Friday, November 06, 2009

Well, Justin.... you asked for a post and this is the best I can come up with. There's not a whole lot going on with me that I want to put online right now. =P The other day Lincoln was enjoying some cheese (one of his favorite things to eat) and some formula when he fell completely asleep in his highchair!! (Adorable, I know!!!!) I snapped some pictures of my little cutie and now you are looking at them.... =)
Oh yeah, and he had a his 9 month check up on Tuesday, he's in the 50% for height and weight... and sadly he has an ear infection and also a severe diaper rash that is fungal.... so we have to keep letting him go for long periods of time with no diaper. He's peed on a book and the floor... it's rather annoying!! We also have to keep using anti fungal cream on him and hopefully it will clear up in the next week or so. That's my disgusting mom story for the week. ;) Hope you all enjoyed that!!! =P


zion said...


Anti-fungal cream, peeing on books, and floors....

the intellectual level of these conversations really goes up when you have kids, doesn't it?

Sarah said...

Haha Zion!!;D Oh's great!!

Poor little guy! Hope that all clears up soon!! (for his sake, and your floor's!!) :)

Sharla said...

Aaawww, he looks SO sweet.

BeccaHolsapple said...

He is so cute! Hope he gets better soon, for your sake as much as his!

Elisabeth (Bauer) Holsapple said...

He's a cutie - sorry to hear about his rash...sounds harder on you than on him even. :)

Hey - maybe you could start the potty training early! :) Haha - J/K!!

Israel said...

How's the weather out there in Ohio?

It's incredibly nice out here as always...

Elisabeth (Bauer) Holsapple said...

WooHoo!!! Colts win!! :) ;0)

Jeshanah said...

It's abput 60 here today. It was alot warmer (t-shirt and sometimes sweatshirt weather) until about yesterday, when it became very cloudy and overcast. The leaves are all off the trees and we're just waiting for it to get cold enough for some snow... hopefully in time for Christmas!!!!