Sunday, October 11, 2009

Somehow while I wasn't looking Lincoln got his 7th tooth. It's his 3rd on the bottom. I guess I was distracted by the 4 he was getting on the top at one time and didn't see that one coming in. But it's here!! Craziness!!!

By the way, he has his second cold... not cool... but fall has arrived in all it's glory and it's way cool!! So beautiful and I'm lovin' every minute of my first fall in 3 years!!!! Wooohooo!!!!! =)


BeccaHolsapple said...

Fall is beautiful, but colds are no fun! The boys both have one!! :op

Lost in FWA said...

Hey Shan,

Not sure how you feel about medicine, but a pharmasist gave me the best info on over the counter cold med when Moriah was 6 months and miserable with a cold. She told me the only thing that works good is children's allegy relief. You can get the (active ingredent) diphenhydramine (which is benadryle) This can/will make them drowsy and help them sleep. It will help to clear up a runny/ stuffy nose. I usually get the equate brand. There is aslo the non-drowsy kind which is Loratadine (active ingrediant) She told me to cut the lowest dosage in half for a baby. I usually give Elaina about half a teaspoon. I find that if I can catch the first signs of sniffles or drainage and start giving this to them right away, it will help it from developing into a full fledge cold!
Also, using a vaporizor at night (or nap time) close to his crib will really help as well. You can get the vics vapor liquid and pour it in the vapor holder. This helps my kids to breath and stay asleep.

Hope that helps! Amd Linky feels better soon! (your kiddos too Becca!)
