Hovel Update:
This place costs us about 5 times the price for electricity than we paid for any month in Ohio. Ever. Even during the ice storm of 2005 when we had record lows. And here, since it's been colder, my feet are always freezing, whereas in Ohio, even when it was really cold outside, inside we were always able to keep it nice and toasty... for less. Weird, huh?! Insulation is a wonderful thing...
Don't complain, your hubby works for the electric company.
If he doesn't know how to hack into an electric meter it's his own dad-gum fault.
All this talk of water and electricity and hacking into things is making me nervous. You should come home.
jk ;)
Not to mention the eye brow plucking talk, now that's dangerous!!
Jeshanah can't even walk and talk at the same time without injuring herself or breaking out in boils or something so I don't think she should be allowed to operate something as complicated and dangerous as tweezers.
I thought the biblical trials and travails of Job were bad until I started reading this blog.
Those must have been some kind of picnic compared to what Jeshanah has had to endure after moving to Arizona.
Chin up brave soul!! You will overcome!!
Wow, Man, you came up with different ways to spell women! That's genius!
And yes, mom, you are absolutely correct.
"How do you convert a dishwasher to a snowthrower?"
Hand her a shovel.
(moron calls 911)
Moron: Help me! My wife just collapsed.
Operator: Where are you?
Moron: We're at the corner of Eucalyptus and Pine.
Operator: Could you please spell Eucalyptus for me?
Moron: *long pause*
Moron: Maybe it'd be better if I drug her over to Oak.
ok, so that joke didn't go along with anything in the "woe is me" diatribe...and?
Womyn - the spelling favored by radical feminists who do not want the word "man" or "men" in the word "woman."
Woe-man! - An alternate spelling favored by those who belive in truth in advertising
Whoa!Man! - What anyone under 25 should do before getting married.
Woooooo-man!! What Adam said the first time he saw Eve sans fig leaves.
W.I.M.-MAN! - A very common variety (you might know one) the first part stands for (Woe is me!) Hard on the ears after a while.
Did I miss any alternate spellings?
This would have never happened in Arizona:
Cow Attacks, Kills Ohio Farmer
A northeast Ohio farmer was attacked by a cow and died a day later of a fractured skull suffered when his head hit the ground, authorities said.
proof the Moo-der rate is much higher in Ohio than Arizona.
Farmer dies after cow attack
Thursday, February 01, 2007
ALLIANCE, Ohio (AP) — A northeastern Ohio farmer was attacked by a cow and died a day later of a fractured skull suffered when his head hit the ground, authorities said.
The cow charged Steven Walker, 55, on Monday and knocked him down inside a barn on his farm in Lexington Township, said Rick Walters, a Stark County coroner’s investigator.
Walker died Tuesday in the intensive care unit of Mercy Medical Center in nearby Canton.
Investigators plan to interview Walker’s 8- and 13-year-old grandsons who witnessed the attack, Walters said.
The cow might have become agitated as Walker moved one of her calves.
israel the farmer that was killed by the cow is kinda a scary statistic but what would concern me more is the people killed my other people more and the murder rates are higher in arizona and california than they are in ohio and just so ya know the rates are as of 2005 and az rate was 7.5/100,000 and ca is 7.1/100,000 and oh is 5.1/100,000 which tells me that ohio is safer
Plus Ohio State's football team only gets killed once a year while Arizona's football team gets killed almost on a weekly basis.
I don't know about your murder rate numbers. Does it take into account the fact that there are only a few dozen humans in Ohio and the rest of the population is made up of mutants, prehistoric monkey people and subhuman, intergalactic, alien trailer trash?
Also does it count all the murders committed by otherwise peaceful barnyard animals who go crazy because they can't stand living in Ohio?
So far this year we've had one reported case of Moo-der, so extrapolite that out to 12 cases a year. Plus that's only cow-related murders, what about all the murders that have been committed or will be committed by horses, pigs, sheep, goats, ducks and chickens?
If you take those numbers into account you can see that the crime rate in Ohio is astronomically higher than the crime rate in either California and Arizona.
Plus, everybody know "Happy Cows live in California." Educate yourself by checking out the add campaign on youtube.
California Cows are still happy even though they got caught up in a lawsuit claiming they weren't.
I'm not sure how the lawyers for PETA would have proven the cows were not happy.
"Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, does this cow look like it's smiling? Do this cow's eyes express an inner joy and peace? Ask yourself, does it look happy to you?"
The lawyers for the Milk producers would have produced photos of cows in various stages of bliss.
"Ladies of the jury, look at this cow. She may appear placid on the outside, but inside, she's turning somersaults!! Wouldn't you like to walk around in the sunshine eating all day until your teats got painfully swollen enough to be manipulated by a handsome farmer? Of course you would!"
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals)sued the California Milk Producers Advisory Board for false advertising for claiming California Cows were happy.
The lawsuit followed the enormous success of the CMPA's promotion of California cheese, in ads showing blissful cows grazing in green pastures with the slogan, "Great cheese comes from happy cows. Happy cows come from California."
PETA says the ads falsely portray the lives of California cows, that cows do not live blissful lives, but are instead kept in appalling conditions, repeated milked and impregnated, and finally, when they can no longer "produce to quota," brutally slaughtered.
The Califonia Supreme Court has rejected the lawsuit.
AP, San Francisco—The California Supreme Court is putting to pasture a lawsuit brought by an animal rights group alleging the California Milk Producers Advisory Board is falsely advertising that California's cows are happy... court in January ruled that Milk Producers Advisory Board, funded by farmers, is immune from being sued under false-advertising laws, just like other state agencies."
Hi Sharla, here is an e-mail from the Rubiks cube champ's mom. Lemme know if you're interested in getting some autographed cubes.
Now that I know that I can't get into Toy conferences I wanna go to some as a Love & Learn Rep.
When will they have one in California or Arizona?
Here's the e-mail:
Israel, you mentioned your sister-in-law's family is in the toy business.
Are they going to the Toy Fair in Manhattan 2/11-2/14? If they do, look for my son Leyan Lo, the Rubik's Cube champ. He will be a booth monkey for Winning Moves, who makes Rubik's cubes. We cannot go to the exhibit it is limited to vendors and buyers.
Sorry, I hadn't read the blog for a couple days. I've been really preoccupied with my super fun toy business! I thought about going to Toyfair this year but I'm having so much fun here, I hate to leave! I'm sure all of us "insiders", people who CAN go to Toysfair, feel the same way! It's fun to go but it's fun to stay!
Of course, I could get you in. As your honorary mother-in-law, I'd be happy to sell you a franchise for a mere $25,000.00 and you can go to toy fairs and conventions to your hearts content! I'll even throw in a subscription to Playthings, an exclusive to the trade magazine that is worth the price on its own.
Last year the main Toyfair was held in Vegas!!
What do ya say?
Quick! Post some of those new pics of the store on here!!
Seriously, as you've probably guessed, there is no way I can afford to go to Toyfair. As for having so much fun, well, actually I've never had more stress in my life. We put every dime we could get our hands on into the new store and then did not have a great fourth quarter. I am struggling to keep my head above water but trusting in the Lord. Surely He didn't bring us this far for nothing.
I would love to have some autographed Rubiks Cubes. Also, I do get invitations to toy fairs and anytime you really want to go, let me know, I'll see what I can do.
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