning and Zion and I head for Mansfield (still in OHIO this year!!!) this evening. (Well, Zion's already there actually, but I'll be going this evening to helP unload our TRUCK!!!!!! ACK!!! We have an inline store this year so we have an entire semi truck of shiPment comingP!!! YIKES! hehehe) =) We had alot of fun and got lots of really cute PICtures, here's a samPLing.

(For those who don't understand what's with the nutty uPPercase "P's" in this POSt, my comPUter was squirted with saline solution by Lincoln while I was on a date with Zion for my birthday and ever since then, every time I tyPE "P", it's uPPercase!! Plus, everytime I hit shift, it puts in a "P", too.... very strange and slightly annoying, but I guess that's life with an onery 2 year old boy in the house. :) You have no idea how many "P"s I've deleted in the POst to make it legible!! LOL


L. Buchholz said...

Haha Oh Shan you are such a good mom!! And your boys although Perhaps ornery are growing up so fast and are so very handsome! Hope your move goes well! You definitely live the adventure!!:D

Anonymous said...

good blog its very detailed and has lots of pictures!!